Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 548 Thermal radiation rays!

"Dihuang, let's go to the underground base and take a look!"

Lin Feng looked at Di Huang and said.


Dihuang nodded.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Lin Feng and Emperor Phoenix turned into two rays of light and shadow, flying quickly across the ground.

Soon, they came to the entrance of the underground base.


The soldiers stationed at the base immediately shouted.

Lin Feng glanced around and found two young men wearing armor, both at the peak of the ninth level.

"No! That's an intruder!"

When the two of them saw Lin Feng's face clearly, they were shocked.

Because, in appearance, Lin Feng is very similar to Monster X, which wreaks havoc in the city.

However, Lin Feng only has one head and two extra wings.

Moreover, in terms of color, Lin Feng is golden, and the monster X is black.

"Inform your commander that we are from the Galactic Alliance!"

Lin Feng didn't speak, and Dihuang spoke.

"From the Galactic Alliance?"

The soldiers guarding the gate were suspicious.

Of course they had heard of the Galactic Alliance.

Emperor Huang took out a military card and handed it to the soldier: "Bring this to the commander, he will understand it immediately."


The soldier immediately took Emperor Phoenix's military badge and went to see the commander in the base.

Soon, an old man in military uniform came out. When he saw Emperor Huang, he saluted with a military salute: "I am the supreme commander here, Wilder!"

Then, Wilder looked at Emperor Phoenix expectantly: "Has our request for help arrived at the Galaxy Alliance headquarters?"

"Yes! We are here to deal with this matter!"

Dihuang nodded.

She actually didn't know that Germania had asked for help from the Galactic Alliance, and she didn't receive any help message, but at this moment, the identity of this messenger could be used!

"That's great!"

Wilder said with great joy.

Then, he looked at Lin Feng aside: "Who is he?"

"He is also from the Galaxy Alliance and is my comrade-in-arms!"

Dihuang explained.

Lin Feng also used telekinesis to move his military card to the base commander Wilder.

He took a look, and sure enough, this golden beast was also an officer of the Galactic Alliance, and he was also an ace pilot of the Force fighter.

Seeing this, Wilder immediately stood in awe: "Two envoys, please come in! I was so offended just now!"

Soon, Lin Feng and Dihuang arrived at the command base of Germania.

Wilder introduced to everyone: "These two are envoys from the Galactic Alliance!"

Everyone looked at Lin Feng and Di Huang respectfully: "I have seen two envoys!"

Lin Feng asked directly: "Wilde, why do people from Star Region X attack Germanic Star?"

This is what he is most curious about.

When Wild heard this, he couldn't help but said angrily: "The X-planet people covet the divine pattern inheritance left by Master Madison and threaten us. If we don't hand it over, they will completely destroy our planet!"

"I see!"

Lin Feng nodded.

Judging from Doyle Ronan's war hammer, there must be a weapons master in Star X who is proficient in divine patterns.

It makes sense that they would collect divine pattern technology everywhere in order to achieve a technological breakthrough.

Wilder looked at Lin Feng and Dihuang expectantly: "I wonder what the two envoys have planned?"

"I have just learned that you have sent the Hongtian to release Godzilla Finale. By coincidence, I also want to take a look at this powerful giant beast!"

Lin Feng said with a smile.


Wilder hadn't spoken yet, and the officials below looked at each other.

Are these two messengers from the galaxy going to stand by and watch?

How could Godzilla be so easy to deal with? If there was no other way, how could they come up with a way to release it?

It is said that it is easy to invite gods but difficult to send them away.

Even if Final Godzilla defeats Monster X, Final Godzilla will become a big problem on Germania!

"It doesn't matter! Everything is under control!"

Dihuang said with an extremely calm expression.

She just didn't want to fight this monster X on Germania.

Because this is a divine pattern master, or even the place where the master once lived.

No one can imagine what kind of backlash awaits them after exerting power beyond the stellar level.

On some living planets, when the power reaches a certain limit, it will immediately trigger divine punishment.

When heaven's punishment comes, no matter how powerful the creature is, it will be destroyed by ashes under the thunder of the void!

If the master of divine patterns on this planet couldn't master such an ultimate magic, then she and Lin Feng would not know how they died!

At present, the best way is to use Godzilla to fight Monster X as a pathfinder!

Lin Feng thought the same way.

He looked at the virtual projection ahead. At this moment, Hongtian was already flying towards a glacier.

Wilder explained in a low voice: "Two envoys, originally there was no glacier here. This was caused by the explosion of an absolute zero bomb!"

When Lin Feng heard this, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

If there had been such an absolute zero cannon on the border star of Star Region X, he would never have been able to escape.

Obviously, the power of such an absolute zero cannon is far beyond that!

Of course, Lin Feng is no longer what he used to be at this moment, and such an absolute zero cannon can no longer do anything to him!

From the perspective of Hongtian, everyone can see that there is a giant beast sealed in the glacier.

This giant beast is about 100 meters in size and golden in color.

"This is the Hongtian, I have arrived above the glacier!"

Inside the Hongtian, Colonel Daniel reported loudly.

Wilder glanced at Lin Feng and Di Huang who were standing aside. Seeing that they were not acting alone, he loudly ordered: "Fire!"


Colonel Daniel shouted in response.

Then, he controlled the weapon systems on the Hongtian.


A naval gun stretched out.

The naval gun began to charge, emitting blue light.

The next moment, a white light bomb bombarded the glacier!


With a loud noise, the huge glacier was blown into pieces!

"Then Godzilla is coming out!"

In the command room, the Germans had a look of horror on their faces.

They still can't forget the devastation this giant beast has wreaked on the planet.

At first, it emerged from the ocean, first destroyed a port, and then landed on the ground, destroying all the way.

After the Hongtian was dispatched, it destroyed two metropolises!


There was a loud noise, and the shattered glacier suddenly exploded, and then, a golden Godzilla jumped out of the glacier!

It looked at the Hongtian Horn in the sky, its eyes shining with hatred.

The next moment, its back began to glow.

"No! Godzilla is going to use his ultimate move!"

Seeing this scene, the female officer exclaimed.

Inside the Hongtian, Colonel Daniel immediately drove the battleship and began to escape.


A blue, powerful hot wire erupted from the mouth of this golden beast.


A violent explosion occurred directly on the ground, creating a large pit that was bottomless.

Then, Godzilla finally raised his head, and the blue hot line also shot into the sky.

Looking from a distance, a blue light is chasing the Hongtian battleship in the sky!

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