"Damn it! These Allied commanders, there are few spine, don't you dare to do it head-on?!"

The retreat of reinforcements was observed from the electronic map, and Long Gang also hated it.

Although this Long Gang looked cold on the outside, he was actually a lover of personality. Many of his comrades died in battle, which also made him full of hatred for the allies, but he rarely showed it on weekdays.

Now, although it is only trying to contain the reinforcements of the Allies, Longgang himself hopes that these reinforcements of the Allies will leave, and then team up with the allies to fight with the allies. Even if he is killed in battle, he will There will be no complaints.

However, the high-level commanders of the Allied forces had their own small calculations. When their own bases were in a situation, they would not let go of the reinforcements at all. Even if the No. 10 base was destroyed, it was not as safe as their own.


No way, Long Gang is hateful, but he can only temporarily issue a retreat order.If those reinforcements withdrew here and flanked their two field teams, they would also be in danger.

Long Gang has a strong hatred and war intent, but it will not be as hot as Yan Tian. Since they have successfully contained the reinforcements, they can't afford to die at this time.

The leader of the other coalition field team also issued the retreat order at the same time. The two field teams fought and retreated. They were at the entrance of the Allied Base on the 11th, and naturally they successfully pulled away quickly.

The Allied Base on the 11th didn't dare to pursue it either, but blocked the soldiers at the entrance again and waited.

Indeed, the commander knew that the mission goal of the two major coalition field teams was only to contain them, but he underestimated Longgang, thinking that the steel team's offensive was just acting.But I didn't expect that after the other reinforcements left, the two field teams would really launch an offensive, and the fierce appearance would have a stance of slamming to the end!

Going to the No. 10 base for rescue is a bit short on time. Instead of letting our base take risks to rescue the base that may be lost at any time, it is better to withdraw the reinforcements and defend our base first.

That's right, the internal commander level of the Allied forces is not monolithic. When it comes to this kind of risk, they are thinking about protecting themselves first.

As for things like when the Allied Forces were facing the Light Prism Tank Group before, all reinforcement tanks rushed desperately to weaken the power of the Prismatic Tanks, and the Allied forces could not do it.

Although the reinforcements were not under the control of the commander of the 11th Allied Forces base, they finally returned as ordered and were stationed in the 11th base again.


Seeing this group of reinforcements retreating into place, Long Gang couldn't help but snorted. After suppressing the anger in his heart, he observed from the electronic map while muttering to himself: "Wang Ling, Yantian, reinforcements I can stop it for you. If you don’t level the 10th base completely, don’t come to see me in the future!"


Wang Ling and Yantian had no time to take care of what happened in the Allied Base on the 11th. The battle between the two sides is now in full swing.

The wolves attacked head-on, tore through the line of defense, and contained a large number of troops in this allied base. However, they still pushed forward a little bit with the idea of ​​slowing into the battle. Whenever they encounter allied troops, they will be swift Firepower wiped it out.

As for the fire group, there was a bit of enthusiasm. Under Yan Tian’s leadership, the entire fire group had already begun a large-scale raid when the Allied forces still had combat effectiveness. Do not leave the piece of armor, God prevents the killing of the God, the Buddha prevents the killing of the Buddha!

Such an impulse naturally caused panic in the Allied base. The troops rushing towards the wolf group turned around one after another, and first of all they had to extinguish this rushing flame.

Among them, the air defense units that counterattacked the Kirov airship had to join the battle. Dozens of multi-functional infantry vehicles, dozens of rocket fighters, coordinated with the firepower of other soldiers, and a brainy counterattack, the fire was set on the spot. I was caught off guard, and the number of soldiers lost a lot of brains, and even the tank burst.

However, this also attracted the attention of the fire group. The whole group stopped the charge, assembled all the anti-aircraft crawler vehicles, and shelled them from the back of the front. The first thing to do was to solve the rocket crew.



The strength of the fire group is, of course, not as good as the wolf group where the player Wang Ling is sitting. The number of elites in the anti-aircraft crawler is relatively small. However, the crawler itself is the nemesis of the infantry, especially in the destruction of the rocket pilots. The obvious.

After that group of rocket troopers were bombarded, they immediately shifted their targets and began to counterattack those anti-aircraft crawlers, but after a series of bombardments, the fire group’s anti-aircraft crawlers burst only six, and all the rocket troopers They were all shot down.

The Wolves team slowed down the momentum, and naturally had time to see the result of the battle. Although it seemed to outsiders to win very beautifully, Wang Ling couldn't help but shook his head.If these rocket pilots were to stop the wolf group, Wang Ling was even sure that they could not kill any of them, so they would be defeated in the middle of the journey!

This is the confidence of his ten-star king-class air defense infantry.

"Brothers, speed up and level the base thoroughly!" After sighing, Wang Ling suddenly changed his strategy and began to speed up the progress, leading the wolf group into a rampage.

The fire team's offense was unstructured, and it didn't pay attention to the function of the building when it saw what to demolish.However, Wang Ling had concerns. For fear that the Allied base would be restored to power, the Light Prism Tower would be caught off guard. During the charge, he focused on demolishing the power plant to completely cut off the possibility of power restoration.

Facts have proved that Wang Ling’s concern is indeed right. As he gradually broke into the Allied base, the only remaining dark areas on the electronic map in this area were also explored. Wang Ling actually saw a blockbuster from behind. There are even two giant cannons!

Fortunately, the power was cut off in advance, and the power plant continued to be demolished. Otherwise, under the threat of these two giant guns, the two field teams could push the entire base, but the number of casualties would increase exponentially!

Now that it was discovered, there was no reason not to dismantle it. Wang Ling took the wolf group and pushed it there directly, and dismantled all the power plants with a single brain, and then exploded two giant cannons, completely breaking this Hope of the base counterattack.

After getting rid of these, Wang Ling finally had no scruples. With a swipe of the pen, the wolf group began to sweep in all directions, cooperating with the fire group’s offensive, and the original mighty and mighty No. 10 Allied base, stupefied, did not fight back. Li, after the next period of sweeping, all the buildings in the entire base were pushed horizontally, and even the soldiers were swept away. Except for the scattered minecarts, there was nothing left.

The Tenth Allied Base was officially destroyed!

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