A black Skull Star Thief mecha, chased by three white mechas, flew towards the direction where Xu Feng and Captain Hardy were.

It can be clearly seen that the flying speed of the black Star Thief mecha is much higher than that of the mecha behind it. Whether it is high-speed steering or small-scale dodging, from the performance point of view, the Star Thief mecha has obvious advantages. From time to time, the Star Thief Mecha will make a few dodging movements to avoid the laser beams and miniature guided missiles behind it. Seeing Captain Hardy's mecha, the black Star Thief Mecha is also obviously stagnant, and then circles around. He made an arc and rushed towards Captain Hardy.

The fighters in the black star thief mecha saw Captain Hardy and Xu Feng, and there was a cruel look in their eyes. If they don’t wear mechas in the space battlefield, they are looking for death. These mecha fighters dared to charge him, let alone a fighter who had just entered the star rank.

As long as you move your finger, this fool will be smashed to pieces! Star Pirate smiled slightly, aiming at Xu Feng beside Captain Hardy's mech.

On a battlefield full of mechas, a person who broke into the battlefield without wearing a mecha would often attract people's first attention. The star thief was eager to see Xu Feng's body torn apart.

At the moment when his finger was about to press down, a bright silver sword light suddenly occupied the entire screen in front of his eyes, as if no matter how much he dodged, he couldn't escape from this silver torrent.

There was no blood on his face, his pupils were full of horror, and the sweat on his forehead poured down like a waterfall. He wanted to control the mecha as if he was running away, but his fingers seemed to be hung with heavy weights. It is impossible to move a point.


The mecha trembled violently, and the Star Thief Warrior knew that he must have been hit, but he couldn't tell what part was hit right now. A look of despair appeared on the soldier's face.

boom boom boom~

The black star thief mecha turned into a bright firework in the starry sky. The three mecha fighters who were chasing from the opposite side saw the mechas of Xu Feng and Captain Hardy, with puzzled expressions in their eyes.

But soon, a set of encrypted signals came from Captain Hardy's mecha, which was a signal to distinguish friend from foe. Although the three mecha fighters had never seen Captain Hardy's mecha and Xu Feng, But in the end, after sending a thank you signal, he turned and returned to the battlefield.

Hmph, if it weren't for you, none of these three guys would have survived. It was obviously a temptation, but they couldn't see it. They were chasing desperately, without any vigilance. Captain Hardy's voice sounded in Xu Feng's ear. : I really don't know how the Nolan Science and Technology Alliance teaches these rookies, but how dare you call yourself an elite?

Regarding the group of mecha fighters hidden on the Eagle, Captain Hardy's tone was full of sarcasm, and he didn't like these guys at all.

Xu Feng made a continue gesture towards Captain Hardy, and the two continued to touch the Star Thief.

The battlefield was extremely chaotic, with high-speed flying mechas everywhere, laser beams all over the sky were as bright as fireworks, the sound of explosions echoed in my ears, and mecha fragments were floating around like garbage.

Not only these star thief mechas that may rush over at any time, but these stray bullets alone are hard to guard against. Even if you are careful, Captain Hardy's mecha was hit by several laser energy bombs. A deep hole the thickness of a finger was pierced, not a burst of sparks.

Under the cover of each other, Captain Hardy and Xu Feng slowly touched the outside of the energy cover of the Star Thief Mech. The milky white energy cover was flowing like glass, and the powerful energy cannon shells bombarded it, only producing bursts of light. The ripples spread outward, but they couldn't cause any damage to the battleship.

Whether it's battleship technology or mech technology, the Star Thief is more than a step ahead of the Nolan Technology Alliance. Without you, it's only a matter of time before the Eagle becomes a prisoner or is destroyed. Hardy Ship He let out a long breath and sighed.

Didn't you say that we are grasshoppers on our bodies now? Xu Feng smiled slightly, took out a metal ball from his bosom, pressed it a few times, adjusted the energy output, and pointed the metal ball towards the The light curtain of the star thief battleship smashed away.

Soon, a window more than five meters high and three meters wide appeared from the light curtain.

Speed, you can only hold on for three seconds! After Xu Feng finished speaking, he quickly climbed onto the outer shell armor of the Star Thief Mech from the window.

Captain Hardy's eyes showed surprise, but his movements were not slow at all. He rushed in after Xu Feng, and after a while, the metal ball behind him made a crackling sound, and a burst of sparks shot out. , the metal ball shattered into powder, and the light curtain of the star thief battleship quickly closed.

Originally, the energy ball could still be used two or three times, because a larger window had to be opened to let Captain Hardy's mecha in, so the energy output was adjusted to the maximum, otherwise, only Xu Feng could Enter here.

Are you from the Temple of the Gods? Captain Hardy's surprised voice came from Xu Feng's ear.

This kind of metal ball that can break through the light curtain of the battleship, except for the temple of the gods, there is no force that can master such a technology.

Xu Feng glanced at Captain Hardy, didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

Captain Hardy was shocked. Mecha fighters claim to be invincible at the same level, but they dare not say so when facing gods of the same realm. The reason is that a god is a country, and a person is an army. Has a dismissive attitude.

But what he didn't know was that Xu Feng had never been in contact with mechas, and he only envied mechas. On the earth, they are all high-end goods, which cannot be touched by a low-star fighter like him.

Xu Feng frowned slightly when he saw the secondary guns outside the Star Thief battleship continue to emit dazzling light. He swung his flying sword and wanted to smash the nearby energy cannons, but was stopped by Captain Hardy.

It's important, kill them now, and we will be exposed! Captain Hardy said.

Soon, the two came to the nearest entrance and waited patiently. Not long after, another batch of star thief mechas flew out from different entrances and exits of the battleship. The two took the opportunity to get in through the entrance and exit, and soon came to the star thief internal.

They're just fishing! Captain Hardy said with a gloomy face as white air rose from both sides of the mask of the mecha, and he slowly opened it.

Fishing? Xu Feng glanced at Captain Hardy.

That's right, it's just fishing! Captain Hardy nodded and said, The number of their mecha fighters is not less than that of the Eagle, but it seems to be adding oil, and it is revealed bit by bit. This is not fishing but What?

Maybe they want to train soldiers! Xu Feng shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently.


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