Detective Conan's Exchange

Detective Conan's Exchange Chapter 502

And the more important point is that the direction of Huanye's party is the direction she is in.

So she had reason to suspect that Huanye and the others already knew where she was.

For the sake of safety, but also to test it out, Illiya quickly changed the place.

But it didn't work, because Magic Night also changed direction.

After trying a dozen times in a row, every time she changed places, they were able to change directions and walk towards where she was.

Seeing this, Illiya gave up her heart.

This time, I am afraid it is doomed.

In the end, Illiya was surrounded by Huanye's group on the clock tower in the middle of Wangli Libelu Academy.

It seems that the magicians rarely have mastered the method of flying, but for the magic night and his party, there is no problem with flying. Even Xiaokong has already learned it, so Illya is unable to escape. .

"Introduce yourself, Miss Ilia, in the next fantasy night, from everywhere, to go, this time I came here to find more partners, and you are one of my chosen partners. ."

Huan Ye introduced himself as a gentleman, with a sunny smile on his face, as if harmless to humans and animals.

"So, do you want to join us? Your former partner, Xiao Kong, is here too!"

"That's it, Ilias is out of context, do you want to follow the new master?"

Xiaokong also looked at Ilia with a smile, and now she has accepted the new master of Huanye.

However, Xiaokong's smile is a bit different from Huanye's smile. Her relationship with Yi Liya is not very good. They are both in the legendary magic book, and no one will accept it.

And there is a saying: Two equally good women, either become good friends who talk about everything, or become mortal enemies, for no reason.

That's almost what it meant. This sentence is also very applicable to Xiao Kong and Yi Liya.

Yiliya glanced at Huan Ye and the other girls who surrounded her, feeling very embarrassed.

What she didn't know was that the treatment she received at this time had already been received by Thunderstorm in the wind yesterday.

The situation they face can be said to be the same, and the choices they face are also the same.

The history is surprisingly similar.

In other words, many things in this world just happen repeatedly to different people. Throughout the history of the world, there are too many similar things, too many to count.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Huan Ye spoke again.

"Ilia, you are a smart boy, I think you will make the most sensible choice, right?"


Illya seemed to want to say something, and didn't know if she wanted to oppose or agree.

But in the end I still didn't say it, maybe I don't know how to say it.

She was still thinking about it.

In fact, there is nothing to consider. She must either actively surrender or passively surrender. There is no third way to go.

Anyway, what Huanye needs is her surrender.

Huan Ye was not in a hurry either, looking at Yi Liya with a smile, waiting for her decision.

And Yi Liya is indeed very entangled, her master is Xiao Sheng, except Xiao Sheng, no one can make her surrender willingly.

But the problem is that the current little saint can be said to be dead, and she can't conclude a contract with the little saint again, so it doesn't seem to be a problem to change the owner.

But originally she was planning to find Chun Ri Xin, after all, besides Xiao Sheng, the person she knew best was Chun Ri Xin.

People are like this. When faced with choices, they will subconsciously choose the ones they are more familiar with.

Of course, now she has no way to choose Chunrixin, because Chunrixin will never come here.

Even if spring comes in the future, she will not be here anymore.


Ilia spoke again, but she still couldn't say anything, maybe she hadn't made up her mind yet.

And Huanye wanted to say something, but at this moment, an unexpected thing happened.


Huan Ye suddenly turned her head and looked behind her, Wuhe Qinli and the others also looked there with a look of alert.

"Oh, it's not bad to realize that we are here!"

A voice that sounded like a girl came over, and then three figures with cloaks appeared there, judging from their height, they all seemed to be girls.

Of course, the three people who actually appeared here are indeed girls.

"It's been a long time, Xiao Kong."

The girl standing in the middle pulled off the hat directly, revealing a smiling face.

She is the little sage, a genius magician, who controls the existence of two legendary magical books.

Seeing Xiaosheng, Huanye couldn't help squinting her eyes.

Very strong!

This is Huanye's evaluation of Xiaosheng. The strength is not comparable to that of the purple level, but it seems that it has not reached the black level. It is between the black level and the purple level.

This may be due to a special state caused by special reasons, the specific Huan Ye didn't understand, and of course she didn't want to understand.

The current fantasy night already felt a bit dangerous, so let’s not talk about anything else, just say that following the little sage, the presence of which is a little low, the existence named Masdalibel is equivalent to the existence of black level.

If you really want to say, she alone can destroy the group of Huanye.

"Little Saint."

Seeing Xiao Sheng's Xiao Kong, he seemed more honest.

Although the relationship with Yi Liya is not very good, her relationship with Xiao Sheng is still very good.

In other words, their two legendary books of magic are willing to be loyal to Xiaosheng.

However, the two of them didn't talk about the old too much, Xiao Sheng directly turned his gaze on Huan Ye.

"It seems that you have never heard of an existence like you before, can you tell me, what is your purpose of coming here?"

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