Detective Conan's Exchange

Detective Conan's Exchange Chapter 289

"Actually, I really don't want to fight!"

This is the truth. Huanya came here today and didn’t intend to fight with Kamazuki Suzuno. In fact, Huanya doesn’t advocate violence very much. If things can be resolved through conversation, why bother?Not too tired to panic.

"It's a pity, I thought we were all the same people and we could get along well!"

Huanye still looks regretful, maybe it's really a bit regretful.

Of course, Kazuki Suzu didn't believe this expression at all.

"I am different from you!"

"No, we are all the same!"

Huan Ye shook her head, and her figure flashed, and she appeared behind Kazuki Suzuno. A hand had already moved to the front and grabbed her neck, while Kazuki Suzuno's body was stiff at this time. She knew how Huan Ye ran into her room, of course, maybe it wasn't that she should be concerned about at this time.

But at this time, Huanya put her mouth close to Kaazuki Suzuno's ear and whispered.

"We are all the same kind of people, the same, living in the dark, inhumane people, we can't even be regarded as human beings!"

With that, she stretched out her tongue and licked her earlobe gently.

"We in the dark should be able to understand and help each other, but you refused!"

Kanazuki Suzuno’s words were still ringing in Kanazuki Suzuno’s ears, and Kanazuki Suzuno had already reacted at this time, and her face flushed when she realized what Hanazuki had done to her, even though she was in the dark. People, but in this respect, they are still innocent girls, so they feel very shy. Of course, they may still be angry, but this is very rare for people living in the dark.

Of course it’s not the time to discuss these things. Kazuki Suzuno didn’t think much about it, but wanted to beat Huanya with his hands, but Huanya’s hand was placed on her neck, so she didn’t dare to act rashly. It can be felt that if there is any movement of herself, Huan Ye's energy-gathering hand will directly crush her neck, but she can't do anything, but she can't let Huan Ye catch it like this.

"I know, you are also an ideal person..."

Huan Ye continued to speak, but with no pause in her other hand, she snatched the hammer from Kazuki Suzuno's hand, threw it directly aside, and then placed it in front of the girl, on the girl’s bulge. Knead gently.


"How about let's discuss it?" Hanuya interrupted Kaazuki Suzuno's words, "Give yourself to me, I will let you rule Ant Isola, how about?"

For an ambitious person, this is undoubtedly very tempting. For many people, the body is actually not a big deal. Those people don’t care at all, so if you can use your body to get something for yourself In terms of profit, someone can definitely do it. In fact, such things are not uncommon.

However, it is a pity that Kazuki Suzuno is not an ambitious person. Although she has pursuits, her pursuits are different from her ambitions. For her ambitions, she can sacrifice a lot, but just for pursuing, she doesn't need to sacrifice so much.

Therefore, Kan Yueling was dismissive of Huan Ye's words, and even expressed his distrust of Huan Ye.

"Does it depend on you? It is undeniable that you may be very powerful. You are at the same level as the hero Emilia and the Demon King, but you also want to say what you want to help me rule Ant Isura, This is the so-called, don't you brag about drafts? Humph!"

"Excuse me, if I brag, I really don't know how to write a draft. The drafter is not bragging, but a premeditated deception!"

Huan Ye said, the hand did not stop moving, one hand was still kneading on the girl's bulge, while the other hand was quietly displaying a sealing skill.

"I said I would help you rule Ant Isola, but I don’t mean now, but in the future. To tell you the truth, I am not from this world, but from another world, the world over there. There is also the earth, but there is no such thing as Ante Isola, anyway, it can be regarded as a parallel space."


Kazuki Suzuno raised his brows when he heard Hana's words, and he was obviously surprised. Of course, no one would be surprised when he heard such things.

Huanye didn't care about her surprise, but continued to speak.

"I travel in various worlds and collect materials that are good for me to improve my strength. Sooner or later, I will reach a higher level. When the time comes, I will help you rule a small Ant Isura, naturally not. What's the difficulty?"

Ante Isula, the Demon King and Emilia can be said to be the strongest people. Even if there are hidden strong people, they are probably similar to them, that is, the blue level. Almost able to rule Ante Isula, Huan Ye has no reason not to do it, but he does not have any army, and relying on the power of one, two or a few people to want to rule the world is undoubtedly very unrealistic. , So only wait until the strength is higher and suppress all people with absolute strength.

