Detective Conan's Exchange

Detective Conan's Exchange Chapter 669

But Huan Ye didn't act, she still just sat there, whether it had anything to do with him anyway.

"It's getting more and more boring!"


Hattori Heiji was indeed cheated.

But there were other high school detectives who were deceived with him, such as White Horse Detective, Tokitsu Junya, Koshisui Qigui and the like.

Of course, it is the Seven Rules of Yueshui that laid down this scam.

The purpose is also very simple. It is to find out the detective of the high school student who solved the so-called secret room murder case, so as to avenge her friend.

There was a case when an eldest lady living in a villa committed suicide. Then a high school student detective happened to go there and found some clues, so he deduced the case as a homicide.

And Yueshui Qigui's friend who worked as a maid there was a suspect because he had been alone with Missy before her death.

For this reason, the police began to investigate the maids.

In the end, the maid was overwhelmed and committed suicide by jumping into the sea.

Then Yueshui Qigui always wanted to help the maid redress the grievances, and gradually now, the mood of redressing grievances has changed, and it has become a vengeance.

I have sent emails to the exchange before, and the words of Huan Ye are the key to her determination.

Therefore, the purpose of Yue Shui Qigui this time was to kill someone, to kill the so-called detective who in order to show off his reasoning ability, he just described a suicide case as a homicide, and then indirectly killed her friend.

The case at the time was really simple. The eldest lady committed suicide, and the screw was cut short. It was just glued to the window there. It was just done by a person who wanted to steal. That person is here now. The director of the so-called Nikkei TV station, this time only helped and deceived people for money.


"Emotion is a good thing, not a good thing, because there are always too many people affected by emotion!"

Huanye walked directly towards the island, and for him, the sea surface was no different from the ground on the shore.

Of course, if he wanted to, he could reach the island in an instant, but he was not in a hurry.

"Killing for the sake of a friend is really a good person, but now that you have decided to go into the dark, then I will let you go to the deepest part of the dark. The scenery there is more beautiful!"

Item 0006

There are many kinds of feelings, family, love, and friendship.

There are also many kinds of friendship, such as ordinary friends, familiar friends, very close friends, life and death friends, life confidants, and so on.

No one knows how much better the relationship between Yueshui Qigui and her suicidal friend is.

But since he can decide to kill for the sake of his friends, his feelings will naturally not be weak.

Huan Ye knew about this incident, and it was also one of the few incidents he was familiar with. At the beginning, he admired Yueshui Qigui's act of daring to kill for friends.

In addition to the Seven Rules of the Water, there were also some people before, such as Junhui Shimadai.

Of course, there is no longer the kind of admiration I had at the time.

But because of this, even though Huanye didn't believe in the existence of true feelings, she couldn't completely deny it.

Perhaps this is the possibility that Magic Night can still be changed.

But the person who can change the magic night has not yet appeared.

"But it seems there is nothing she needs to do..."

The fantasy night thought of this was a bit tangled again. There were already a lot of young girls around him. I don’t know that there are a hundred or so. Some fairly good companies have only a few people, and they are enough to handle that. More work, not to mention Magic Night is not starting a company, and there is not so much work.

Therefore, if he takes the Yueshui Qigui back, he really doesn't know what to do with the Yueshui Qigui, although it doesn't matter if it is raised as a vase.


Huan Ye squinted her eyes, and she seemed to have a lot of pure vases around her, who were just going to be pretty girls.

In fact, as of now, it seems that there are only a few girls who can really help Huan Ye.

In front of Tamamo, Dai Yukie, Emilia, Emerald, and the Seven Magicians, as well as Masdariebel, who is equivalent to the black level, are of course also indispensable. Here, Yuiyi origami the three girls.

As for girls like Chitong, although they are not of much use for the time being, their talents are not low, and now Chitong has been given the ability to travel through space by the magic night. Traveling in various worlds, future achievements will definitely not be small, so It is of great use to the magic night.

However, the remaining girls don't seem to be of much value. It doesn't matter whether they have them or not.

Fortunately, those girls also have an absolutely useful use for Huan Ye, which is to provide the power of Yuan Yin, but this also requires their strength to reach the black level, otherwise it is of little use to Huan Ye.

"Well, forget it, anyway, raise it first, if it doesn't work, just throw it away!"

So made up his mind, Huan Ye continued to walk towards the island.

Walking on the sea at night seems to be quite fun.


On the small island, the case has already happened, and it is still a murder case in a secret room.

The person who died was Toshizu Junya, a high school detective, who originally described the suicide case as a homicide case.

Hattori Heiji, Conan, and Hakuba Detective are all busy investigating.

Naturally, Yueshui Qigui didn't pay much attention to it. Of course, in order not to arouse suspicion, she also pretended to have investigated it carefully.

But I have to say that it is not a good idea to gather these high school detectives together.

The so-called Tokitsu Junya will not talk about it. Although he is a good detective in some way, he is still far behind and he was killed.

But Heiji Hattori, Detective Hakuba, and Conan are all first-rate in terms of detective talents. Even if there is only one, they can solve the case, let alone three people together.

So although it took a lot of time, the case was finally solved.

The seven rules of Yueshui, who were exposed, readily admitted, and even his expression did not change at all. Anyway, he had already taken revenge.

And there will be no rescue ships coming, she has arranged these.

She is not a murderer, she just wants revenge, although this time revenge will involve innocent people like Conan and the others.

But this was because she understood that once her hands were bloody, they could no longer be washed off. There was no difference between killing one person and killing several people.

The light has gone away from her, and only darkness is left.

From now on, she can only look up to the so-called light in the dark.

Perhaps people in the dark will basically look up to the unreachable light.

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