

"Just write and write fifty-nine points?! Hahaha..."


Zhang Shengcai said astonishingly, this sentence was thrown out, and everyone in the entire examination room laughed into a ball. Even Wang Ling couldn't help laughing. He fell on the desk and laughed out his abdominal muscles.

In college examinations, there is a saying: "Long live sixty cents, one more point is wasted, and less than half a point is not enough."

There is also a saying that "one more point is wasted, one point less collapses".

Fifty-nine and sixty, a difference of one point, can cause a lot of trouble.Sixty points pass, nothing is wrong, but even if one point is missing, there will be a lot of toss. You have to take the make-up exam. It takes sixty points to pass the exam. If you can’t even pass the make-up exam, the school But there is every reason to withhold the diploma.

Of course, the final exam papers for each course are issued by the teacher in charge, and the scoring and scoring is also the teacher. On weekdays, very few students get a score of 59 points by coincidence. Even if it is such a coincidence, Normally, the teacher "accidentally" made a mistake, adding up to 60 points.

So, fifty-nine points, it's a bit tricky, basically the teacher is deliberately pruning people, this is almost a hidden rule.Think about it, the same are all failing, below ten, or just two to thirty points, thirty to forty points, which is more uncomfortable compared to fifty-nine points?

Fifty-nine points may be rare in other colleges and universities, but it is not uncommon in Wang Ling's school.Usually, I don’t even go to class, and occasionally I have some conflicts with the teacher. It is normal for the teacher to be a little embarrassed during the final exam.

Of course, under normal circumstances, no one likes this kind of embarrassment, but Zhang Sheng, a foolish guy, actually rushed for 59 points from the beginning!

"Just write and write fifty-nine points", this kind of statement appeared in the examination room, of course, a group of people would be laughed off.


Not to mention the group of students, even the invigilator was upset after a while. After a while, he laughed in disregard of the image and then reluctantly suppressed it. He reprimanded: "How can you be like this? Going for the make-up exam? Then why are you taking the exam? You never thought about it. If you write a little more, maybe you can get more points?"

Zhang Shengcai still said astonishingly: "Teacher, people have self-knowledge. If I fail, I won't pass. If I write more, I won't even have 59 points!"


"He still wants fifty-nine points so much! Hahaha..."

"Shengcai this guy..."


In the examination room, there was another burst of laughter, and the invigilator was very cried and laughed this time. In the face of Zhang Shengcai, a student with "amazing speech and invincible speech", she had no choice but to accept Zhang Shengcai's test paper in the end. , Let him leave the field in just over two minutes.

But just after Zhang Sheng left, the others couldn't sit still, and they got up and wanted to hand in the paper.Two minutes to answer the paper, this kind of thing is not the patent of Zhang Shengcai, but not everyone dares to hand in the paper so quickly.

"What are you doing? Sit back for you!" Sure enough, not everyone can leave the venue so quickly. The invigilator couldn't stop Zhang Shengcai, but sent the fire to other people in a short time. Don't even want to get out of this examination room.

There was no way, including the three Wang Ling and the others, they had to sit down honestly and face the test papers.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Wang Ling finally couldn't wait here, and got up again to hand in the paper.This time, the invigilator finally had no reason to stop him, and watched Wang Ling put down the test papers and left the examination room blankly.

Wang Ling's departure also triggered a chain effect. Others started to hand in their papers. Not long after, there were only some real academic masters and a few fake academic masters in the entire examination room, and they were still working hard with the test papers. Fight.

"You bad guys, why are you coming out now? I'm waiting for the flowers to thank you!" Seeing Zhang Shengcai when he went out, this foolish guy was already a little impatient.

Wang Ling replied in a dumbfounded voice: "It's amazing to say that without you, the invigilator can't live in town, it's good to be able to come out so quickly."

"That is, just like you, making jokes and being seen as monkeys?" Wei Bowen also retorted.

Anyway, I finally left the examination room, waited until Sun Tongtong, and brought Xiao Hei back to the dormitory, and several people began to wander around again.

In the turmoil, the afternoon test came soon.

It seems that the shocking remarks made by Zhang Shengcai in the morning have already reached the school leaders, which aroused the irritation of the school leaders. For this reason, they also issued a special order to be supervised by the invigilator. An exam started without half an hour and papers could not be handed in!

In this way, Zhang Sheng couldn't help it.

The next few days of examinations were spent in this way. Most of the people in the examination room were sleeping on their stomachs. The invigilators were flushed with anger and thick necks. However, some of the invigilators have long since been surprised. .

The exam was finally over. The moment Wang Ling walked out of the exam room, everyone in Wang Ling was a little refreshed.

However, after a while of relaxation, Wang Ling couldn't laugh, because after the exams, the school was closed for winter vacation, and the dormitory was blocked two days later. The students couldn’t leave if they wanted to. They only got together for a few days and they had to separate again. .

But there is no other way. It's time to go back after having been away for so long. Even Zhang Shengcai and Wei Bowen took a long vacation and wanted to go home.

After the last few days of the wave, until the day when the dormitory building was about to be sealed off, Wang Ling and the others left one after another.

Wang Ling was the last one to leave. He didn't plan to take Xiao Hei home this time. Before leaving, he specifically ordered Xiao Hei to return to the system transit, and he would go in to accompany him after a while.At home, Wang Ling’s mother doesn’t like keeping dogs, and even if his parents really accept Xiao Hei, she will definitely not be allowed to bring Xiao Hei when school starts next time. Rather than let this dog. The son came out.

Several other people bought train tickets in advance and squeezed the bus to the train station. After several waves, they finally got home.On weekdays, when Wang Ling goes home, he has to follow this procedure, but now it is different. With the points accumulated in the different-dimensional system, Wang Ling is a full upstart!

Although the advanced exchange is unlocked, Wang Ling knows that these points are very useful, but one point can be exchanged for one hundred yuan in cash after all, and Wang Ling has accumulated a large amount of points. Any fraction of points can be exchanged to make Wang Ling's wallet more powerful. stand up.

With this upstart mentality, Wang Ling did not buy a train ticket. He simply took a taxi directly outside the school. It cost several hundred yuan. It took three or four hours to traverse two cities and was still on the way. I bought some special snacks on the way, and finally returned to my hometown...

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