Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 539: Value peace

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Shennong do not make trouble!

A middle-aged Taoist priest in the Yaowanggu Medical Center is using a wooden sword to resist Tang Shenyi's throat, threatening him.

On the ground beside them, there were two severely burned priests, all black and scorched, unable to see the facial features and age, and groaned.

Each had a young Taoist squatted next to the wounded and gave them water and medicine.

"Hum, don't heal my two younger brothers. Is it useful for you to call for help?" Qing Yundao looked disdainful and his eyes glinted fiercely.

Tang Shenyi was scared with sweat and replied with trembling lips: "Useful, my master can heal your people ..."

"Oh, dare to talk back, even if he can heal people, it won't delay me to teach you." Qingyun said with a grumpy temper, and wanted to use the wooden sword to extract the doctor's face.

"It's such a big tone, who wants to teach me disciples in my place?" Wang Ping's figure suddenly appeared in the medical hall, making it unresponsive.

"Huh?" Qingyun said, too long to turn around, his backhand was a sword, just want to push Wang Ping back.

The plain and peach wood sword flashes an earthy yellow light, implying the sound of wind and thunder, and it is a safe area.

But this safe area is nothing to Wang Ping'an.

During the nine layers of Qi training period, the body was transformed by Vajra Plastic Pills, and the whole body's reiki surged madly, and the layers of reiki turned into layers of qi, protecting the surface of the body.

A bite.

The wooden sword stabbed on Wang Ping's body, making a sound of gold and stone collision, no matter what magical power the sword contained, he could not pierce his skin.

Qingyun said, stunned, his mouth wide open, apparently not expecting this to happen.

After practicing hard for more than 40 years, Fenglei Town's magic sword technique, one of Maoshan's box bottom skills, can't help this young man?

It was terrifying.

It's a long story, but it's just a matter of moments.

His wooden sword was stabbed in Wang Ping's chest, bent and deformed, and Wang Ping grabbed his wrist at the moment when he was stunned.

With a twist and pull, the wooden sword was snatched.

Then he held the sword in his right hand and cracked twice, hitting Qingyun Taoist face.

Don't you want to beat my disciple's sword?

Lao Tzu first pumped you twice, it was revenge.

What, you said you haven't played yet?

But if you have this intention, you should fight!

That's the reason I said!

After the two swords, Qingyun Dao's long face was swollen, and the corner of his mouth was bleeding. He covered his face and stepped back. He stepped on the gang step and stepped away from Wang Ping's back with an extremely mysterious footwork.

"Little thief, you're looking for death!" Roaring, **** together, replacing the sword with an invisible sword gas, point to Wang Ping's chest again.

He felt that the wooden sword had just been captured, but it was only a careless thing. It was Wang Ping's sudden attack that made him caught off guard.

Now as long as you start again and fight the enemy seriously, you will ...

Will suffer even worse!

Wang Ping's six senses are keen, and the wooden sword is in his hand, just like a children's toy.

Bounce off two sword qi, Mu Jian lashed again in the face of Qingyun Dao!

"Who borrows your courage to dare to work on my site? Do you still want this tooth?" After Wang Ping had drawn the last two swords, he used the sword light to hold the other's throat, and the spirit was instilled in the wooden sword, sending out a sharp breath.

With a little effort, you can pierce the other person's neck.

The power of the nine layers during the Qi training period has already been revealed.

The whole body has meridians and meridians, and the aura penetrates the whole body, forming a shield without dead corners. When encountering a weaker opponent, you can use defense to kill the opponent.

Wang Ping's few times completely freaked out the Maoshan Taoist priest, Qingyun Taoist was frightened, and the little Taoist priest he brought was even more frightened.

The aura of the world is exhausted, but among the famous mountains and rivers, there has always been a weak aura. For thousands of years, the inheritance has not been cut off.

Like Qingyun Dao, who has lived in Maoshan School since childhood, he has been working hard. From the age of five, this year, he has been practicing hard for more than 40 years, and he has entered the spiritual node for many times.

One of the skills, among the second-generation disciples of the Maoshan School, is a leader. Even the head of the contemporary praises him. Whenever there is an important task, he will be sent to lead the team to participate.

Anyone who wanted to come to the Unnamed Crater this time was frustrated one after another. The first-generation second-generation Maoshan disciples seriously injured two of them. When returning to the village for treatment, they encountered a mysterious young man. Three or two strokes made him doubt his life.

"Look at what, answer me, do you want to keep this mouth and teeth?" Wang Pingping raised his wooden sword, and then he must lash at his face.

"Think, I want to keep my teeth!" Said Qingyun Daochang's heart humiliated and gritted his teeth.

"If you want to stay, just stay, when my Ping An Buddhists don't have face," said Wang Ping, suddenly strenuous, pumping heavily on his mouth.

Just a few beats a moment ago, in fact, Qingyun Road's long teeth have been loosened, and the bleeding in the corner of the mouth is the blood from the gums of the teeth.

Now Wang Ping's hands suddenly broke, and those loose teeth could no longer hold on, and with a loud puff, he spit it out.

It hurts so much, my nose is sour, and tears can't help it.

Not crying, just a natural reaction, the teeth and the edges of the nose were severely attacked, and the tears could not stop.

"..." Qingyun Daochang's eyes flashed with anger, and he had thoughts of murder.

This little thief was so deceiving, he reported the roots of the Maoshan faction. He didn't give a trace of his face, which was awful.

The two little priests were also puzzled: "???

Even the two second-generation middle-aged priests who were scorched all over the ground and screamed on the ground couldn't help but open their mouths and gave out shocks other than pain: "!!!"

They were able to see that the Ping An Buddhist not only was not afraid of the Maoshan School, but also seized the opportunity to offend people to death.

The Maoshan faction is not a small action department of the relevant department. The official pays attention to the rules. There is a little contradiction and small conflict, and will not retaliate indiscriminately. However, the Maoshan faction is different. From heart.

Tang Shenyi was terrified, and it took a long time to react: "Master, don't fight anymore, let's ... let's ... value peace!"

I knew that Master was so irritable, even if I suffered a little and suffered a few times, I would not ask him for help.

Even if he really comes from Yao Wanggu, there is a mysterious heritage, but no matter how mysterious and powerful, can there be Maoshan faction?

Offended the Maoshan faction, and later could not be confused on the rivers and lakes.

It seems that Wang Ping'an was also tired, and more importantly, the opponent did not have the ability to fight back. It would be meaningless to fight again.

"Yes, just listen to you, and peace is the most valuable. Throw the people on the ground first. If you can't cure them, you can call the doctor. Is there any reason? Even if they are cured, they won't be cured."

Wang Pingan waved the peach wood sword and pointed to the two burnt black masters lying side by side on the ground, instructing Tang Shenyi.

"?????" Tang Shenyi smiled embarrassedly and didn't dare to move, thinking, Master, does your old man have any misunderstanding about "putting peace on top?"

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