Chapter 1526 Can actually resist (seeking subscription)

Under the guidance of those demons, Su Ye is also preparing to take other angels to find the large team of demons.

But before he looked back at some of the poor demons, he decided to leave angels to replace these demons, but he didn’t kill them.

More than ten minutes later.

Su Ye also came to the place provided by the demons who collected mines before, but he looked at the surrounding environment with some suspicion.

His mood instantly became a little upset, but he still forced down his inner anger and continued to walk forward.

After walking a short distance, he suddenly heard the sound of a whistle in the distance.

Before he could react, a bow and arrow flew from a distance.

Su Ye quickly waved his long sword to resist.

As he kept cutting and cutting, the bows and arrows in the air were all broken at this time and all fell to the ground.

He also realized that he had been discovered, but even so, he just stared at everything around him calmly.

Along with Su Ye’s swing, there was a lot of dense 840 sword energy in the air.

Those sword auras were all directed by Su Ye and fell into the distance, causing violent bombardment.

The scene instantly became more chaotic.

But he never saw the devil.

Katyusha next to her stared at the front very seriously.

Suddenly Katyusha determined the direction, stretched out her hand, and told Su Ye where the target was.

Su Ye said to look in the direction of Katyusha’s finger, and immediately summoned sword energy when he saw the target.

The dense sword energy flew and exploded into a piece in the distance, and instantly exploded all the demons buried in the sand in the distance.

Su Ye was delighted when he saw this place, but then heard the horns of the devil from all sides, and guessed that he might be surrounded.

More demons came from nearby.

But he didn’t think there would be any problem with his own human sea superiority, and he just waved the Destruction Front to put the surrounding angels into a state of alert.

Many aircraft flew through the air.

Before Su Ye could react, the aircraft fired missiles unanimously.

When the missile fell, a huge smoke was formed when it exploded on the ground, and the air waves caused by the explosion engulfed all the surrounding angels in it.

Some angel archers all tilted their heads 45 degrees, and one after another set up their bows and arrows to aim at the sky.

Accompanied by the archer, a thousand arrows were fired.

The flying machines in the sky were also shattered by the dense bows and arrows and magic balls.

Some dragons took the opportunity to rush in the direction of the angel, but they were dragged to the ground by some wizards.

More demons rushed over in the distance.

Su Ye just glanced at them with contempt, and then waved the long sword in his hand.

The Front of Disruption sent out a lot of dense sword auras, piercing in the direction of the distance, and blasting all the demons in the distance to pieces in an instant!

The demons all fell to the ground.

Su Ye watched such a scene, but only mocked on his face.

First wave the front of destruction in his hand and rush into the demon group.

With a wave of his wave, all the demons around were beheaded.

Suddenly rushed out of the group of demons with a strong general-level demon holding a long knife.

(chcg) The degraded demon stepped on the ground, his body trembling in the sky, and then he waved the short knife in his hand.

Su Ye could only quickly set up the Front of Destruction to resist, only to hear a crackling sound in the air, and his body fell to the ground.

Su Ye took the opportunity to rush in the direction of the degrading demon, raising the knife and falling.

Degraded demon splits instantly.

When the other demons saw their boss fall to the ground, they all became frightened and wailed for mercy one after another!

Su Ye looked at them with a look of contempt on his face, and waved his hand at the Front of Disruption. The angels around him all swarmed up when they were ordered, and soon formed an encirclement of the surrounding demons.

The demons became more frightened, and they all kept begging Su Ye for mercy, hoping to be rescued by this method.

“Release you?” The corner of Su Ye’s mouth curled up slightly with a sneer, and the long sword in his hand pointed at the face of the devil in it. Where is your base camp, then I will let you go.”

His words made the other demons feel even more horrified, and all raised their horrified eyes to look at Su Ye.

They wanted to step forward, but Su Ye’s power also made them feel terrified.

“Are you not going to say it? Or do you want us to play with you?” Su Ye’s mouth showed a shadow, and there was a cold mockery in his ruthless eyes.

His words instantly scared the surrounding demons to retreat, but they couldn’t get out of the encirclement formed by the angels.

Among them, the devil could no longer bear the fear in his heart, and he actually confessed to Su Ye, saying: “I said! As long as you can let us go! Our base camp is not far from us, right there! ‘

The devil could hardly suppress the fear in his heart, and stretched his finger in a direction.

Su Ye looked in the direction of the devil’s fingers, and instantly understood, but immediately took the knife and dropped it.

The demon in front of him fell to the ground.

This also aroused the roar of other demons, and carried out a new resistance. .

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