The atmosphere of the Blue Demon Star is very peculiar, and can be seen very clearly with the naked eye. Groups of light blue air masses flow slowly, and from time to time, a colorful divine light suddenly appears from the air mass, flashing away, and setting off the entire sky. Hong, from the outside, the entire planet seems to be wrapped in a mass of blue gemstones with colorful colors.

Dididi, welcome to the Black Ice to enter the Blue Demon Star! A soft mechanical voice sounded in the cabin.

Black Ice? Xu Feng was taken aback for a moment, then realized that this was probably Captain Doug's name for the five-masted sailboat.

Begin to receive the towing signal... Xiao Q's eyes flashed blue, and he read methodically: The towing signal docking is complete, master, the five-masted sailboat will follow the towing signal and enter the port of the Blue Demon Star to berth.

Xu Feng nodded slightly.

It was the first time for him to enter the universe and other living planets on the same plane as the earth. He didn't know many rules. What he had to do now was to watch more, think more, but talk less and do less.

The five-masted sailboat can be easily put into the package, but it can only be put away after it docks at the port. Now that it is put away, he will directly appear in the sky above the Blue Demon Star and be killed as an intruder.

The Blue Demon Star has a very high status in the entire Blue-Gold Empire. I am afraid that on this planet, there are department head-level or even stronger powerhouses guarding it. It is better for him to act according to the rules as a small eight-star person.

The five-masted sailboat passed through the atmosphere. Through the virtual screen, Xu Feng saw a huge city below. On the edge of the city, there was an extremely vast port for spaceships. At this time, there were densely packed spaceships in the port. Whether big or small, some are only tens of meters long, and some are more than hundreds of meters long. Xu Feng saw a large ship approaching a kilometer, slowly leaving the port and heading for outer space. The shadow of the huge ship Covering the sky and blocking out the sun, the spaceships next to it all moved away one after another, fearing that they would be swept away by the strong wind when it left.

Spaceships over a kilometer are generally not allowed to dock on planets. The owner of this spaceship must be at least a department master or even a domain master. Xiao Q said while looking at the spaceship.

Department Master, Territory Master? Xu Feng gasped. He didn't expect that there were so many realms above nine stars. This made him, who was about to approach the planetary rank, feel small.

Master, those are old monsters who have lived for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years. They may not be as good as you at your age. Master can't be discouraged. Xiao Q said with a smile;

Xu Feng smiled slightly. Just now he just learned that there are so many realms above the planetary level. He was a little lost for a while, but it was impossible to hit him. Ten years in his previous life had already tempered his state of mind like steel. , The level is low, the realm is low, just work hard, it's no big deal.

We have received the signal. The destination of our stop is the No. 122 dock in the D area. There are 67 spaceships to berth in front of us. We need to wait for 17 minutes and 58 seconds! Xiao Q said.

Soon, under the control of Little Q, the five-masted sailboat slowly turned around and headed towards area D. In front of it, there were many spaceships flying in the same direction.

After waiting for a while, the guidance signal changed from red to green, and the five-masted sailboat moved slowly, following the guidance signal, heading towards the docking position in Zone D.


The five-masted sailboat descended slowly and finally landed.

The cabin door opened, and Xu Feng came down from the deck. Seeing that Xu Feng was driving such a strange spaceship, many people looked at him in surprise, but seeing the death mark behind Xu Feng, many people were surprised. Everyone's faces changed, and they quickened their pace and left the port.

Xu Feng stepped down from the five-masted sailboat, and his face suddenly changed: The gravity of this planet is more than twice that of the earth!

As soon as he left the spaceship, Xu Feng felt the gravity changes of this planet. It looked about the same size as the earth, but the gravity of the earth was more than twice that of the earth. People born on this planet were born with innate physical fitness. Much stronger than Earthlings.

It's not surprising. The universe is so big and full of strange things. I have been to a planet whose gravity is a hundred times that of the earth, but its volume is only one tenth of the earth's. Leaving the sailboat, Xiao Q has already moved to Xu Feng's in the communicator.

After getting off the spaceship, Xu Feng waved his hand and directly put the five-masted sailboat into the package. This scene caught the eyes of many people, with surprised expressions on their faces.

A spaceship capable of accommodating 100 meters must have a large storage space, and a person who can have such a large space for pets must either be powerful or have a great background.

You must know that Xu Feng's virtual backpack became what it is now after several upgrades and the fusion of storage rings and many treasures at the same time.

And a spaceship only occupies one storage slot, not as much space as other people think.

Dear sir, welcome to the Blue Demon Star!

A robot more than one meter tall moved slowly in front of Xu Feng, raised two arms, made a welcome gesture, and said in a soft mechanical voice: The fee for the parking space is 100 blue gold coins per day. , you can also use cosmic gold coins, there will be a 10% discount, which means you only need nine cosmic gold coins!

No, thank you! Xu Feng said with a slight smile, although he can get ten cosmic gold coins, but if you can save it, you can save it!

The robot froze for a moment, turned its head and took a look at the parking space. The parking space was empty, and a circle of colorful lights lit up on its mechanical head. It was spinning rapidly, as if it was down, unable to speak a word.

After a long time, the robot slowly said: There is also a fee to use the parking space.


After paying five cosmic gold coins, Xu Feng left the port, followed Xiao Q's guidance, and walked towards the biggest auction on the Blue Demon Star.

He is penniless now, with only a few cosmic gold coins left, so he can only go to the auction house to sell some things before he can afford to modify it.

In the sky, small spaceships passed by Xu Feng's head continuously, and Xu Feng's eyes were full of envy.

Little Q, do you think it's okay for me to fly directly here? Xu Feng asked.

The port city is too big. If you walk like this, it will be too slow. If you fly, the speed will be much faster;

The Blue Demon Star does not allow individuals to fly in the city. They can only take small aircraft. Master, you can spend some cosmic gold coins to take public transportation. With one cosmic gold coin, you can visit the entire city.

Xu Feng nodded, and had no choice but to ask Xiao Q to hire a small aircraft to pick him up. Soon, a silver aircraft docked beside Xu Feng. Xu Feng raised his hand, and Xu Feng walked quickly towards the aircraft.


Thanks to the Moon Night Under Sima book friend for the 100 starting point coins~

Thanks to book friend 141130160048919 for the reward of 100 starting coins~

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