Different Dimensional Red Alert World

Chapter 438: Did You Touch Me?


Director Zhang Zuofu’s news was truly shocking. It blew up among the students, and almost everyone was shocked.

"No way, are you here?"

"It's our school, it should be enough to come once, why have you transferred it specifically?"

"That's right, how can there be any academic atmosphere? Internet cafes and canteens and supermarkets are bustling. Professor Tangtang, how did you adjust this place?"

"Hush...this is a good thing for us, but Professor Li Dong! Last time I listened to his class, I was not sleepy at all!"

"Yes, yes, me too! Professor Li Dong's class is really good, much better than other teachers!"

"Welcome to Teacher Li Dong!"



In an instant, a violent uproar erupted in the entire lecture theatre, but after the uproar, the group of students turned from the initial shock to surprise, so they applauded and the scene was extremely lively.

In the applause, Professor Li Dong finally appeared.

Similar to what he did when he met last time, Professor Li Dong wore old leather shoes, pleated casual cotton trousers, and outdated cotton shirts. The stubble at the corners of his mouth was not shaved clean, and his hair was somewhat untidy, and it was almost uncut.

Even the look is almost the same, his back is straight, he walks like the wind, he doesn't wear glasses, his eyes are bright, his face is red, and he looks confident.

"I'll go, no, is it really Professor Li Dong?"

After seeing Professor Li Dong with his own eyes, even Dongfang Yuqing, who was a little dismissive of the news before, opened his eyes wide. Wei Bowen rubbed his eyes vigorously and blinked to confirm that this was indeed Professor Li Dong, and it was also for a while. Surprised.

But Wang Ling frowned slightly, looking at Professor Li Dong, his mind was full of questions.He is still a little self-aware. The faculty of this school and the scale of teaching are totally unqualified and unconditional to make Professor Li Dong tempted and specially transferred here.It felt like a lion king lying in the kennel, a little out of place.

But Professor Li Dong really came!What is he here for?

While Wang Ling frowned and thought about it, Professor Li Dong had already stepped onto the podium with a smile on his face. He pressed his hand to stop the applause of all the students, and said: "Thank you for your enthusiasm. Old man, it’s not bad to be confused in your hearts. I am very pleased. To repay you, if I accidentally bump into you while walking, I won’t lie down on the ground."

"Hahaha..." A group of students burst into laughter, and even Wang Ling twitched the corners of his mouth.

He really couldn't think of Professor Li Dong's intention now, and he was too lazy to think about it.

At this time, some students were already joking: "Teacher Li Dong, did you come here specifically to touch porcelain?"

"Puff..." Many students couldn't help but squirted out after hearing this. This question asked...

Even Director Zhang Zuofu and several instructors looked unhappy, for fear that Professor Li Dong would be unhappy and suddenly change his mind.

However, without waiting for them to reprimand, Professor Li Dong suddenly slapped the table and said with a hip-hop, "Yes, it's correct, there is no reward, I just came to touch porcelain!"


"Don't get me wrong, it's not about touching your porcelain. You are so cute. How am I willing? I am touching the porcelain from the school. Isn't it good to misrepresent the bonus? Do you think this is the reason?


After all, it was Professor Li Dong who would mediate the atmosphere. Director Zhang’s previous speech made the entire lecture hall lifeless, but when Li Dong appeared in the classroom and said a few words, there were frequent laughter in the classroom.

No one took this joke seriously, but the previous question was smoothly overshadowed. A group of students had no opinion. Even Director Zhang and several instructors glanced at each other and secretly admired.

"Well, there are not many jokes. I will be your psychology lecturer in the future. The school gave you a class for me. Although it said that there is only one session a week, it also suffers you. This At one point I am very...very...glorious!"


"My class actually doesn't require much. As long as you listen to every class, I guarantee you will pass the exam! If you pass, you will pass, but you will not pass if you fail!"


Based on the tone of his speech, one can imagine that in the future, his class will certainly not lack popularity, and he may even attract students from other departments to take lessons.

In the following time, Professor Li Dong casually chatted with the students on extracurricular topics, but the time was not very long. After more than ten minutes, Professor Li Dong bid farewell to the group of students and left the classroom in a noisy voice.

Then Director Zhang came to the stage and made some boring summaries, then let the students study by themselves, and then dismissed the get out of class by themselves.

Said it is self-study, in fact, almost no students bring textbooks, either chatting with each other or playing with mobile phones, the scene is somewhat funny.

And Wang Ling was chatting with his roommates, but suddenly he received a text message. When he turned on the phone, Professor Li Dong sent it: "Wang Ling, boy, a student I know at school Not many, you are one. How about, my old man has come to your school specially, this is the first night you have a meal, not too much, right?"

"Huh? Cengfan with me? Did this touch porcelain touch me?" Wang Ling looked astonished after reading it.

"What's the matter? Why is this expression like eating shit?" Wei Bowen asked while looking up his head while joking.

Wang Ling glared at him and threw the phone directly over. The three goods rushed to read the text messages. After a while, they quickly silenced the voice and lowered their voices and asked, "Wang Ling, you and Li What happened between Professor Dong that we don’t know? For example, what?"

"Bah, all thoughts, I just came to the phone number by chance last time, have I asked some questions, as for this expression?" Wang Ling called a speechless, this group of teasers can always meet together. Say something ridiculous.

Wang Ling grabbed the phone, edited a text message, agreed to go to the cafeteria after class, and sent it.

Then there was waiting time. Normal evening self-study sessions will not end until nine o'clock, but this rule can't limit this group of active students. It has only been more than 20 minutes since Director Zhang and the others left. It was half past eight. Seeing no teacher came in, and I didn't know who was taking the lead, they all broke out of the lecture hall, one by one, like ducks scattered, chirping, excited.

Wang Ling and the others also mixed in the crowd and left the teaching building.

Although it has not yet reached the agreed time, it was after all that Professor Li Dong was invited, and Wang Ling and the others did not cut time. They went to the cafeteria half an hour earlier, planning to order some decent dinners, and waiting for Professor Li Dong.

However, Professor Li Dong seemed to know that this group of students would not observe the normal time. At this time, he was already waiting in the cafeteria...

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