Don’t Mess with Shennong

Chapter 647: Crying

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Shennong do not make trouble!

As for the reason why the Yu family wanted to enter the Shennong Orchard, Wang Ping'an also had some speculations. It was nothing more than seeing a few practitioners in the orchard.

It's much faster than those who practice in ordinary spirit tide nodes.

Also practicing in Reiki, why is Shennong Orchard more effective?

It is nothing more than a reason for being more stable and more durable.

These things, after a circle in Wang Ping's mind, he forgot, there are not many things in the world that deserve his deep consideration.

Like the Chiyue incident, like the Reiki recovery incident, it is very worthy of his deep thought, but unfortunately he couldn't understand it, and gave up early.

Wang Ping'an drove to the station in town, which was the pick-up location designated by his sister.

Due to the impact of the Chiyue incident, the pedestrians on the streets today are extremely scarce, and most of them are avoiding unknown disasters at home.

Even the familiar beverage shop did not open the door.

Wang Ping turned on his mobile phone and entered the Reiki Resuscitation app forum to see some posts posted by practitioners.

For the Chiyue incident, they are all speculations, because they have not been recorded before.

The previous red moon was just an astronomical event and had no effect. Why did these two red moons react surprisingly? Will there be the third and fourth time?

No one can give an answer, so the atmosphere of the entire forum is equally tense and panic.

No matter what the reason is, it has caused a sensation in the world. Some ordinary people are already aware of the changes between heaven and earth, and are madly looking for practitioners, wanting to learn from the teacher, learn skills, and save their lives.

Wang Ping's little memory of the fairy world was restored, and there was no relevant information. When asked about Master Shennong, there was no response.

After Wang Ping'an was promoted to the condensing period, he was clearly able to communicate normally, but Master often didn't respond, not knowing whether it was related to Heavenly Dao's agreement.

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty minutes passed, and the school bus the sister was sitting on was still missing.

Wang Ping frowned. There are very few vehicles on the road. It stands to reason that it should be faster than usual. How come it is about the appointed time, or there is no shadow?

He wondered if he should buy a mobile phone for his sister. It was awkward not to be able to contact him at any time, especially in this special period.

The phone rang, it was a strange number.

Because the mobile phone did not remind you of an advertising call or a fraudulent call, Wang Ping hesitated before connecting.

"Which one?"

"Brother, it's me, help, there are monsters attacking us!" My sister's horrified cry came from the phone.

"where are you?"

"on the way!"

"..." If it is not a sister, Wang Ping'an will hang up now.

"At the intersection of Houzhuang and the county road." Fortunately, Wang Fengxi's IQ online added a sentence.

"Wait for me, I'll be here soon." Wang Ping'an said. Baboos was already a beast and rushed out.

Houzhuang Intersection is an intersection on the halfway. At the edge of Huaxi Town, drive past it for no more than ten minutes.

If you like Wang Ping's speed of drag racing, you can arrive in six or seven minutes.

At the moment, at the Houzhuang intersection, there was a bus that had turned over. A group of huge flower ants, each as big as a fist, jumped three or four meters, and rammed the bus that was rolled over by the mountain.

Bang, Bang.

Every time a collision occurs, there will be a terrible crack in the window glass.

From the encounter with the flower ant to the rollover, in a few tens of seconds, the dozen students in the car have been screaming in shock.

A middle-aged monk is an accompanying security guard and a member of the Operations Department.

He looked carefully around and saw that there were only a group of flower ants, but the number was only about one hundred. He did not panic at first.

First, appease the classmates and the driver in the car, and then report the situation to the boss using the mobile phone. That is, at this time, Wang Fengxi borrowed the classmate's mobile phone and called Wang Ping's for help.

The mutated ants, like crazy, grunted their teeth one by one, like demons, and wanted to eat people.


Finally, a window was broken by them, and a large ant, like a spring, jumped into the window.

