The Iron Armored Pig Demon watched Xu Feng approaching step by step, a look of greed flashed in his eyes, human flesh and blood are more delicious than these insect soldiers;


The pig demon hissed and rushed towards Xu Feng;

The wind pierces straight!

Xu Feng's figure suddenly accelerated, his figure flickered and turned into a bolt of lightning, passing by at a distance of more than ten meters;

white rhino looking at the moon;

With a loud bang, the pig demon's huge body was directly knocked into the air, and a sword mark on the skull with deep bones could be seen, which almost split the pig demon's head in half;

When the pig demon fell to the ground, smoke and dust were everywhere, and a deep pit more than one meter wide was smashed out. Lying in the pit, the pig demon kept panting heavily, only feeling a splitting headache, and this sword almost killed him;

The pig demon struggled to stand up, but saw Xu Feng standing by the edge of the hole, holding a sword in both hands, slashing at it fiercely;

The pig demon let out a shrill scream, and the bristles on its body stood up like needles, and shot towards Xu Feng. This was already the pig demon's trump card, and it would only be used when it was at a critical moment;

Xu Feng dodges, the mane is extremely fast, if he is not careful, he will be shot, and most of the mane of this pig monster is poisonous, although it is not life-threatening to stab the body, it is very troublesome;


"Captain, did you hear that? There seems to be a scream of a monster." Li Dong heard the scream of a monster in the town, rolled his eyes, turned his head, and said to Xu Feng in a low voice;

"I'm not deaf." Xue Feng said angrily;

"Captain, why don't you go over and have a look, maybe it's a fight between monsters, we're going to take advantage of it;" Li Dong's face sank, but he quickly recovered, and said in a low voice;

Xue Feng moved, glanced at Xue Yong, nodded, and said: "Go, go slowly, don't disturb the monsters;"

A group of people quietly walked through a small courtyard and walked towards the place where the monster roared. Soon, the scene of Xu Feng fighting with the Iron Armored Pig Demon appeared before their eyes;

"Hiss~, that person is so powerful, Xue Yong, can you handle that person?" Xue Feng glanced at Xu Feng, and asked in a low voice;

"It's just a guy with four-star strength, no matter how powerful he is, there is a limit;" Xue Yong took a look and sneered;

Li Dong showed a look of surprise on his face, and said in his heart: "It turned out to be him, Tianyuan Temple made me feel so embarrassed, causing me to be excluded everywhere in the team, Xu Feng, let's see how you died today;"

"Captain, I know that person!" Li Dong said suddenly: "That person killed my cousin Li Ting, and my Li family offered a reward of 10 million destiny points to take that kid's head;"

"What, 10 million destiny points?" Xue Feng showed a look of surprise on his face. He was just a guy with four-star strength, but he was worth 10 million. It's great;

Xue Yong's heart moved, and he looked at Xu Feng with hot eyes, 10 million destiny points, enough for him to buy a few pieces of four-star gold-quality or higher equipment;

"Xue Yong, can you kill that guy?" Xue Feng asked;

Xue Yong snorted coldly and said, "Li Ting is only in the 80s on the combat power list, and there are a lot of people who can kill him. I am ranked 67 in the combat power list, and killing this guy is easy;"

"Okay, then what are you waiting for, kill that kid, 10 million, our team sent it;" Xue Feng's eyes were red;

"Let's talk about it before the fight, how to divide the 10 million?" Xue Yong asked with squinted eyes;

"How to divide, of course everyone should divide equally, we are a small team, all spoils are divided equally;" Xue Feng straightened his face and said;

"Hehe, then you guys go." Xue Yong put his hands on his shoulders, and said with a smile, the few insect soldiers in front are not of much value, so if you give up, you will give up, but 10 million destiny points;

"Do you really think I'm a fool for you to drive?" Xue Yong sneered in his heart;

"Xue Yong, you are sent by the family to protect me, you must obey my orders;" Xue Feng blushed and roared in a low voice;

"To protect you is to protect you, to kill is to kill, how can the two be confused?" Xue Yong squinted at him and said with a smile;

"You, you..." Xue Feng trembled angrily, pointing at Xue Yong, speechless;

"That kid is only a four-star strength, Captain, you are five-star, and we are also four-star, can't we deal with him alone? Without Xue Yong, we can't kill that kid?" A man in leather armor next to him The team member said in a low voice;

Xue Feng's eyes lit up, that's right, the other party is just a human being, not those hideous monsters, what is there to be afraid of, five stars beat four stars, why don't you let me beat you?

"Captain, hurry up if you want to do it. That kid will kill the monster soon. Once he escapes, there will be so many monsters and insect soldiers in this small town, it will be hard for us to find them;" Li Dong said suddenly;

"Okay, let's go together, anyone who does it will have a share;" Xue Feng shouted loudly;


Xu Feng chopped the pig monster over with a sword, pulled out the beast crystal, and started to collect materials;

When Xu Feng was collecting materials, he felt as if someone was watching him, and his brows frowned slightly. Those who dare to come here to hunt monsters are generally very powerful.

"Xu Feng, do you still know me?" Li Dong came out and shouted loudly, with a smug look;

Xu Feng slowly put the monster materials into the virtual backpack, and raised his head to take a look;

"You are the guy who wants to buy my treasure." Xu Feng laughed;

"Xu Feng, have you ever imagined today!" Li Dong's eyes showed murderous intent. Behind him, several people came out, four four-star, two five-star, and the rest were all three-star;

"Why, so many people wanted to kill me because I didn't sell you any treasure?" Xu Feng asked;

"You killed Li Ting. Our Li family offered a reward of 10 million for your head. If you kneel down and beg for mercy, I can still plead with the family and maybe spare your life!" Li Dong said with a grinning face;

"Can you be the head of the Li family as a junior?" Xu Feng laughed;

"You, die!" Li Dong's expression darkened, he drew out a scimitar, and rushed towards Xu Feng;


Li Dong only saw a silver light in front of his eyes, and felt as if his body was hit by an elephant, and he flew backwards, his chest hurt, and there seemed to be blood splashed on his face;

This blow directly knocked out half of his HP, and a three-star silver-quality leather armor he was wearing also had a big hole, and the durability turned red;


Li Dong spat out blood, with a horrified expression on his face. At this time, he had fallen into a state of serious injury, his blood volume continued to decrease, and his mobility decreased by 30%, which was almost the same as a near-death state;

"Why is your attack so high?" Li Dong exclaimed;

"Come on, let's go together!" Xue Feng yelled when he saw that Li Dong was knocked down with a single blow, his face was ugly;

Xu Feng clenched the flying sword, sneered, and rushed towards Xue Feng;

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