Dimensional World Fusion Catalog

Dimensional World Fusion Catalog Chapter 864

Qi Liuhai flew away. There was a long corridor in the Ice Palace. After Qi Liuhai flew away, Bai Zhan felt the silence around him. To tell the truth... it was really oozing. Bai Zhan suddenly felt that if he followed Qi Liuhai, it might be better. ...


Qi Liuhai flew to the inside of the ice palace. The ice walls on both sides of the corridor were full of various reliefs, which seemed to be telling a long story.

There are giants on the bas-relief, as well as other creatures of the Mobike giant. These creatures build the ice palace for the giant. Finally...

The giant disappeared...

The details of how it disappeared were not drawn, Qi Liuhai found that he had arrived at an inner hall, a very huge inner hall.

There is no light when entering the ice palace, but when Qi Liuhai enters the inner hall.


The ice-blue flames suddenly bloomed one after another, and various torches burned to light up the surroundings.

Although Qi Liuhai can see it even without light, it is indeed more comfortable with light.

This inner hall is already the deepest part of the Ice Palace, and there is a platform in the middle, like a place of worship.

On both sides of the platform stood two giant ice sculptures.

Behind the platform is a huge ice-relief wall. It is the painted giant on the outside. At the feet of the giant, there is an egg, a blue and white giant egg that is bigger than the white battle outside...

"The egg? It's so big. This isn't the Titan's egg, right? The Titan was born with an egg?"

Qi Liuhai walked towards the egg with doubts, and the horror he felt was from this egg.

An egg made Qi Liuhai feel the horror, which was incredible.

Qi Liuhai wanted to see if the egg could hatch and if there were signs of life, but he was about to cross the altar in the middle.


The two ice sculpture giants suddenly moved, and a large number of ice cubes flew around. Two giants with stiff expressions, but flesh and blood, woke up from the ice!The falling ice cubes gathered in their hands and turned into a sword and an axe.

The two giants were thirty meters tall. If they didn't have a leather case on them, and they were not red and blue, Qi Liuhai almost thought it was the giant of light who had resurrected.

The two giants were naked to the upper body, and directly smashed them with their weapons. Fortunately, the inner hall was wide enough, otherwise the two big guys would really not be able to use them.

"Good fellow! Two demigods as guards! Luxury enough!"

Qi Liuhai and the two giants immediately felt the level of the two giants, a proper demigod level.

There is divine power in their bodies, but not much. They are more like the core that maintains their actions. They are obviously flesh and blood, but they are more like puppets during their actions, a little stiff.

A giant slammed his sword, and large ice crystals followed the frozen space!Qi Liuhai estimated that the ice demon before, met these two big guys, and probably only cried.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

It was not that Qi Liuhai did not counterattack, the thunder continued, but the thunder hit them with no effect, no pain or itching. They just waved their weapons and set off one ice crystal after another. Qi Liuhai suddenly felt that the space for him to avoid was getting smaller and smaller... .

Those ice crystals do not disappear after freezing the space, constantly squeezing the moving space of Qi Liuhai. In this case, the space-based skills are useless and cannot escape.

This attack method of the two giants is a bit inefficient, but it is almost a lore. As long as they can't hold their swords and axes in the end, any intruder will die.


Qi Liuhai can hold it, not only can it hold it, he is now dealing with the two giants just to try the strength of the two giants, now that he has tried it out, it is time to start fighting back.



Water splashing!Cangming is out of the sheath!


The big sword giant smashed down with a sword, but saw Qi Liuhai raise his hand and cut it instantly!

"The great sea is dead!"


The black light flashed over the giant's right shoulder first, and a puff of the giant's right shoulder and the big sword flew away from the body, rotating and flying backward, and then...

Hit the dome hard!


There was a crisp cracking sound of eggshells. As soon as the sound appeared, the two giants stopped moving, and then their flesh and blood disappeared, then the ice crystal-like bones, and finally even the bones disappeared.

The egg cracked.

Qi Liuhai walked over cautiously, and then found that the egg was empty.

There was nothing inside, no signs of life, Qi Liuhai picked up a fragment of eggshell, twisted it lightly, and turned it into fly ash.

The huge eggshells all collapsed at this moment and turned into fly ash. The fly ash did not fall to the ground, but flew in front of Qi Liuhai, finally drawing a picture!

Chapter 713: Birth and Destruction

The powder dust from the eggshells is actually evolving patterns, like a comic strip, writing a song of destruction to Qi Liuhai.

In an icy planet, a huge consciousness was born and evolved into a giant god, the Frost Titan.

Giant gods create life and bring vitality to this cold planet. Countless species are born. They worship and worship giant gods.

I don’t know how long time has passed, ten thousand years or hundreds of millions of years. The development of the planet is at its peak, and countless ethnic groups have established themselves on this planet.

However, the picture turned and disaster appeared.

The huge claws directly cut off the planet, dividing it into two.

The enemy from the outside world, the giant stepped out of the planet to meet the enemy, but in the end only flew back to an egg and fell into the ice palace.

The broken planet collapsed on its own, and the species died down. In the end, only a small piece of planet fragments turned into a broken plane, absorbed by the abyss, and turned into this ice crystal abyss.

So far, the screen does not change.

All the powder fell on the ground, a thick pile, the horror aura that Qi Liuhai had noticed was diminishing, and Qi Liuhai understood that this was the end of a god.

"Cut off the stars, in the end, what kind of existence can achieve this step"

Qi Liuhai released the golden light, collected the powder with the gentlest method possible, took a piece of magic stone as high as one person, and carved it into a simple box, put the powder in the box, closed the lid, and turned around to leave.

There is no decoration in this palace, and there is nothing to be seen. Now there are only two platforms.

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