Detective Conan's Exchange

Detective Conan's Exchange Chapter 876

But Huanye didn't feel the slightest joy, but with a dignified look, walked over to Freimea and squatted down, with a hand on her small shoulder, as if to comfort her.

"Little girl, in life, it is inevitable to face parting. Whether it is life or death, the time that should come will come sooner or later, but this day is relatively early, and you should not be too early. I'm so sad."

Although these things were caused by him.

However, Komaba Lied really didn't have a long time to live. It seems that a few months, or more than half a year.

The little girl did not respond to Huanye's comfort.

Huanye didn't say much, stood up and looked up at the night sky.

It was just that suddenly I felt that the little starlight seemed a little dazzling, which made Huanye unable to help but squint his eyes.

But without waiting for Huanye to think about it, cars drove towards this side, that is, the guards had arrived.

Because this is also the seventh school district, plus Huan Ye called Huang Quanchuan Ai Sui directly, so the team who led the team was Huang Quanchuan Ai Sui.

Item 0023

The guards soon began to block the scene for investigation and search for survivors, but there were no survivors here.

After Huang Quanchuan Ai Sui issued various instructions, he walked directly to Huan Ye's side, but the iron dress went to comfort Fremea.

"what is the problem?"

Huang Quanchuan Ai Sui frowned.

Although there are a lot of crimes in the Academy City, dead people are still rare. At least under normal circumstances, guards will not come into contact with dead people, not to mention the discipline committee.

But now so many people have died here, this is no small matter.

Huan Ye looked at Huang Quanchuan Ai Sui, and then shrugged.

"I don't know. Just when I was hanging out outside, this little girl ran out from one side and bumped into me, and then brought me here. When I came here, these people were already dead. ."

However, what actually happened, Magic Night was very clear.

But Huan Ye would not admit it herself, even if someone knew it, he would still not admit it.

This matter has nothing to do with him.

That's what Huan Ye told herself, and so did other people.

Perhaps this is the so-called self-deception.

But there is nothing wrong with Huanye's words, Huang Quanchuan Aiho has no doubts.

Then he asked Fremea again, knowing what happened before, the latter is similar to what Huan Ye said.

Afterwards, the guards carried all the corpses away and prepared to take Fremea back.

Because it seemed that Huan Ye was with her before, Huang Quanchuan Ai Sui directly handed this task to Huan Ye.

Fremeia's dormitory is in the 13th school district, and here is the 7th school district. It happened that the car in the magic night was placed in the parking lot on the street outside, and there was no problem sending her back.

However, before leaving, Huanye secretly left a message on the scene.

That is for Flanda to see.

With such a big thing happening here, coupled with the relationship between Fremea and Komaba Lid, Flanda will definitely come to check it out.

Then she will be able to see the message left by the magic night.

The information is actually very simple. It mainly means that Fremea is in the hands of Huanye, asking Flanda to meet Huanye at a certain time and place, and at the same time, it is noted that it cannot tell other people.

Huan Ye believes that Flanda will make a wise choice.

And the reason why Huanye sent Fremea back was not because of kindness, but because of the need to do something.

That is to ask Fremea for leave, and then take her home.

This is not difficult for Magic Night.


Late at night, about the early hours of the morning.

After receiving the news, Flanda finally rushed to the scene of the crime.

At this time the guards had been evacuated, and there were no clues left on the scene.

After checking everywhere, Flanda didn't get any valuable clues other than knowing that someone was fighting here and several of them died.

She even died of a few people, but she didn't even know who died.

But she knew that her sister, her only relative, was often with people here.

But now, her sister is also likely to have something wrong.

Because before coming here again, she had already received the news, and she had already gone to her sister's school to inquire and learned that her sister had asked for leave.

As for who asked her for leave and why she asked for leave, no one had any impression of this.


Flanda's face became rare and solemn. She joined Anbu to better protect her sister, but now something like this has happened...

If something happened to her sister, she must have a covering bombing in this school city!


Suddenly saw something unusual.

I walked over and took a look, only to find that there were some very small traces on the ground. It is estimated that it would disappear if I stepped on it.

"This trace... is this a Chinese character? No! It's not a Japanese character, it's a Chinese character!"

Flanda was well-informed, so she recognized it.

I took out my mobile phone to open the translation software, took a closer look, and then input Chinese characters on the ground using handwriting.

After trying this a few times and revising it a few times, a message that reads fluently finally appeared.

After a quick glance, Flanda's brow furrowed deeper.

"Huan Ye? Who is that guy? Take Fremea... to lead me over? What is the purpose?"

Flanda thought quickly in her mind.

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