Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1119: AI that can be pumped

"Damn it! I would be forced into this field by someone who is not even a human being!"

Yake’s will was beyond imagination. The two of them smashed the dungeon and failed to obliterate his fighting will, but the battle ended here. After the dungeon was broken, the two fell directly into the data link layer and couldn’t get out. Exceptions will continue to fall until it becomes pure zero and one.

Just when Inter felt that he was about to die, suddenly the operation of the program became stagnant for a while, and it was too late to do what he wanted to do, and his consciousness fell into a stagnation.


Sky Pearl Star, Poseidon knew nothing about the Peak Contest. At this time, he was suffering how to use his customized Neumann machine.

Compared with game systems such as MC, the Neumann machine customized to restart civilization is much more complicated. Even if it is a fool-like operation, let Poseidon, who is close to illiterate, learn to use it. Basic knowledge of natural sciences.

This is really unacceptable for Poseidon who can't wait to make money and run away.

So Poseidon is going to take a shortcut, and that is to buy an artificial intelligence and let the artificial intelligence help him operate the Neumann machine. This is the easiest way. You don’t need to do anything and you can just sit back and enjoy the success. What’s more perfect than this. NS?

When I came to an offline store selling artificial intelligence, Poseidon saw all kinds of people gathering on this street, and many people even put up signs saying that we should liberate artificial intelligence, and we should not enslaved another intelligent creature.

Poseidon sneered at this kind of Virgin, let alone enslaving artificial intelligence, enslaving human beings, elves, giant dragons, none of the gods did it. In the view of Poseidon, there needs to be a group of people in the world to become slaves to serve them. People, therefore, are dismissive of the "brain disability" of these artificial intelligence liberation movements.

When he walked into the store, Poseidon asked a sentence that would almost certainly be slaughtered: "What is your best artificial intelligence?"

He doesn't worry about being slaughtered. Artificial intelligence is not a high-end product in Tulips, because in the final analysis, this thing is just a piece of data, which can be copied. No matter how expensive artificial intelligence is, it is difficult to get anywhere? As for the top military-grade goods, they can't be bought by spending money.

The clerk looked at Fat Sheep and quickly greeted him enthusiastically, leading Poseidon to come in: "What kind of artificial intelligence do you want? Is it pure or hot? The latest big sister is not ashamed or ashamed This is very popular, would you like to try it?"

Poseidon shook his head: "No! I don't want what you said. What I want is the kind of capable."

"Ah... this..." The young waiter blushed at once. She had been a receptionist for such a long time. She had been accustomed to the weird requests of customers, but it was the first time I saw it so straightforward. Cheeks are flushed.

"Ahem, do you need a special artificial intelligence for the bionic doll? In this regard, our store does not have much inventory, but it can be customized. We need your doll's body shape and skeletal muscle distribution map in order to design the doll Action model."

Poseidon: "..."

He found that there seemed to be some misunderstanding between himself and the clerk, and the other person seemed to have a certain misunderstanding of the word competent. But Poseidon really moved a little bit.

Tulip-produced dolls, even if it is him, it is difficult to distinguish them from real people. Should I bring a few together? It looks pretty good.

Poseidon quickly shook his head. These questions were able to be considered later. He now needs a high-performance artificial intelligence to help him manage the Neumann machine that is still being customized.

"You may not understand what I mean. What I mean by being competent is to be smarter, with higher performance, and can help me take on some complex tasks."

"Ah!" the clerk exclaimed, then covered his face, turned his head and banged his forehead against the wall: "Sorry! I didn't mean it, I'm sorry! Ah!"

After tossing for a long time, she recovered her calm and cleared her throat and said: "The artificial intelligence you mentioned is indeed already on sale, but the performance is definitely not comparable to the military one, which means that in our place, you There is no way to buy strong artificial intelligence.

Strong artificial intelligence is a controlled item and is not allowed to be bought and sold in private. "

" are the same here. I have asked several companies. They don't have strong artificial intelligence to sell. Can this not be accommodating? Isn't there anyone in the private sector who can write strong artificial intelligence?

The price is whatever you want! If you just use a computer that is not connected to the Internet, you should be able to write a strong artificial intelligence, and no one should know about our private transactions. "

"You may have a misunderstanding about artificial intelligence. It takes at least billions of lines of code to write an artificial intelligence code. If you write it manually, you may have to wait for decades before you can get a strong copy of your own. Artificial intelligence, borrowing files in the database for compilation and debugging without networking, we have no way to compile a qualified artificial intelligence, and all networking behaviors need to be supervised by law.

But if you really want strong artificial intelligence, there is a way on my side, which can be regarded as a gray area in this industry. As long as strong artificial intelligence is not written by ourselves. Then there is no need to take responsibility.

In other words, if we find strong artificial intelligence, it will be difficult to hold us legally responsible for how to deal with As long as you purchase it and don't produce a card, there will generally be no problems. "

As soon as Poseidon heard this, he immediately became interested: "Don't worry, I will never give birth. Even if I use it, I will definitely use it in private."

"Well then. Can you actually get strong artificial intelligence? It also depends on luck. We have several advanced artificial intelligences in the data link layer of the network that are responsible for salvaging junk data. There are some strong artificial intelligence in official games or applications. Artificial intelligence may be abandoned due to accidents and fall into the data link layer, some of which may be salvaged by us.

However, most of these data have been broken, and only a certain probability can be used for the second time. Before we disassemble the data, we cannot determine the integrity of the content.

Therefore, we generally do not disassemble it ourselves, but sell the data package directly. The price is not expensive, even if the data is incomplete. The performance is not much worse than ordinary artificial intelligence. If the data is relatively intact, the performance is estimated to be very close to strong artificial intelligence. If you are interested, you can try to extract it. "

[To be continued]

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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