Wang Ling came this time, but he made up his mind to teach these thieves a lesson, and of course he was unambiguous.

However, with Wang Ling's current strength, one punch can shake the tank, trip the anti-theft door with all his strength, and it is really possible to kill someone at once!

There are a lot of rules in the real world, and it's okay to surreptitiously teach them a meal, but if it really kills people, it will be a big deal, and Wang Ling doesn't want to cause this trouble, so he has tried his best when he makes a move.

But even so, it was quite miserable to be hit by him.Two tattooed men, one lying on the ground shaking his head and shaking his head, was slapped by Wang Ling, still in confusion.The other person was even more miserable. All the bones of his wrist and nose were broken. After Wang Ling's punch, the severe pain caused him to pass out!

All this happened very quickly. It took only a few seconds before the two tattooed men shot their hands until they fell down. They were able to show off in this stronghold before, but in a blink of an eye they became the appearance of this dead dog. The contrast is real. It was too abrupt, and other people were shocked when they saw it!

"You...who are you?" The last tattooed man didn't dare to do any more, and asked tremblingly.

But Wang Ling didn't bother to return to him. He just smiled coldly and stepped forward. If these pickpockets didn't take the initiative, it was his turn.

"Don't come here!"

At this time, the leader of Scarab was also panicked. Regardless of him as the leader of the gang, he was also a group of counselors when something happened.

But where does Wang Ling listen to him?Still walking unhurriedly.

"What are you four doing to eat? Raise you for nothing, give it to me!" Seeing Wang Ling kept shouting, the Scarlet man simply instigated four pickpockets.

These four people are now in a dilemma. Wang Linghu is looking at him in front, and the boss is urging him in the back. It is really difficult to decide what to do.

However, these four people took a look at each other, and finally gritted their teeth, made a decision, and collectively rushed to Wang Ling.

There is only one person in Wang Ling, and there are four of them. Even if Wang Ling is more powerful, two punches are harder than four hands, they are not impossible to win.

However, the ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny. The four people approached Wang Ling, not to mention hurting Wang Ling. Even Wang Ling didn’t know how to make the move, only seeing Wang Ling lift his leg. I felt a dark shadow flashing in front of him, and then the four of them were kicked almost instantly. One hit the table, two hit the wall, and the other hit the TV. After hitting it, it made a "bang". ring.

All four people lost in an instant.Moreover, Wang Ling was already absorbing his strength when he got out of his legs, but it was not something the four of them could bear. After falling down, they fainted.

Now, there are only two people standing in this pickpocket organization, but facing the wolf and tiger Wang Ling, the two of them have no thought of resisting, and in the end they all want to escape. Up!

The scarred man rushed to the back window of the store building without opening it with his hands. Instead, he jumped out directly across the window, smashing the doors and windows, making a "crash" sound.The other tattooed man jumped from the front door window, and even jumped in the same way as the scared man.

These two people, one after the other, are proficient in their movements. It seems that they have not known how many times they have cooperated. If Wang Ling is only one person, it is really impossible to take care of both.


"Hey, the group leader really guessed right, someone really jumped the window!"

"Haha, don't you know what the group leader is? No matter how many people there are, the group leader is the one who gets beaten up. If you don't run away, you have to wait for it!"

"Yo-yo-yo, someone really came out, what should I do?"

"What do you do, hit! As long as you don't kill, what happened?

This time, Wang Ling was determined to take care of the den. By the way, he taught them another lesson. No one was going to let it go. Four people, Sun Dahu, Erlu, Li Tong and Gu Xuanwu were arranged in advance.

As a result, as soon as the scarred man and the tattooed man jumped out of the window, they each saw two fierce men wearing mobilized costumes. Before they could react, these four pieces of material had already begun to work!Ah no, it should be said that it is moving your feet. Two people surround one, ping-pong and kick in a circle. No matter how these two people beg for mercy, it is difficult to make a trip. It is not worthwhile not to beat you half-dead!

It took a minute or so for a series of kicks to end, and then the man with the scar and the man with the tattoo were thrown in through the window.After this round of kicking, the two of them now have blue noses and swollen faces, and there is no clean place on their clothes. They are all shoe prints. Moreover, Sun Dahu and the others are unambiguous in their actions. Now the two of them have been kicked out. Falling in the store building, it was like a dead dog.

These two were also resolved, and the entire pickpocket den was equivalent to being completely maimed. Sun Dahu and the four of them didn't wait outside. They jumped into the storehouse one after another, laughing.

"Compared with the Allied forces, it's a far cry. It's just a little boy, I haven't used much energy!" Er donkey looked unhappy, and it seemed that he still wanted to continue his hands, like a war monger.

This time it was not only him, but even Li Tong said: "Indeed, these people are not of the same level as the allies in the game, and I didn't dare to use too much effort for fear of kicking him to death!"

These people are all elite mobilizers who have gone through countless times of blood and fire in the red police world. They deal with a few pickpockets in the real world, and they are two-on-one and four-on-two. It is not too simple. .

"Come on, you guys, let you come out for the activity and still complain about it!" Wang Ling smiled and cursed, these people smiled awkwardly and closed their mouths.

After getting rid of these pickpockets, Wang Ling's gaze was focused on the "stolen goods", trying to find his mother's mobile phone and wallet.However, it was a great time to patronize during the fight, the tables were knocked down, these things were scattered all over the place, and this group of thieves stole a lot of mobile wallets, it was really hard to recognize for a while.

Wang Ling was so anxious that he took out his mobile phone and called his mother. He wanted to judge from the ringtone, but the ringtone indicated that it was turned off.

Think so, these thieves stole the phone, how dare to leave the phone on, what if someone calls suddenly?If the power-on password cannot be cracked for a while, these thieves usually take out the phone card as quickly as possible, hide it, or throw it away.

This simple route was also interrupted, and Wang Ling had no choice but to look around.During this process, Sun Dahu and the others couldn't help. Even Xiao Hei hadn't smelled his mother, and it was useless to call it out. It would be troublesome.

"Om... Om... Om..."

Coincidentally at this time, the sound of police cars came from far and near outside the street.

"Why did you come so soon? Hey, trouble, I would call the police after I knew it!"

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