As for the establishment of an army, Huan Ye has no interest. Huan Ye does not want to worry too much about the things that are not. Those are not the focus, nor are they the goal of Huan Ye.

"I have to say, everything you said is really tempting!"

Kazuki Suzuno said, her aura is a bit unstable, perhaps because of the hand that took advantage of Huan Ye, or he had noticed that Huan Ye had used her sealing technique on her, and she lost her power, just like an ordinary girl. Naturally, it is inevitable to worry about myself.

But although worried, there was no special performance on the surface, but continued.

"But I am not an careerist. I don't have any ideals to rule the world, so your words are of no use to me!"

"Well, it's a pity!"

Huanya regretfully shook her head again. Suddenly, she seemed to have lost her interest. She sighed lightly, and released the hand that was holding Kamazuki Suzuno. Even the seal she had quietly cast was cancelled. .

"At night, people feel lonely, especially those who are in the dark. The loneliness is more obvious. I can feel that your heart is also very lonely. We are all in the dark. People who are able to understand and help each other can become partners. To be honest, I like you and I want to turn you into my person, but forget it today. Think about it yourself. , Don’t try to escape, you can’t escape!”

After speaking, Huan Ye kissed the girl's face again, and immediately disappeared.

Kazuki Suzuno was still standing there. For a long time, she seemed to feel that Huanye had really gone. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and picked up the hammer that Huanye had thrown aside.

"They are all people in the dark...all lonely people...are you..."

Turning his head to look at the place where Huanye was just now, Kazuki Suzuno was silent for a moment, his eyes were slightly dim, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

People who are not in the dark will never know the feeling. Sometimes they make people want to go crazy, but they have to stay calm, because if they are not calm, they may have to pay the price of life. There is no guarantee of life for a person in the dark. Perhaps when a negligence occurs, he will die silently in an unknown place. This kind of obscurity death is so unwilling, but in the dark. Basically, this is how people die.

Touched his face and was silent again for a long time, Kazuki Suzuno still sighed silently.


Item 0030

After leaving Kaazuki Suzuno's house, Hanaya ran back to Mayumi Kizaki's house, went to squeeze a large bucket of juice for herself, and carried the juice back to the room under Mayumi Kazaki's speechless eyes, leaving it behind Say "Don't bother me", and then lock yourself in and do your own thing.

Actually, Huanye didn’t do anything extraordinary, but was studying the knowledge of Ante Isula’s ability. For Huanye, in addition to collecting various resources, it’s also important to study this. He needs to master more skills and things like that, he needs to improve some of his abilities, such as making pills, making props, and improving physical fitness.

The gambling game with Emilia is still going on, but Huan Ye did not take care of it. Anyway, it was handed over to Ming Xia Yu and Sha Sha. Since it was given to them, Huan Ye naturally believed that they could do well. So I am not worried at all.

Time soon came to the last day of the gambling game. These days, Huanye didn't go out, nor did he look for Kamazuki Suzuno. Maybe the words that night had an impact on him.

The research has not made much progress. Although the knowledge has improved a lot, it is still impossible to improve one's abilities by drawing on the knowledge of Ant Isola, and no one can interact with the magic night. Discussing it, it seems to be stuck in a bottleneck, so on the last day, Magic Night finally emerged from the room.


In the afternoon, close to the evening, in McDanlaw's shop.

"I haven't been here for a while, and there are a lot fewer people here!"

Huan Ye sat in his seat and drank the juice that Sasaki Chiho squeezed for him. At the same time, he looked at the situation in the store, and it was a change of mood. Of course, if you want to change your mood, it is undoubtedly the best thing to do something happy. However, so...

"I haven't seen him for a while, Xiaochiho has become a lot more beautiful again!"

Huan Ye put on a deceptively sunny smile on her face again, and while speaking, she glanced at the girl's Oupai (chest).

"The cost has also increased a lot!"

"Brother Huanye!"

Sasaki Chiho pouted, seemingly a little upset, but her face was abnormally ruddy, and of course she heard the words that Huanya said straightforwardly, but she didn't seem to feel angry. She looked shy on the contrary, so she changed the subject and asked.

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