DNF Meets Harry Potter

Vol 3 Chapter 507: Dreamland

"This is where I met him, Innsmouth..."

   There seemed to be the sound of waves hitting the reef in his ear, and the indescribable babble gradually became clear in his ear.

   The voice is like a whisper of a devil and a whisper that transcends dimensions, like a drowning man. Hermione tried to open her eyes, but was horrified to find that she could not do anything...

"wake up!"

   With a majestic low voice like a heavy hammer hitting the heart, Hermione blinked her eyes vigorously, and everything in front of her eyes began to become clear--

She was standing on a beach, surrounded by rotting fish and shrimp corpses. The fishy sea breeze poured into her nose and almost made Hermione vomit directly. She knelt down and retched constantly, making her heart more confused. Up.

   It took a long time before Hermione finally got over her mind and struggled to straighten up.

   She looked at Naiyari, who was standing beside her incomparably calm, and asked the question she wanted to ask the most: "here...where is it?"

   "It's a dreamland~..."

   Naiyari smiled and gave the answer. She waved her hand gently, and the foul air around her was instantly purified by mysterious power.

   "Fantasy dreamland? What is dreamland?"

   Hermione was breathing fresh air, her face showed the aftermath of life, everything that happened just now never appeared even in the worst nightmare of childhood.

  " In layman's terms, you can understand dreams as a parallel space composed of subconscious mind and imagination. This is a dimension that can be entered through dreaming...

   here, it belongs to the past..."

   Naiyali slightly raised her head to look at the dim sky, and explained again as she listened to the rising tide.

   "In the past?" Hermione muttered to herself as if she understood something, her mood suddenly became heavy, "But you and Carl are not..."

"My relationship with him is actually not as simple as you want, it's just that I need a reasonable identity in this world~..." Hermione was beaten by Naiyali before she finished speaking. broken.

   "This is a small town near the sea in Massachusetts, USA. Its name is Innsmouth... I don't know if Karl has mentioned it to you, but I did meet him here three years ago...

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   Let's go, let's talk while walking..."

   With interest, she looked at the little witch who was more and more dazed in her eyes, pointed to the increasingly scary town under the night, and slowly talked about the past.

   The shadows of the two people grew longer and longer on the ground, and stepped into this strange town.

   Hermione covered her mouth and the horror in her eyes almost reached the culmination. Innsmouth covered by night almost fits all her elements of the word terror.

   This wide-spread, densely built small town seems to have died, here she does not feel the slightest vitality and vitality, and some are just endless despair...

   "What has happened here! Why did Carl come here! Three years ago, he was in the first grade. How could he have traveled so far from England to here?!"

   Hermione’s face is full of fear, such a terrifying place shouldn’t exist in her eyes!

   "Why? You have got the point of asking this question!" Naiyali smiled calmly, and she brought her face closer and said softly, "Of course it's because of me!"

   The next second, Hermione felt her vision blur again, and when she regained her senses, a heavy and harsh bell suddenly sounded from her ears, and she couldn't help but step back several steps with a muffled sound.

   She looked at the surrounding buildings in surprise. There were no pedestrians on the garbage-filled streets. The only thing visible was the old brick-timber houses that were about to fall apart. At this time, Naiyali’s voice came from her ears.

   "Let’s appreciate it, my first encounter with him, I hope you can meet someone similar to him in the future."

   As the bell rang, the town that was originally dead seemed to come back to life, no...this situation should be called a corpse...

   There was a beast-like growl from the dilapidated houses, and the rotten door was pushed open by large hands covered with scales. Under the pale moonlight, Hermione could see the true meaning of those things.

   just a glance made her scream and almost lost her footing.

In these monsters, she can't even find half of the characteristics of being a person-their heads are narrow and thin, their necks have fish-like gills, and a pair of bulging and hollow eyes leaking outward. There is only endless hatred, and the whole presents a grayish green...

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   Before she could react, the empty streets were filled with such monsters in the blink of an eye.

  "They are deep divers, like dead fish, um...it’s disgusting, right?

   But don’t panic, here are my dreams constructed from my past memories. They cannot affect us..."

Seeing Hermione's expression like this, Naiyari smiled and inserted her hand into the chest of the nearest deep diver in her extremely horrified eyes. UU reading www.uukanshu.com bursts like a dream. The light, when she withdrew her palm, was still white and tender.

   And the monster didn't seem to feel anything, still moving its twisted body toward the distance.

   "Next, it's our protagonist's turn to play!" Naiyali muttered to herself, pulling Hermione's sleeves to keep up with the pace of these monsters, and the purple dimension in front of her became more and more magnificent.

   "What the **** is going on!" Hermione couldn't imagine that such a terrible thing had happened in the world she lived in. She stopped and grabbed Naiyari's clothes and asked urgently.

   She needs an answer!

   "It's not good for you to be so impatient, besides, in fact I have already fast-forwarded a lot..." Nai Yali shook her head slightly, "There are some answers you need to come up with to truly appreciate the meaning behind it..."

   Without waiting for her to question again, under the dark sky, bunches of icy blue arrows cut through the sky and tore the air, instantly covering the area where they were standing.

  Hermione's eyes widened, the arrow pierced her transparent body, and the monsters behind Nayari called the Deep Diver let out a sorrowful howl.

   She looked back, and after each arrow hit the target, a layer of frosty frost quickly covered it, turning into a sturdy ice sculpture in the roar of despair.

Dressed in a purple-black robe and wearing a hood, the boy who covered his entire body handsomely jumped off the roof. Around him, the purple dimensional force field distorted the space, which made his every step. They all seem to be teleporting so fast, they flew up to them in the blink of an eye.

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