Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 564: Earn some hard money

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Shennong do not make trouble!

The children of Gu Donglitang's Gu family, in front of Wang Ping'an, didn't feel the slightest confidence, always felt that he was above the top, and he didn't care about anything around him-er, no, except for money.

Even a pretty woman like her own sister has moved into his house, but he has not seen any pursuit.

Obviously claiming to be a deceased medicine Wang Gu disciple, but dare to see who is ruined and who does not take the entire river and lake in mind, even Maoshan faction, action office toss to death.

Although the Gu family where he is located has a certain position on the rivers and lakes, compared with the Maoshan School, it is three streets away.

Now Wang Ping reprimanded himself face-to-face, and it was because he was at fault first.

So Gu Dongli lowered his head and walked out of the room, just like a errant pupil who had just been ideologically educated by the head teacher.

Upon going out, I just met my sister Gu Qingcheng and came back.

"Brother, why did you still come out of Wang Ping's room? Why did he drive you?" Gu Qingcheng asked in consternation.

"He, he ... didn't treat me very much." Gu Dongli replied guilty, and hurried down the stairs, walking a little flustered.

Staring at his back, Gu Qingcheng was more suspicious of the problem.

"No, wait for Xu Qing to come back. I want to discuss with her. We have been working hard for so long, we have not made any progress, will it not be ...?"

Gu Qingcheng didn't dare to think down, panicked, and always felt that he had discovered some terrible truth.

Wang Ping'an did not know that he was being skewed. He turned on his phone and entered the Aura Resuscitation app forum.

Today's gossip forums are still lively. Scolding his posts can always find three or five in the top ten of the hot list.

"Ping An Resident is so deceiving that he did such a thing to a 70-year-old man ..."

This is the hottest post today, currently ranked first in the hot list, and has just been released shortly.

Click to see what turned out to be what happened just now.

He let people interrupt Chi Yunzi's one-leg thing and was stabbed here. Originally it was so ordinary, it was a normal river and lake grudge, but because of this title, it instantly became hot.

Wang Pingan was dumbfounded, scolded something, too lazy to reply, and left the post.

The second-ranked post is a matter of the black market auction in Tiannan Province. The so-called black market is just not meant to be public, and it does not mean to belittle it.

There are always a few similar auctions each year, some of which are made public in forums, and some are only made public in a small circle.

However, the black market auctions that are open at the forum are always very lively, attracting many practitioners and exchanging resources.

Due to the recent abnormal phenomena in Tiannan Province, which attracted many practitioners, some people took advantage of the opportunity to hold a black market auction, which meant to rub the hot spot.

But the effect is really good. There are already hundreds of people who have posted, saying that they will definitely participate when the time comes.

However, this black market auction has certain requirements for the participants: 1. The lowest level should be practiced on the third floor. 2. Capital verification before entry, at least 50 million cash (including cash balance in bank account). 3. Good credit, not on the official blacklist, nor on the official wanted list.

Wang Pingan grinned straight. Fortunately, he saw the request, otherwise he would not be able to enter the room. The cash on the account was too low to meet the demands of others.

So Wang Ping posted a post in the mutant plant trading area to continue to sell mutant fruits.

This time the volume of 2,000 high-quality variant fruits is increased, and the price is still 20,000, subject to the payment time. After the amount is reached, the transaction is automatically stopped.

After the posting of this post, it was immediately questioned by everyone.

"Ping Anju, how many variant fruits are there in your orchard? Why can't you sell them all day?"

"We have observed around your orchard. They are all ordinary fruits, and only have a weak aura. Why did you become a truly mutated fruit after you mailed us, and the aura and taste reached the top quality?"

"I always feel that this is a big pit. How much did Ping An Buddhist use the mutated fruit to deceive us? If I use this money to buy the Elixir and the Spirit Stone, maybe I have been promoted to a small state.

Wang Pingping saw the reply from everyone and felt that the situation was not good.

In the past, when the sale of high-quality variant fruits was posted, someone immediately rushed to buy it. Now, when it is released, it has attracted so many questioners?

No, this situation must be changed.

So he revised the post.

"The last batch of premium mutant fruits includes bananas, dragon fruit, mango, and golden orange (random shipment). The total amount is only 2,000. Do n’t miss this batch of premium mutant fruits after passing by. The fruit tree is withered and out of print! The current price is 30,000, and the bargain is free! "

I changed the post and changed the price in the sales applet included in the post from 20,000 to 30,000.

At this moment, those fussy critics instantly panicked.

"I rely on it, Ping Anju is too shameless, and the price has risen again! The last batch of high-quality mutant fruits? Believe in your evil!"

"To be fair, Ping Anju's fine variation fruit has a good effect. I bought ten before, but it was 200,000 yuan, which is much more effective than a spirit stone. Don't forget, one million stone Get started. Alas, it's a pity that the price has risen again and I can't afford it anymore! "

"Eh, in this moment of kung fu, you actually snapped up more than a thousand? The old lady is fooled. Don't **** bananas with me. The old lady wants twenty ... no, eighty!"

In three minutes, it took only three minutes, and the two thousand excellent variant fruits released by Wang Pingping were sold out by forum netizens.

The netizens who just spoke and ridiculed just now are the most aggressive group of people who snapped up. Some even snapped up one hundred, or even two hundred.

Seeing a batch of funds transferred to his forum account, Wang Ping nodded in satisfaction, as long as he mailed the things out, 60 million would soon reach his bank account.

Well, go and make a batch of high-quality mutant fruits at night to prevent insufficient supply.

After dinner, Wang Ping'an hurried to the orchard to rush to produce high-quality mutant fruits. Even Gu Qingcheng and Xu Qing's strange eyes were not found.

After spraying the diluted Shennong mineral water, the fruit trees in the middle of the garden exuded a strong aura and fruity aroma.

Wang Ping wiped the sweat from his forehead, put the medicine barrel into the system space, and sighed: "Ah, it ’s not easy for fruit farmers to make hard money. It ’s more late at night, and they have to work overtime, if not for the 60 million entrance fee Who would be so desperate. "

Feeling that time was running out, Wang Ping'an returned to the villa, preparing to drive to the crater and seal the fire unicorn.

At this time, Snake Baby, War Commission, Lai Wang and others had just cleaned up the chores in the kitchen and orchard and were preparing to go home.

Wang Pingan shouted at them, and said, "Yes, you come early tomorrow, pick off the fine fruits wrapped with red ribbons, and send them to customers by SF Express according to the order information I sent to you. Tomorrow morning, the goods must be delivered All sent out. "

"Relax, boss, we will come early tomorrow morning!" The three outstanding employees, who had just recently been given the opportunity to raise their wages, were motivated and agreed unambiguously.

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