Uncle sun's eyes were full of determination from the beginning.

Sun Ren was completely frightened by his grandfather's words and couldn't help but step back. "Grandpa, are you confused? How can you plead for this demon? It's the father who killed me in front of you! It's my father's enemy, your son's enemy! You should die with him! What do you think! Tell me!"

"Grandson, it's grandpa who is sorry for you. Grandpa has his own difficulties. You have grown up now and don't need grandpa's care. Your father is dead. Grandpa's white haired man sent the black haired man. He doesn't want to live for a long time. He just goes down to accompany your father to save him from being lonely on the huangquan road." Uncle sun has burst into tears.

Zhou Tian shook his head slightly. He didn't blame Sun Bo for his choice, but only appreciated it. There are not many sentient and righteous people like Sun Bo in this world. When his son died in the hands of the monkey, he not only didn't take revenge, but also accompanied him to death. No matter what reason, this intention is not available to ordinary people.

If his relatives were killed by this monkey, he would certainly avenge his relatives! Even more extreme approaches may be taken. For example, take out the monkey's soul, suppress it in the nine purgatory, and let it never exceed life.

"I said, old man, how can you still be so confused at your age? Even if the monkey is really kind to you, your son died miserably in his hands. It's a life for a life. Both gratitude and resentment have disappeared. The next thing is none of your business. Why do you waste your life for this monkey?"

Xu Wenlei came over. He really couldn't see it anymore. This grandson was about the same age as his grandfather, but how could there be such a big gap in thinking? Even if his son died and didn't want revenge, he still defended his son's murderer. This behavior is incredible.

"What you don't understand, you won't understand. It's not a demon. I saw it grow up slowly from a little monkey. It's just a child who doesn't know how to distinguish good from evil. I wanted to educate it well, but it's too late. It's a big mistake after all."

Uncle sun went to the dying ape and stroked it on the face.

The ape let out a moan. He didn't know so many things, but he knew that uncle sun had always been good for him, so he regarded him as a relative. Even when he came after him on Sunday, he would take uncle sun away, just afraid that uncle sun would be hurt.

"Is the old man old and confused? I thought he was a man who distinguishes good from evil, but now he wants to die with the devil and put aside his revenge of killing his son. It's a waste of human relations!"

"I thank him for saving my life, but there is absolutely no chance to turn around in killing the devil! The devil must pay for his life! My brother died in the devil's mouth! He ate his hands, head, internal organs and whole body! I witnessed all this with my own eyes. I hate that I am not able to kill it, but now there is an immortal master, I must not let him kill him It will live again! "

"Hehe, if the old man wants to die, send him to die."

"Yes, maybe the old man has something to do with the devil. Maybe everything the devil does is ordered by the old man behind his back!"

"People who don't know think this devil is his own son, and the one who died before was just picked up by him."

Zhou Tian listened to the words below and his face was slightly cold. He could understand their eagerness to kill the devil and their determination to revenge, but he would never allow them to slander uncle sun like this. In any case, uncle sun is their life-saving benefactor, but they are not only not grateful, but also bite the hand that feeds the enemy! Such people should be punished.


Zhou Tian drank softly and hid in the crowd. The man who slandered uncle sun was immediately hit by a lightning bolt. The whole man trembled, foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground.

Sun Ren's face turned blue and finally turned away. Xu Wenlei shrugged. He said everything he should say. Although he had a three inch tongue, Sun Bo's stubborn words basically had no effect.

"Doctor Zhou, what should we do?" Nangong asked and looked at Zhou Tian.

"Do you really want to die with it?"

Zhou Tian looked at Uncle sun in a dignified tone.

Uncle sun glanced at Sun Ren, nodded gently, and then hugged the ape's head as if it were his own son.

To tell you the truth, Zhou Tian really couldn't do it, so... A real Qi flew out, shook Sun Bo away, and a lightning bolt hit the ape.

At that time, the ape uttered a sad cry, the whole body was running with electricity, and a pair of eyes were full of panic.

"Sorry, uncle sun, I can't agree to your request, let alone kill you myself, but this ape has killed so many people, it must die, no matter how great it has done." Zhou Tian sighed lightly.

Uncle sun wanted to stop him, but he was pulled by Xu Wenlei.

"I said, old man, it's all done now. Why should you take your own life? Go back and help your grandson grow up and teach him what is good and what is evil? Don't let him follow in the footsteps in the future. Isn't it better?"

Sun Ren trembled all over and shouted grandpa to Sun Bo. Sun Bo was soft and had no strength to struggle.

"Take good care of your grandpa." Xu Wenlei motioned to sun Ren, and sun Ren came to hold Sun Bo.

There were several thunders in the sky, which bombarded the apes, and a sad cry resounded through the whole world.

"Send you into reincarnation."

Zhou Tian's five fingers bluff and a powerful force directly smashes the ape's head.

The last flame was excited from Zhou Tian's hands and shrouded over the ape's body. The raging fire directly swallowed the ape's body completely. When the flame disappeared, the whole figure of the ape was burned to ashes by the fire. With a gust of breeze, everything was over.

The hatred in sun Ren's eyes finally subsided and shed tears. The crowd below was also cheering.

"No! There is another culprit!"

Uncle sun suddenly struggled and looked very excited.

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