Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1004: The battle escalated with casualties

The group of beasts mobilized, the momentum shook the sky, and for a while, the wolves were everywhere, and the real beasts rushed, rushing through the rainbow, falling like mountains and rivers, and rolling toward the city head like a tornado with fierce flames.

At fifty meters, forty meters, and thirty meters, the mutant beasts were quickly approaching the city wall.


Cheng Chao's expression was serious, his eyes fixed on the mutant beast group, until the beast group entered the range of 30 meters, he held the city head with both hands and suddenly shouted together, his face changed a bit from hunting due to his full roar.


The messenger also roared.


The messenger roared and roared to both sides of the city, and then the guns in the hands of the city guards who were waiting for battle began to roar, and bows and arrows were fired at the same time.

Bang bang bang.....

The sound of guns sounded like firecrackers, and bullets instantly crossed the space and exploded among the group of beasts. The mutant beasts bloomed with red flowers, and then each fell down. Quickly, the mutant beasts behind couldn't dodge, rushing together for a while, rolling to the ground like a gourd.

Choo Choo Choo.......

A sharp arrow screamed at the group of beasts, shooting each mutant beast to the ground, and let out a wailing. More mutant animals fell, but this amount is for the mutant beast army. It's not a big deal, this round only injured one or two hundred mutant beasts.

Although the momentum of the mutant beast group has slowed down, the impact is not great. A large number of mutant beasts surpassed the mutant beasts that fell in front, and still rushed towards the city wall.

"The second round!"

At this time, Cheng Chao shouted again, and his voice was full of burning fighting spirit.


The messengers also shouted.

Bang bang bang...

In another round of volley, more than a hundred mutant beasts fell to the ground, losing their ability to move.

It is too little, only two rounds of volleys were completed, and only three or four hundred mutant beasts were shot, and for such a huge herd, it was like water falling into the ocean without wind and waves.

Boom boom boom

The mutant beast in such a short time, Di Ping only completed two rounds of volley and rushed to within ten meters of the city wall, at such a speed, the next second it touched the wall.

"Free shooting!"

At this time, Cheng Chao shouted again with his already somewhat broken voice.

"Free shooting..."

The messenger also yelled, and the gunshots and bows rang together, as if intertwined with a musical event. For a while, the sound of ping-pong continued, and a cloud of smoke rose on the wall.

At this time, the two machine guns showed their terrifying power. They were harvesting mutant beasts like a harvester. The first-order mutant beasts could not stop the bullet rain from the machine guns. The distance between the two machine guns was fifty meters. The damage caused is surpassing the total damage of hundreds of people.

Di Ping watched secretly and smacked his tongue. He regretted that because of the relationship between the two parties, he didn't get the machine guns of Liu Zhenya. If more than a dozen machine guns were fired at the same time, the damage would be even more terrifying. He glanced at the top of the city. The gun position on the tower platform shook his head helplessly. There are too few coins in his hand and he dare not use the energy cannon now. If you want to use the energy cannon, it must be good. Can the system produce something bad?

The mutant beasts that came from the impact fell on the way of charging. Although they tripped a lot of mutant beasts that were not eager to dodge behind, there were too many mutant beasts, rushing toward the city wall like a tide.

At this time, Di realized that firearms can indeed play a pivotal role in the initial defense, which is more suitable than arrows, especially when facing a large area of ​​herds. The fire net formed by bullets can still be used. Suppress the attack of mutant beasts.

He felt that he still had some shortcomings. He had overlooked the usefulness of firearms before and felt that the Awakened was powerful and the firearms were no longer useful, but now he has taught him a lesson.

Because he didn’t pay much attention to firearms, the city guards did not specifically collect firearms. The Liu Minsheng Department bought more than one hundred guns last time, and some of them were obtained in pieces. It was less than two hundred, so few firearms could not form a dense firepower net, and could not stop so many mutant beasts at all.

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