Chapter 1549 Greater danger (seeking subscription)

At this time, the blazing sweat was flowing down my back, and I could feel the pain in my body even when I moved a step.

It has been injured very badly, but it still tries its best to resist the magic dragon.

The magic dragon also noticed the blazing state, took a deep breath, and exhaled a beam of light again.

Chi Lie originally thought that he could easily escape, but he was still a step late.

The beam penetrated Blazing’s body and fell to the ground in an instant.

Su Ye also noticed that Blazing’s HP is only 1 left, knowing that if the dragon hits casually, then Blazing will definitely die.

Thinking of this, he also appeared beside Chi Lie instantly.

The magic dragon emitted a beam of light again, but Su Ye used his skills to summon a shield to block the magic dragon’s impact.

But it was only blocked once!

The magic dragon soared into the sky as before, and quickly slammed into Su Ye.

As it approached, the dragon opened its mouth wide, ready to bite with its teeth.

But fortunately, Katyusha had already appeared behind the dragon, stretched out her palm, and sent out dense missiles from the palm of the hand 27.

The dense missiles fell on the body of the magic dragon, causing a new bombing.

But the magic dragon just shook his body and stood up quickly, seemingly unaffected by the bombing.

He turned his head back, looked at Katyusha with hatred in his eyes, took a deep breath, and spit out a flame as before.

But Katyusha had already escaped.

The magic dragon became even more angry, his claws slapped the ground, his body jumped into the sky, and he was about to have another “saurus waggle”.

He suddenly saw that a spear with black burning flame shot from somewhere in the sky directly penetrated the body of the magic dragon.

The dragon couldn’t help letting out a wailing, and finally fell to the ground.

Su Ye was also shocked by this scene, but quickly recovered, watching the corpse of the dragon lying on the ground, and quickly walked over.

He carefully pulled the spear from the dragon.

The life value of the magic dragon was instantly reduced to 0 from 2/3 of the original.

He glanced at the bone spear in his hand with complicated eyes, and knew who made it.

Su Ye looked back and found that Goodrina just smiled and waved to Su Ye.

Su Ye couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, and quickly led the others towards Gudrina.

Goodrina asked Su Ye what was wrong after seeing Su Ye’s arrival.

Su Ye just picked up the flame-burning spear in his hand.

Goodrina smiled embarrassedly.

“Not bad!” Su Ye’s face was full of joy, and he turned around and ordered the other angels to move on with him.

But before, I had been looking further ahead, and wanted to detect whether there was any other danger ahead, so I also ordered a few angels to explore.

But when a few angels approached a desert in the distance, they were suddenly entangled by something like tentacles drilled out of the desert!

After that, the angels all fell to the ground.

This also allows Su Ye to understand that there may be greater danger ahead.

He also ordered all other angels to stop.

The angels stood at a distance from Su Ye, looking at the desert in front of them, at a loss for a while.

Gudrina, who was next to her, walked to Su Ye’s vicinity and waved her staff.

After that, a few skeletons came out from the soil. Following Goodrina’s guidance, those skeletons all jumped into the desert.

But there is no previous situation.

Gudrina also guessed that something in the desert may be targeted to angels, and can feel the breath of angels!

“But you should let that guy come out anyway! Otherwise… he didn’t finish his sentence, and frowned slightly-lower eyebrows.

A few angels stood up, expressing that they were willing to draw those guys out for Su Ye!

Su Ye showed a complicated expression on his face, looked at them and said, “Can you do it?”

Those angels told Su Ye, “We have this strength.”

Su Ye was taken aback for a while, but decided to let the four angels come forward.

When the angels approached the desert, they waved their long swords one after another.

The long sword slashed on the ground. In fact, it only cleaved a few cracks on the ground, but nothing else happened.

857 One of the angels slightly stepped out a foot on the desert,

In an instant, half of the body of the angel who stepped on the foot was eaten by the giant that had drilled out of the desert!

Su Ye could see clearly that it was a demon with a bigger body!

The dark red wings and claws made all the angels in awe, and they all retreated.

The angel as the decoy did not shrink from it, and still used himself as the decoy.

The angels struggled to walk towards the open space, hoping to lead the demon in the direction of Su Ye as much as possible.

Finally, the demon hiding in the desert showed his whole body.

Su Ye’s face became more ugly.

He noticed that the demon in front of him was not from the demon clan, but a wild demon!

But Su Ye also noticed that wild demons are more difficult to deal with than other ordinary demons!

The huge body of the devil really made the surrounding angels feel even more shocked!

The angels all around retreated.

Their eyes were full of fear. .

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