Lu Che's mood fell to the bottom in an instant, his head drooping weakly, sadness on his handsome and cold face.

The young master's dislike for her was so obvious that he almost made no secret of it.

Lu Che didn't know why this happened.

Is it really because the dishes she cooks are too bad?

Lu Che was depressed and very depressed. She didn't realize that Lu Qilin actually didn't know her true gender.

Lu Qilin liked her and always liked her as a man, so he struggled for a while before he had to accept the conclusion that he liked men.

Lu Che naturally didn't know that Yao Jiaxuan, who seemed to her to be just the same sex, was a threatening rival in the eyes of her young master.

Lu Qilin had been sulking about what happened in the morning and couldn't wait for Lu Che to explain, he was naturally unhappy.

Lu Che couldn't do anything about it, couldn't touch the doorway at all. After spending a long time in the kitchen alone, he could only return to the second floor room in despair, not daring to provoke Lu Qilin, let alone appear in front of him.

She was afraid that the young master would hate her even more, so that even the little likes would be lost.

At this moment, in the study on the third floor.

Lu Qilin walked from the desk to the door of the study all night, then walked from the door to the sofa to sit down, then got up and walked back to the desk.

After repeating this, I don't know how many laps I have walked, but I didn't wait for the person I was waiting for.

What is Lu Che doing downstairs?

Even if it takes so long to clean up the dishes, it should be up.

"He" danced with Yao Jiaxuan today, smiled so happily, and even decided to date together.

When Lu Qilin thought of seeing Lu Che and another woman huddling together during the day, his bottomless black eyes filled with chills.

What Xiao Che really likes is actually a gentle and pleasant girl like Yao Jiaxuan.

"He" was forced to bow by his overlord, and he was forced to bend the bow, so he would reluctantly accept it.

Lu Qilin thought that Lu Che was obedient to him, and thought of "he"'s trembling eyelashes and blurred eyes when he gently kissed "him", and he became more affirmed of his speculation.

The more sure that Lu Che actually doesn't like him or men, the more he feels impetuous.

The man who has always been calm and steady is inexplicably like a teenage boy, who will suffer from the gains and losses for one person.

After Lu Qilin got up again and walked around the study, he finally couldn't help but open the door and walk out of the study.

Wrapped in cold air, Lu Qilin walked to the side of the stairs, ready to go downstairs and ask Lu Che to ask him.

Unexpectedly, when I arrived at the top of the stairs, I saw darkness downstairs.

Lu Che didn't go upstairs to look for him after cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks, nor did he wait downstairs. Instead, he turned off the lights and went back to his room to sleep! ?

This discovery made Lu Qilin's cold and arrogant self-esteem received an extremely heavy blow.

He walked to the top of the stairs and turned back again. Even though he was sulking in his heart, he wished to rush into Lu Che's room and pull'him' from the bed to question him, but after all he couldn't help looking for it.

It was Lu Che who was obviously cheating and frowning with other women. He didn't come to coax him, so why he had to find him himself.

No matter how he said, Lu Qilin was a person of status and status, and he would never do such a shameful thing.

Lu Qilin returned to the bedroom with a sullen face. It was obviously winter but he was very upset.

In order not to think about Lu Che's ‘little boyfriend’ who’s ‘being chaos and abandoning’ and ‘not keeping his husband’s way’.

Lu Qilin irritably pulled off his tie and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

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