At this moment, the monk who guarded the students shot.

A soft sword, like a silver snake, popped out of his waist.

Ding, ding, ding.

The soft sword struck the mutant ant, making a golden stone-like impact sound, and Mars was shooting all over, flying it away, but unable to kill it.

"Don't panic, hide behind me, ants everywhere, afraid of what they do?"

The middle-aged monk's face was calm, and soft swords and snakes flew in his hand, trying to appease the students.

It was just that the sweat on his forehead had flowed down his cheeks, like a stream, into his neck.

A terrible mutant ant, beyond his imagination.

If his soft sword cannot assassinate the ants and cannot break their defenses, after his power is exhausted, the entire vehicle will be reduced to food for the ants.

Just now, the distress call has been made, but the above reply, everyone is busy, have their own tasks, and can't get support for the time being.

"Ah, another window is broken!"

Some classmates screamed and threw out their schoolbags in random, trying to stop the terrible danger.

"Hurry away!" The middle-aged monk shouted.

However, he has no one to support, and one person cannot protect two windows.

Seeing that the ant opened his mouth wide, pounced on the girl's neck.

At this moment, Wang Fengxi gritted his teeth and jumped out of the crowd, pulling the fellow student back.

The ant rubbed the edge of his neck and hit the window on the other side.

"Ah, help, I'm going to die, I'm going to die ..." The female student rolled her eyes and was fainted in Wang Fengxi's arms.

Wang Feng was confused, and he was afraid of these mutant ants.

Although I practiced for a few days, I didn't practice fighting tricks, I didn't know how to fight.

Swish, swish.

In a flash of kung fu, another six or seven mutant ants jumped in from the original broken window and exposed bloodthirsty tusks to the students squeezed into a pile.

"Feng Xi, why didn't your brother come yet? Didn't you say that he is so good? It's over, we're going to die this time! Oh, I miss my mother."

"My brother is so fast, I am also afraid ..." Seeing an ant rushing towards himself, Wang Fengxi was also scared to close his eyes, and tears came out.


The mutant ant made a dull sound like hitting cotton.

On Wang Fengxi, a strange transparent shield appeared, like an egg shell, protecting her firmly in the middle.

The mutant ant was bounced back by the transparent shield of the eggshell.

The other two mutant ants rushed up again and were also bounced.

Wang Fengxi secretly opened his eyes and found that he was not dead?

There was a layer of protective cover on his body, and he felt the jade amulet on his neck.

The amulet was given by his brother Wang Ping'an. At the time, it was said that keeping her on her body would keep her safe.

At that time, she thought her brother was joking and fooling herself, but the jade charm was very beautiful, and the jade quality was very good. There were many strange and beautiful lines engraved on it, and it was worn as an ordinary pendant.

Whoever wanted this amulet really protected himself.

Ah, ah, ah.

Behind him, a classmate screamed, was bitten by a mutant ant, and drilled into his body, devouring their flesh and blood.

"Wang Fengxi, what is that on you, open it quickly, let me go in and hide." A female student screamed in despair and fell to the ground, as if she wanted to climb into a transparent protective cover.

"I don't know what this is, I can't control it, I can't open it ..."

At this moment, Wang Ping'an drove Barbos, and finally came, he had smelled the blood, and he was extremely worried about his sister's safety.

As soon as the car stopped, he jumped out and used the system warehouse to collect all the mutant ants outside the car into the system warehouse.

These huge mutant ants, he felt that he could soak a jar of ant wine.

As soon as he reached out, he leveled the side-turning bus and saw that the amulet on his sister was working, so he was at ease.

Then, in front of everyone, drink lightly: "Heaven in the sleeve!"

In a flash, all the mutant ants raging in the bus disappeared.

"Brother, you're finally here! I thought I would never see you again!" Wang Fengxi cried, and for the first time experienced such a dangerous thing, pushed open the broken door and plunged into Wang Ping's arms.

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