Detective Conan's Exchange

Detective Conan's Exchange Chapter 846


"Have you manipulated other things?"

"other things?"

Wannei Suubao said that he didn't understand, can the water flow control other things?

The other girls also don't understand.

Huan Ye waited for a while without hearing her answer, so she continued.

"Water flow operation is not just water flow. In other words, water flow operation is just a vague concept. In fact, you can also manipulate other things, such as blood."


"Yes, blood!"

Huan Ye nodded affirmatively.

Seeing the puzzled expressions of the little girls, they continued to explain.

"Blood can also be regarded as a kind of water flow, so Xiaoyanbao is also very capable of you. Think about it, if you manipulate a person's blood to stop flowing, what will happen to this person?"

"will die……"

"Yes, so your ability can kill people invisible!"

Huan Ye said with certainty.

He didn't care about killing people.

"Moreover, the content of water in a person's body accounts for about 60% to 70% of the weight. The weight of a person is roughly 70 kilograms. Of course, the specific weight varies from person to person. The amount of water you can manipulate, according to Level 3, is about two to three hundred kilograms. So if you drain a person’s body in a very short period of time, you don’t even need to drain it, just take away. Seven or eighty-eight, you can also directly dehydrate this person to death."

Huan Ye said this kind of killing people in a flat tone.

The little girls seemed to be shocked, looking at Huan Ye in a daze.

They didn't expect that the fantasy night that looked like a sunny boy would open and shut his mouth to teach them to use their abilities to kill.

They had never thought about the use of these abilities before, and no one had ever told them about it.

So why is Huanye here?Is it really a teacher?

The principal secretary on one side was also a little worried.

"Mr. Huanye, abilities are not used to kill people, we only develop abilities for..."

"Okay, no matter what you do, I'm just teaching my students to protect themselves."

Huan Ye waved her hand impatiently and interrupted the principal's secretary. He didn't even bother to listen to those words that sounded awe-inspiring.

This world is far darker than imagined.

Tokiwadai, or the aristocratic girls' schools in the Garden of Schools, are mostly children of the powerful and rich, so it's good to say.

In ordinary schools outside, students with family members are better, and they will not encounter any danger easily.

But those orphans collected from all over the world by the Academy City are used as guinea pigs for various experiments, and a few disappear from time to time.

And generally speaking, the entire academy city is a huge experimental field, and these students are just experimental mice.

Of course, Huan Ye didn't really want to protect these little girls, but was just looking for a better excuse for his speech and behavior.

However, if these girls are really trained as masters, it will also be good for Huanye. They can help them do all kinds of things, and these little girls will certainly not refuse.

And before the ability is restored, having a force can better protect Huan Ye herself.

You must know that even if the magic night is in this world, it is also facing danger.

The biggest danger comes from the hanging man in a tower without doors or windows.

It can be said that everything that happened in this world is basically within his plan. Even if there are occasional exceptions, he can correct it in the first time. This shows that he is powerful.

Maybe Huanye has become a pawn in his plan now.

"So, little girls, think about it for yourself, in this academy city, on the bustling streets outside, are you really not in danger?"

"This one……"

Little girls, look at me and I will look at you, no one dare to say any promises.

In fact, it is very simple, not to mention anything else, just talking about the bad boys is enough to pose a threat to them.

Under normal circumstances, relying on their ability, they are naturally not dangerous, but there are also a lot of black technology outside. If it is not good, being robbed is just a small matter. If you are unlucky, it may become a Lifan. It.

Those unscrupulous teenagers will not show mercy because they are only thirteen years old.

We must know that those who become bad are basically the incompetent, and have feelings of envy, jealousy and hatred towards the capable, and many people's psychology is a little distorted.

Those people are not good people, and they will not have the slightest pity for them. No matter what happens, it will not surprise people.


Baijing Kuroko suddenly slapped the table and stood up. Although she agreed with Huan Ye's words, she did not agree with using her ability to kill for self-protection.

"Even if there is danger, there are guards, and our discipline committee, there is no need to kill, the discipline committee and guards will help everyone solve the dangers they encounter!"

"Oh, I forgot. Heizi is still a commissioner of discipline!"

"Don't call me Heizi, are you familiar with you?"

"Well," Huan Ye waved her hand, did not entangle this question, but continued her previous words, "Even if there are many guards and disciplinary committees in this city, when they are in danger, the constables and disciplinary committees Surely I will arrive in time? It’s not that I look down on you. When your disciplinary committee and security officers arrive, the matter will be over long ago. The prisoner has also ran away. Even if the prisoner can be caught later, everyone will suffer. The damage caused by this is irreparable, and just like that, don’t you think it is necessary to learn self-protection methods?"

Huanye looked at the little girls, and stared at them one by one.

The little girls seemed to be persuaded.

Even Baijing Kuroko could not refute Huanye's words.

The existence of the disciplinary committee and the guards cannot prevent crimes, nor can they be arrested before the other party commits a crime. Only after the crime can the prisoner be arrested.

But at that time, even if the prisoner is caught, it doesn't make much sense, because the harm the prisoner caused to the girls will never disappear.

"So, I'm just teaching you to protect yourself!"

Huanye said this, and put on a deceptive sunny smile on her face.

"So, are you willing to accept my training?"

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