Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 279: Unlucky grandma

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Shennong do not make trouble!

The movement of Mi Guizhi's crying can be described as earth-shattering. He alarmed all the neighbors in the nearby road and ran out to see what happened.

From this point of view, Mi Guizhi was sitting on the ground, his hair disheveled, one hand holding a stack of hundred-dollar bills, and the other hand covering his face.

Due to excessive pain, the stack of banknotes had been scattered all over the place, blown by the wind, and flew around the yard.

Wang Youjun, who heard the news, did not help Grandma, but was busy picking up money.

Grandma stings and can't die ... and can't run, but the bill is really blown by the wind, it will really run.

You must pick up the money first.

The neighbor who heard the news came together and asked curiously, "Mother Mi, what are you doing? Is the Hornet stealing your money?"

"It hurts the old lady, mother, it hurts ..." She only shouted about the pain, and even the neighbor's jokes, she was too lazy to fight back.

The wasp stings can be light or heavy, depending on the amount of venom, the response is different.

Some wasps sting for a while, but they are red and swollen for a while. After half an hour, they can recover. Some wasps are particularly poisonous, and if stung by them, they may be fainted and even fatal.

The killer bees reported in the news these years are a very large venomous wasp. One may not let people die, but if ten and twenty bites together, it is really hard to say.

Wang Ping'an was also looking at the lively crowd with a look of surprise, and said that this luck modifier is also amazing.

Although it only has the effect of seven days, if doom stacks, these seven days will not be easy.

On the surface, it is extremely innocent. Like other neighbors, it is too coincidental to say: "Grandma just asked me for 10,000 yuan of living expenses. What happened? What happened? The poisonous insect, the wasp, also Do you particularly like banknotes? "

"Eh, Erbao, you are really generous. What can your grandma eat for 10,000 yuan? During the New Year, your family gave her 10,000 yuan. How long will it take to spend it?" Neighbor, expressed marvel.

"I can't help it. If I don't give it, my grandma will go to the old house to make trouble, and my parents are too lazy to be angry with her, so let me give it."

Wang Ping's and grandma had no feelings, but instead accumulated a grievance, and took this opportunity to deliberately shake off some things to let the villagers know the inside story.

At this time, Wang Youjun finally picked up the dozen or so banknotes that were blown away by the wind and put it in his pocket before running over to help Mi Guizhi.

"Grandma, it's okay, isn't it the sting of the wasp, wash it with soapy water, touch some medicine, and it won't hurt after a while. Come and come, the grandson will help you lie down on the bed."

Wang Youjun said that she helped her grandmother and wanted to take the money in her hand, but Mi Guizhi hugged too tightly and did not move.

Perhaps the focus was on the money in his hand. Wang Youjun didn't look at the road. A peach tree on the ground that hadn't chewed cleanly was just stepped on by him.

A step slipped on the foot, and with a bang, Wang Youjun's body instantly tilted and fell forward, pulling Mi Guizhi down.

Thump, thump.

The two fell to the ground one after another and fell heavily together. The remaining hundred dollar bills were scattered on the ground.

"Oh, my mother, I'm so hurt, I've been killed ... I really can't live this time, so I'm so unlucky." Mi Guizhi cried in a opera-like cry, stunned, very happy .

If it were n’t for her to feel bad, everyone wanted to laugh.

"Grandma, are you okay? Me and I are ... Alas, I didn't say anything, I helped you up." Wang Youjun died in embarrassment, flushed, feeling too pitted recently, and fell down twice. .

"Don't help me anymore, I will walk by myself. I won't let you help me anymore." Mi Guizhi was afraid of this grandson. She felt that if you let him help him again, it might be just two Legs will be scrapped again.

So Mi Guizhi really crawled into the house without any money, and he didn't care about the wounds on his face. He just wanted to hide in his small bed to feel a trace of peace of mind.

It feels weird today. It seems like you have gotten into evil, you ca n’t do anything, you ca n’t do it. Is there any retribution?

Yuck, hey, he didn't do anything harmful, why should he have retribution?

Is it wrong to just ask my second grandson for the cost of living?

Finally, she climbed onto the bed, and she felt a solace in fear.

The face hurts, the body hurts, and the bills are scattered, but finally it's safe to return, isn't it?

But why does it hurt a little behind?

Touch it back, pull out a needle, and carry the thread.

Then I remembered that when I sewed pillows in the afternoon, I forgot to put away the needles, and always wanted to stay at the gate to see if Wang Ping's car came back.

No, it happened, it happened to me.

Perhaps this time, there was too much pain, Mi Guizhi oops twice, both too lazy to shout, so as not to let the neighbors in the courtyard read jokes.

Today's unlucky things have caused myself to encounter, in addition to cursing anger, what else can I do?

It's not a curse that someone else hits. There is no place to avenge my revenge.

"Army, after picking up the money, pour me a glass of water." Mi Guizhi shouted weakly.

"Good grandma, I will pour the water for you." Wang Youjun picked up the money and packed it in his pockets. Without time to sort and count, he ran to the living room and poured a full cup of hot water to the grandma. On the bed cabinet.

This time, Wang Youjun was very careful and warmly reminded in order to make up for the merits: "The boiling water is a little hot, and drink it when it is cold, don't burn it."

"Xing Xing Xing, I know, you think I'm like you, what are you doing? You're so frizzy? The leg you fell off hasn't worked out so well, and now I'm making trouble again." Mi Guizhi was extremely dissatisfied. Complained.

If Wang Ping did such a stupid thing, she would have been scolded by her for hundreds of sentences.

Because it was her most beloved grandson, even if she had a stomachache, she only flirted a few words.

It might be that she was too involved and scolded too hard. She felt more thirsty, so she carefully picked up the cup and wanted to try a hot drink.

As soon as the cup was put to the mouth, the ceramic cup that was bought with milk powder actually cracked. With a click, the hot water sprinkled and drenched her.

"Ah ... it burns me ..."

Mi Guizhi's screams came again, far away, far away. The neighbor who had almost left, heard the movement, and poured into the room again, comforting Mi Guizhi with all his tongue.

But looking at everyone's expressions, how to look like it is gloating, after all, everyone has long been accustomed to Mi Guizhi's spicy rogue character.

"Mi Pozi, how much lack of virtue did you do before you were so unlucky? I advise you to do less evil and more virtue in the future, otherwise there will be more hardships in the future."

"Old sister-in-law, I have heard about your affairs. I advise you to put a bowl of water on the water, and change the sheep's wool to a sheep. Don't bully your little son or grandson."

"There are gods who raise their heads three feet before. I didn't believe in retribution before. Now I see you like this. I really believe it. Alas, I didn't say anything. Go back and buy some incense and go to the small temple at the village entrance to worship."

There is everything to say, but few people said good things, almost mad at Mi Guizhi.

She also knows that her word of mouth is not good, but she didn't give everyone a chance to run before. Recently, she didn't know what happened. She has been in trouble and has made people in the same village addicted.

Wang Ping, standing in the crowd, secretly wiped sweat, thinking the power of the luck modifier is too fierce?

After it was posted, the firepower was fully on, and I was not idle for a while.

Grandma should be able to hold it in the next seven days?

Ami ... that god, wish grandma good luck.

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