To be honest, Wang Ling doesn't like to go to the market on weekdays, because the market always feels a little messy, and many of the things on the market can be purchased in stores, it is nothing more than a little expensive.

However, Wang Ling's mother likes to go shopping. There are also a lot of stalls selling vegetables, fruits, various ingredients and supplies in the market, which gives her the condition to shop around. Almost every market will not miss it. .

Of course, there are many people with the same ideas as my mother, so every market is very prosperous, and the flow of people is relatively huge.

There is no way, Wang Ling is still free now, so he simply followed and went out together, Quandang was helping to pick up food and run errands.

A street in the bazaar, very close to Wang Ling's home, and the bazaar soon after walking out, the hustle and bustle and cries are coming almost non-stop. At the same time, there is a sense of chaos. .

My mother has been used to this kind of scene for a long time, and it's no wonder that she naturally walked to a nearby stall selling yam, picked one, and asked about the price.However, it took a while, but I didn't buy a yam. Obviously, I would continue to go to other stalls to compare goods and prices.

Wang Ling shrugged his shoulders, a little helpless, and went out to the market with his mother. It was indeed a test of patience.

As he continued to walk forward, Wang Ling was looking around blankly. When he followed his mother mechanically, an electric tricycle that was driving in the middle of the road suddenly stopped. An old lady who was over seventy years old came down from the driving position with a calm expression. I walked to a small stall on the roadside to buy fruit.

She was calm, but the electric tricycle was stuck in the middle of the road.

The road occupied by the market in the township is actually very wide. However, the hawkers on the two bypasses each occupy a part of the road. The bustling pedestrians are also walking through the streets. Such a tricycle was blocked in the middle. The broad road was directly blocked.



Not long afterwards, a black car with "diminished steps" not far away finally squeezed to this position with difficulty, but was completely blocked by a tricycle, motionless, and honked the horn impatiently.

"Hey, hello, old lady, move your three wheels and block the way!"

The sound of the horn also caught the attention of the street manager, who hurried over, recognized whose third round it was, and directly approached the old lady.But the old lady was too focused on picking fruits. The sound at the market was a little messy, and she had some ears. As a result, the administrator shouted for a while before she heard it. After a moment of loss, she slowly moved the electric tricycle. Reluctantly gave up the road to let cars pass.

However, this car just drove here and drove more than ten meters hard, and was blocked by a tricycle again...

Wang Ling saw this scene throughout, and sighed helplessly.This kind of scene will appear every time at the market, and it is not uncommon.

This is not a quality problem, but the traffic awareness in the township is really bad.And most of these blocking traffic are elderly people.

Young and middle-aged people can easily say that many are walking or riding electric vehicles. Stopping to buy food will stop the transportation on the side of the road, but many elderly people don’t care about it. Stop and get off. Grocery shopping.It's as if the pedestrians are courteous, but the pedestrians run the red lights collectively; respect the old and love the young, and the old people touch the porcelain and the children know the law and break the law. The living history of these movements does have a significant impact on the market traffic.Among those going to the fair, these old people are the main force.

No way. Many elderly people in towns and villages have never left their three-acre land. They occasionally go to the city, but also go to the hospital with their children, and come back soon. Where have they received any sense of traffic? Constraints?

This situation is really difficult to manage. Every market is a large-scale blockage site.

This road, driving on this road, originally only took about two minutes to leave, but once you catch up with the market, you are lucky to be able to leave in ten minutes. There are often vehicles, and one block is half an hour an hour.Therefore, those experienced drivers, to catch up with the market, basically detour, bypassing here, can save a lot of time.

Just now, this black car, looking like this, can leave the market in half an hour, it will be fast...

Shaking his head, Wang Ling didn't think too much, and continued to follow his mother, watching her bargaining and shopping all the way.

"How much is this tomato?" After a while, my mother squatted at a vegetable vendor's stall again, picked up a mellow tomato and asked.

The stall owner hurriedly replied: "Sister, the price of vegetables has risen a lot this year. My house is definitely the cheapest. Look at these tomatoes. They are all good! Eat a bite of sweet and sour. Yes, it's delicious!"

This stall owner also boasted that Wang Po sold melons, and blew all his tomatoes to the sky.My mother was used to this kind of rhetoric, and she didn't buy it at all. After putting it down, she shook her head and said, "So expensive? The one I saw just now is three yuan and seven pounds, and the quality is not worse than yours!"

The stall owner was unhappy: "Sister, don't be kidding, this is definitely the cheapest in my house!"

"Still not working..." Mom didn't want to talk any more, and continued to shop around, the whole stall owner was a little speechless.

However, Wang Ling scratched his head a little. After he left with his mother, he didn't continue to follow up. Instead, he chose a batch of fruity tomatoes at this stall and installed them directly without bargaining.

The cheap ones, to be honest, didn't save much, but like my mother, she likes bargaining and comparing goods, it seems there is a kind of special fun.But Wang Ling didn't like it. Anyway, he didn't lack the money, so he bought it directly, saving trouble.

After closing the account, Wang Ling carried the plastic bag and went after his mother. After walking a few steps, he was taken aback when he saw his mother.My mother is now picking vegetables in front of another stall, and behind her, there is a young man who feels quite sneaky.

Wang Ling surreptitiously got closer, and after standing at a certain angle, he discovered that this young man was a thief, and now he is secretly taking away his mother's wallet!

Seeing this, Wang Ling was furious, and was about to catch him on the spot, but as soon as he took a step, he suddenly stopped.

Is this going to let this thief go?No, on the contrary!

As soon as he thought about it, Wang Ling let out a cold snort, quickly withdrew from this place, hid behind a stone, and called Xiao Hei out from the transfer station of the Interdimensional System.


Appearing in the real world, Xiao Hei seems very happy.

But Wang Ling has no time to play with it. The thief has succeeded. Now he has shifted the target and is stealing another old lady's wallet...

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