Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 5546: Chaos in the trapped city

Fenglei City is still brightly lit, like a city that never sleeps, with bright lights illuminating the starry sky.

Above Fenglei City, fully armed Guardian soldiers walked around the city from time to time, looking across the city from time to time. Fenglei City has not been attacked by star beasts for a long time. Looking outside is not interesting, it is not as prosperous and beautiful as the city.

At this time, a soldier glanced at the starry sky and suddenly stopped. He looked at the distant sky with doubts.

Seeing him stop, a soldier behind him glanced at the starry sky and said:

"Why don't you leave?"

The soldier said:

"How do I feel that Wind and Thunder Realm seems to be a little closer?"

The soldier behind him glanced again, and said nonchalantly:

"What are you kidding about, how can Fengleiyu..."

But the next moment, he stopped abruptly, he wiped his eyes severely, and then looked over, suddenly his face changed suddenly, and he cried out in surprise:

"Really...really near!"

Toot toot!

At this moment, a piercing siren suddenly sounded in the city, and the sound pierced the bustling night sky of Fenglei City. Immediately afterwards, countless people swept out of the various buildings.

It didn't take long for the Jingxin Pill under Kudou suit to enter the cultivation state, and the harsh alarm awakened him. He suddenly disappeared into the cultivation room with a sudden movement, and appeared above the city lord's mansion in the next instant, and he shouted in a deep voice:

"What's the matter? Who raised the alarm?"

"My lord, the wind and thunder domain is moving towards our wind and thunder city, and it is expected to arrive in ten minutes!"

A deacon cried out in panic.

When Kuo Dou was shocked when he heard this, he suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the Wind and Thunder Region, his face changed drastically, and he shouted anxiously:

"Quickly hit the defensive formation, let everyone leave!"

"It's an adult!"

The controller was anxiously preparing to open the large array, but then his face turned pale, and he yelled:

"The defensive array was destroyed by the control system and can't be opened!"


Kudou's face changed drastically, and then he shouted in a hurry:

"Quickly, notify Blood Star and ask for support!"

At this time, Fenglei City was in a mess, and everyone flew towards the city wall, but then their faces turned pale, and the protective array did not even open.

"Quickly, open the big array and let us out!"

People screamed frantically, and even more frantically attacked. It was too late. They had to start the battleship quickly and still have a chance to leave, otherwise no one could escape.

"Why not open the big array and let us out!"

Someone saw that the large formation could not be opened, they were yelling frantically, and the defenders on the front of the city were already frightened, and more and more people flew into the sky, the crowd was going out of control, and some people were already going to kill the city. warrior.

The gate of the city was already squeezed into a pot at this time, so many people rushed out, and suddenly several city gates were squeezed to death, and they began to fight for grabs. Some people were already working and began to bleed.

"Everyone listen to me!"

Kuo Dou's face changed drastically, and he roared loudly. The whole city was shaking with a roar of his Seven Tribulations' strength, and everyone stopped suddenly, and Kuo Dou roared anxiously:

"Someone has destroyed the defensive formation. Now the formation is out of control. Everyone will attack the formation with me and break the formation!"

As he said, Kuo Dou let out a roar, slashed out with a sword, and the sword fell on the defensive formation. Suddenly, the defensive shock fluctuated, and his eyes were desperate. This is a seventh-rank mid-level formation, and it only takes a real person to break through. , His attack could not be broken at all.

"What are you still trying to do, attack with me!"

Kuo Dou looked at the sky and shouted angrily.

But this time, everyone was awakened and attacked together. There were millions of practitioners in Fenglei City, and more than a thousand people in the Tribulation Realm. Everyone attacked together, and suddenly millions of bright energy bombarded the defensive formation. Violent fluctuations.

"Don't stop, hurry up and attack!"

Seeing hope, Kuo Dou shouted and attacked, and the defensive formation suddenly fluctuated more violently.


The city roared in fright, and attacked one by one, and countless energy bombarded the protective shield again. The defensive array fluctuated violently again, but it did not appear to be broken.

Although the number is large, but the level is not enough, it will not cause a single blow to break!

Kuo Dou's face was ugly, and the wind and thunder domain in the distance became bigger and bigger. In the area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles, a terrifying beast rushed towards Fenglei City. Many starships in Starship Port were fleeing, and the people in the city were even more panicked and desperate. NS!

"It's too late, we are dead!"

"It's all Fenglei City, they are going to kill us!"

"Kill them, let's die together!"

The crowd suddenly became frantic, one by one looking at the people in Kuo Dou and Feng Lei City with blood red eyes. These people can't escape, they are going crazy. Human nature is like this, die by yourself, then everyone die together!

"Listen to me, there is still a chance, don't stop attacking!"

Kuo Dou yelled anxiously. Although his voice was loud, it seemed to be useless for people who are already going crazy now.

"Don't listen to him, kill him!"

Suddenly someone yelled, like a gunpowder barrel meeting sparks, the crowd exploded directly, screaming frantically and rushing towards Kudou.


At this moment, two terrifying wills suddenly came, and then a blade of light pierced the sky of Fenglei City, and the guardian formation instantly shattered, and two silhouettes of terrifying aura appeared in the sky above Fenglei City.

"Tianzun, it's Tianzun!"

"Tianzun is here, we are saved!"

Tianzun's will instantly awakened the people in the city, and stopped one by one, looking at the sky Tianzun with excitement, yelling frantically.

"Master Ted, Master Barton!"

When Kuo Dou saw the incoming person, his eyes were filled with joy, and he cried out in shock.

Ted said solemnly:

"Kou Dou, you lead people to evacuate Fenglei City, I'll stop it!"

In an instant, Ted's figure disappeared into the sky in a flash, and then Patton's figure rose into the sky, and then the man disappeared into the sky.

"Two gods, we are saved!"

There was an exclamation in the city.

And Kuo Dou's expression was also shocked, and he shouted anxiously:

"Everyone evacuate, evacuate quickly, Tianzun is buying time for us!"


The whole city exploded in an instant, and everyone madly shot towards the outside of the city.

There was chaos in the Starship Harbor. Countless spaceships and starships had to run. It became more chaotic. From time to time, starships collided with each other and looted. For a while, it was even more chaotic. Fortunately, the spacecraft quickly pierced the starry sky. , Began to flee.

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