Doomsday Sword Immortal Online Game

Chapter 125 Road of Bones

Of course, but the monsters inside are too powerful for me to deal with now. Why don't we form a team to explore together and get what we need. How about sharing the gems equally? Li Jin said.

Xu Feng pondered for a moment, nodded and said: Okay.

The castle Li Jin mentioned is probably the Castle of Death. Xu Feng has been looking for it to see if he can destroy it in advance. Now he has learned that there are attribute gems in the castle. For Xu Feng, the temptation is too great, so he has to go.

After the discussion, the two ran towards Death Castle together under Li Jin's guidance.

Soon, the two came to the edge of the large cemetery where Xu Feng had penetrated deeply. Xu Feng took a look. Many of the tombstones that were destroyed at the beginning have now returned to their original appearance. Presumably, undead creatures have been refilled under the tombstones, and the power of the undead has become stronger again.

There is an undead creature under every tombstone here. Li Jin thought that Xu Feng had never been here, and explained kindly: The monsters are more powerful as you go in. I met a four-star skeleton bull warrior inside. Invisibility doesn't work on them, they can smell the living.

Xu Feng nodded and did not speak. Xu Feng has personally experienced the horror of this cemetery. Although he has never met four-star monsters, he has encountered a lot of three-star monsters.

Li Jin led Xu Feng around the edge of the cemetery and ran west.

The area of ​​the cemetery was not small, and the two of them ran around the edge of the cemetery for a long time before they saw a faint mountain peak in the distance, halfway up the mountain, a European medieval style castle was built.

On the desolate land of the undead, a black mountain peak appeared for no reason, it looked very abrupt, there were no living things on the mountain, except for rocks and corpses, there was only an old castle, which made people feel even more weird.

Xu Feng looked up and saw that the entire castle was made of black marble, which was very similar in color to the mountain rocks. The entire castle seemed to be embedded in the mountain, and it was easy to miss its existence without looking carefully.

Right there, there is a road paved with bones at the foot of the mountain, extending all the way to the gate of the ancient castle. At the gate of the ancient castle, there are two undead guards with three-star elite strength guarding the gate of the ancient castle. Li Jin pointed to the distant mountain peak and said .

Three-star elite? Two? Xu Feng was taken aback: Then how did you get in?

The three-star elite monsters are all bosses, even if Li Jin is the peak strength of the three-star monsters, it is impossible for him to deal with two three-star elite monsters by himself.

I have a skill called Misleading, which can attract monsters' attention for three seconds. Li Jin said with a slight smile.

Three seconds... Xu Feng frowned slightly. The three-star elite had a wide range of vigilance, and it was almost impossible to rush into the castle in three seconds.

I also have a skill, sprint, which initially increases the running speed by 15%. Now that I have upgraded to MAX, it can increase the running speed by 45%. Li Jin laughed.

Xu Feng frowned slightly. With the combination of Li Jin's two skills, he was able to enter the castle before the two three-star elites could react, but he...

Xu Feng glanced at Li Jin. Obviously, this was a test that Li Jin had set for himself. If he couldn't even enter the gate of the castle, he would not be qualified to be a teammate with Li Jin at all.

This is a lifeless mountain. When Xu Feng looked up, the top of the mountain was always shrouded in a thick layer of black mist. It was impossible to see how high the mountain was and what the top of the mountain looked like.

This hill is full of withered and rotting trees. All these trees have lost moisture, become dry and wrinkled, and all the leaves have disappeared. Only the branches are left, stretching their teeth and claws towards the sky.

On the mountain, from time to time, rats, rabbits and other small animals with only skeletons left are gnawing on the rotting corpses.

A two-meter-wide road paved with white bones stretches from the foot of the mountain to the entrance of the ancient castle halfway up the mountain.

It's here. Li Jin said.

This mountain was full of undead energy, and Xu Feng felt uncomfortable when he got close to it, and even when he took a breath, he could feel the smell of rotting corpses lingering at the tip of his nose.

This is the center of the entire undead area. As long as it is destroyed, this undead area will become a tree without roots, water without a source, and will soon be assimilated by the will of the earth and absorbed into a part of the earth. Here, it will become a paradise for necromancers.

Let's go up first. Li Jin said: The alert range of the two three-star elite guards is about 20 meters. If they get closer, they can smell the breath of living people.

Xu Feng nodded, and the two climbed up the road paved with bones.

Click, click~

When the rotten white bones under his feet were trampled on, there was a slight shattering sound, which made Xu Feng's heart sink.

It is unknown how many corpses of creatures were buried here, paving a road to death.

Xu Feng stepped on the road of bones, and seemed to see the moment when he died in the previous life, the icy-cold mouthparts pierced his body fiercely, and then the flesh and blood were swallowed, leaving only pale bones piled up in the wilderness, just like the bones here. Same, let people trample on you.

The more he went up, the more confused Xu Feng's eyes became, as if he had lost his soul. Li Jin glanced at Xu Feng and stopped. Xu Feng didn't seem to notice, and continued to walk up in a daze, his steps getting heavier and heavier.

What's wrong with me, haven't I been reborn? Xu Feng woke up suddenly, seeing darkness in front of him, Xu Feng shouted loudly: No, how could I end up like this!


There was a soft sound next to his ear, the darkness in front of him was like a mirror, and it shattered at once, Xu Feng woke up.

Looking up, he was less than twenty meters away from the undead guard at the gate of the castle.

Xu Feng broke out in a cold sweat. This road of bones has such a strong hallucinogenic effect that people fall into a hallucination unconsciously.

You passed the test of the death illusion on the Road of Bones, and your mental value increased by ten points.

The cold mechanical sound of the system came from the ear.

Xu Feng turned his head, and Li Jin was less than ten meters behind him, looking at him in surprise.

You have walked for so long in the illusion of the Road of Bones. Li Jin said in a low voice: You still broke away from the illusion before leaving the gate of the ancient castle. How much has your spiritual attribute increased?

Illusory Realm of the Road of Bone Bone? Xu Feng said displeased, You actually know, why didn't you remind me?

Li Jin shook his head and said: It's useless to remind you. If you know in advance, if you are prepared, you will still fall into an illusion, and because you are on guard in your heart, the illusion will be more real and harder to break free. My two teammates, because In this way, without breaking free from the illusion, he walked directly into the gate of the ancient castle and was killed by two elite guards.

Xu Feng wiped off his cold sweat. The illusion just now was too real. If Xu Feng hadn't been reborn, what happened in the illusion might be a real thing. Xu Feng was killed by bloodthirsty insects and turned into a pile of dead bones.

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