Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 556: Lao Lai Dominated by Doom

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In order to be able to drive the beads at any time, Wang Ping'an specifically ordered a machine online. The merchant is a person in this city. After payment, someone will soon be dispatched to deliver the goods.

Everyone saw that Wang Ping'an insisted on putting the broken sword car into beads, and even knowing to persuade would not work, he simply followed his heart.

This morning, the road construction company sent machines and workers into the field to prepare for construction today. The village invited the town leaders to preside over the groundbreaking ceremony and put a few boxes of fireworks, and everyone in the village knew about it.

Just when the town leaders and the villagers were full of joy, Wang Ping's grandmother Mi Guizhi suddenly appeared and shouted, accusing Wang Ping'an of having money to build roads and not giving himself money, asking the town and village leaders to take care of this matter .

The village chief Wang Degui was accompanying the town leaders to speak. Suddenly, Mi Guizhi was so troubled, he didn't know how to deal with it.

The annual maintenance cost is a lot of hers. She likes to live with her elder son. This is her freedom. But this year, seeing that he made money and made troubles five times, this made Wang Degui extremely headache.

Instead, the village party secretary Wang Deli had a flexible mind. Before asking the town leaders, he explained: "It is the famous old Lai in the village, who made unreasonable troubles by three points. He went to the town last time and made a lot of trouble. This time it is troublesome to borrow money."

"Oh, it's her, I'm a little impressed. This matter is resolved in your village. We have something to do at noon. Let's go back to work first." After that, several town leaders hurried away and gave the matter to the village.

"Relax, we will deal with this matter." Village Party Secretary Wang Deli said, sending a few people away.

At this time, Wang Degui had already reacted and walked over to the noisy Mi Guizhi: "Mother, are you humiliating? I heard Erbao say that this is also a grandson. Why should I let Erbao out? Does money help the army repay the debt? "

"I don't care, I just want to borrow 100,000 yuan. Do you have money to donate to build roads, don't you have the money to help my grandson repay the debt? If Erbao didn't give me 100,000 today, I wouldn't be able to lie on the road, you build roads Don't even think about your car! "

Mi Guizhi rolled all over the floor, spitting and scolding, a frame that no one could coax.

"You ... too much!" Wang Degui was so angry that he couldn't get her back.

When the villagers saw it, they all ran over to persuade her not to delay the road construction in the village because of her greed.

However, Mi Guizhi's oil and salt do not invade, and he is determined to ask for money, and it is useless to persuade anyone.

It seems that the morning will be over, and the construction trucks for road construction have not reached the designated location, which delays the construction period and affects the overall progress, which is troublesome.

Because in the contract, Wang Ping's time is very tight, and even within the safety range, the construction party is required to hurry up day and night.

However, if such a person as Mi Guizhi is troubled every day, it really delays the construction period and will have to lose money.

So the person in charge of the construction party called Xu Qing and asked for help, and Xu Qing had to call Wang Ping'an and ran to the site on the village entrance road to find a solution.

Wang Ping An has long known that people like Grandma Mi Guizhi cannot get used to her.

Once she succeeds, she will think about the second, third, and countless times.

Wang Ping'an can tolerate alimony occasionally once. But he borrowed money indifferently and made troubles without borrowing. He was not used to her at all.

So after arriving at the scene, Wang Ping'an said to her grandmother in front of everyone: "Last time, you were asking for money. I heard that it was seven days and I almost died. I dare to ask for money this time. Do you not want to live? You Remember, there are gods three feet up! "

"Listen, this is my grandson, threaten me as soon as I come up to see if this is a human thing. Threw 5 million to build a road in the village, I asked him not to give one hundred thousand, pretend to be rich ? Still want to get a good reputation, I yuck! "

Mi Guizhi saw Wang Ping's appearance, and there was a trace of pride on her face, so the crying was sharper and louder.

She is a typical memory of not eating, not forgetting the horror controlled by the luck modifier.

"Grandma, when am I an idiot, when did you care about fame? Don't say you are rolling all over the land, even if you jump on the river now, I won't lend you a penny." Wang Ping said, secretly flicking his head, a luck regulator flying Xiang Mi Guizhi.

When the symbol was in mid-air, Wang Ping'an adjusted it to a symbol of doom, and in a blink of an eye, it fell on Mi Guizhi.

Mi Guizhi suddenly shuddered, a sense of deja vu, and came to mind.

It seems to have a similar feeling?

It was some time ago when I was stared at the old house's dirty things.

Since then, it has been unlucky for seven days, injured every day, and almost died.

The fortune teller in the town said, let yourself move away from the old house, try not to go back to the village, but why didn't you remember?

The extreme fear made Mi Guizhi forget to cry for a time. She looked left and right and found that the sun was empty. There were at least dozens of villagers around. There should be no dirty things to stare at.

But what is this terrible feeling?

At this time, she just rolled into the grass on the side of the road, and when she stopped to think, she just pressed a centipede passing by.

So the centipede curled up and took a bite through the clothes.

"Ouch!" Mi Guizhi suddenly screamed and jumped from the ground, patting the right leg side in a panic.

The centipede, which was half a chopsticks, was shot down by her, and disappeared into the grass in a blink of an eye.

But Mi Guizhi's screams became louder and louder: "Ah, help, I was bitten by the centipede. It hurts. Help me find a doctor!"

Everyone in the village is annoying her, especially what she is doing now, and she actually wants to prevent the village from building roads, which almost angers everyone.

No one helped her to find a doctor, but ridiculed: "You deserve to be unlucky! You lack of virtue, one day sooner or later, like the black maid and the black uncle, died in a scourge!"

"Erbao is such a good child, you are willing to bully, and you deserve to be retaliated! No one can call her a doctor today, even if a doctor comes, she will not be treated! Any doctor who dares to help her will throw him out of the village. ! "

"Yes, she should be treated like this! Everyone is the first time to be a man. Why should I let you?"

The emotions in the village were very excited, beyond Wang Ping's expectations.

How can you not be angry, the villagers are more excited than they are?

Alas, it is still because he is too kind!

Mi Guizhi was so annoyed that the villagers were so annoyed that there was no one to call the doctor. He panicked and scolded. He covered the bite on his leg and limped to the village clinic. He wanted to see Dr. Huang to help himself. Look.

After just a few steps, she suddenly stepped on a banana peel that the child had just thrown, slipped on her feet, and with a click, she fell heavily on the ground, painless for a long time, and almost fainted.

With a familiar feeling, tell Mi Guizhi that doom has come again!

"I don't need money anymore, I don't need money anymore, don't hurt me, please, please help me to call a doctor, I feel like I'm dying!" Mi Guizhi was lying on the ground, frightened and weak Shouted.

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