Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1074: Flame Strike creates opportunities

It was already the time when the arrow was on the string and I had to send the arrow. I took pains to keep the King Kong behind. Now that it is left, I can't let it run back alive and come back to harm the base later.

"You go back and you must not order that you are not allowed to go forward again!"

Di Ping turned his head to treat himself with severe exhaustion, sweaty and weak Mok, and then the others moved, kicked his feet on the ground and shot the whole person, equally fast, if you say Before 30 meters in one second, now it can reach forty meters in one second.

"the Lord......."

Standing in the distance, Gina opened her mouth, and finally swallowed the words. She knew that her master would not listen to her, so she could only watch Di Ping, who had rushed towards King Kong, with a worried look.

Boom boom boom...

A beast ran on all fours, like a bull, with great momentum, and the earth moved and the mountains shook. Every time it fell, the earth would make a roar.


A person stepped on the ground with both feet, like a tyrannosaurus running wildly, as fast as a horse, and the dust aroused by the rapid running speed formed a straight line of smoke behind him.

All the spectators were staring at the battlefield closely, watching the terrifying speed and momentum of this man and beast, and couldn't help but feel shocked. Even when Liu Zhenya looked at Di Ping running wild at this time, his eyes flashed with horror. Secretly said: So scary!


King Kong stared at the oncoming Di Ping, with a crazy killing intent flashing in his eyes. It roared, and its speed increased again. It seemed that it was trying to kill Di Ping.

Di Pingyuan was cold, his eyes condensed, and suddenly he immediately activated his "Collision" skill. The speed of his whole body exploded again, and a bolt of lightning shot at King Kong, as if breaking through the space limit, and instantly appeared in front of King Kong.

King Kong didn't expect Di Ping's speed to increase so much, his body disappeared from his eyes when he shook, and then he appeared in front of him. It hurriedly wanted to stop, but its speed was not slow, and the momentum slowed down.

King Kong felt a sudden pain in his left leg, as if it had been kicked on a steel pillar. A huge force came, and its body was shocked, and then an uncontrollable somersault volleyed over.

It flew for more than ten meters and hit the ground with a "bang!" The huge body fell like a mountain, and the ground was shocked.

Di Ping stood still on the ground like a clock, maintaining the motion of an iron backer, his body leaning to the left, his right shoulder in front, and the whole body in a small lunge leaning forward, as if welded to the ground, while his feet were deep into the soil. Inside, a ditch more than one meter long and half a foot deep appeared in front of his feet, which he had ploughed out forcibly.

It was motionless, its face was flushed, as if it had just come out of a steamer, and its blood was rising like wolf smoke. The muscles on its body were trembling violently, like a wave, its blood was rushing like a river, and its bones were even more transmitted. There was a clicking sound.

He blocked this blow, and using the power of the iron mountain to take roots and the power of the earth to shock, he knocked the King Kong down by just over a meter away. Although it was a trick, the power of King Kong did not have a concentrated leg. It was in the upper body, but he did knock King Kong out. This was victory.

This time, his strength increased by almost ten thousand catties. Although he couldn't directly fight King Kong with his full burst, he still achieved the desired results by using the martial arts skills of leveraging attacks.

Just now, the strong counter-shock force was transmitted into his body. His body actually resisted it. There was no vomiting of blood, and no internal injuries. The violent shock power oscillated in the body, unexpectedly quickly surging the remaining strength after the upgrade. Digested and absorbed by the body, the surge of power brought about by his rapid upgrade is also quickly adapted and mastered.

The King Kong fell really hard. It took a full two seconds before it got up from the ground, and then slapped the ground angrily, like an angry child, picking up a piece of reinforced concrete the size of a stone roller. Chunk smashed towards Di Ping.

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