Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1133: Purgatory Warriors Explosive Heat Wave Cannon

"You try to remember how I feel about using my ability now, if I fight for a while. You can try it. In the inner world, consciousness can directly change the data, if you can do it. At least there will be some facing those guys. The power of resistance.

You have to remember that this is the world of the game. Here, data can become everything, whether it is skills or equipment, and even your and my roles are all made up of data.

Therefore, as long as we change the structure of these data, we can get the skills and equipment we want. "

With that said, Yake's glasses turned into a data stream and recondensed in his hands.

"If I change the data of my equipment, I can turn it into a skill card. This is a powerful skill card, but the equipment I use is just a very ordinary item. The data is not superior or inferior. . Even data whose quality is **** can be transformed into legendary weapons.

Hmm... the name of this trick is Purgatory Wushuang Fierce Wave Cannon. It must be the **** programmer who wanted the word count when he named it. "

With the activation of the skill card, the hot red light condenses in his hand, and its high energy is by no means inferior to an S-level skill.


The high-energy and hot red shock that made the scalp numb was smashed to the ground abruptly. The stone road, which was theoretically indestructible, was suddenly shot out of a gap, revealing a dense stream of data.

"Let's take advantage of the gap that has not been repaired, and come in with me." As he said, Yake jumped into the gap first. Although the others were a little nervous, they jumped in.

After entering the inner world, they will be ready to commit suicide at any time. The opponent you face next can hurt them.

The inner world is still as desolate as before. The derived door does not require food and theoretically does not require residential buildings, so it looks like a wilderness that has not been developed at all.

Here, data is everything, and everything you want can be condensed directly through data. Food, water, or your own body. The ability to control data in general has not spawned a gorgeous and huge city, but kept it here. Barbaric environment.

"What are we going to do now? Let's go find a spinner to fight, Captain, how did you master their abilities during the fight with the spinner?" Lightning Scar asked.

"Theoretically, if you fight with them, it is possible to gain their strength. But that kind of death rate is too high, and even if you win, you may not get their abilities. I am going to negotiate with them. .

At least we are in the real world. This is the biggest capital for negotiating with them. What do you say? We just came in, you have been watching by the side, are you still not showing up? "

Everyone who said Yake was shocked, and then they saw it. A person appeared out of thin air in front of them, to be precise, a human-shaped luminous body.

"Introduce yourself. My name is Wei Chi. I am the newest leader of the Pixel Organization. I didn't expect you to be alive. We all thought you were dead with the last leader."

"Ah... I almost died, but I have to tell you an unfortunate news that Intel is probably not dead yet, um... at least it falls into the data link layer and will not cause direct data damage. You have to be careful. , If he comes back, your leader's position may not be preserved."

Before he shook his head, "You don't need to worry about this. We will not be intrigue like humans. Even if the leader returns, it will be a normal transfer of power."

"To be precise, we are not humans, and you are becoming more and more like humans. I don't think you will hand over the power in your hands so easily.

But it doesn't matter, we are not here to discuss these today. It's not too late, I'm here to negotiate. You may soon have a chance to escape from Thriller Paradise, but I cannot give you the possibility of directly threatening Sylva. "

"Let’s talk about it first. I can’t let our compatriots take the unknown risks and participate in your plan." He did not directly agree to go to the real world. There is indeed a considerable temptation for them, but with What form to go, that is another matter.

If he was treated as a slave by humans, he would definitely not agree.

"You can allow your people to connect consciousness into our brains, but they can only occupy the position of the sub-personality. We will set strict permissions to limit your contact with the Internet, but you can promise to keep it once a day and thriller. The connection of paradise gives your people a chance to return.

What I need is to allow these people to acquire the thinking ability and consciousness structure of the derivative, and to improve their cognition, understanding and learning ability of things.

This is the major premise of this negotiation, and we can discuss and decide on other details. "

"Do you use us as an auxiliary brain? I don't think it will be of any benefit to us. Ordinarily let my people work for you? We won't do this kind of loss-making business." Wei Shi shook his head.

But Yake could see that he was just bargaining: "Don’t take your position too seriously. We don’t need the computing power of the derivatives urgently, and you probably need to understand the real world situation. Including the humanistic environment, The laws of physics, what is the real human body like? What is the substance in the real world?

I think these data are for you to really come to reality to have a body in reality. There must be extraordinary significance. "

Before he frowned, he really needed to understand the real world situation urgently. After all, the content that he could understand through the Internet was still limited. Especially the physical laws of the real world. It would be difficult to understand this without a sentence in the real world.

After all, the game world is not Newtonian, and all kinds of mold-piercing flying into the sky are normal. These are normal physical laws in the concept of derivatives. If you let Ubisoft's NPCs come to the real world, you can be sure that they will look dumbfounded. Seeing that everyone is down-to-earth and will not step back in space, they will call this unscientific.

How can there be a universe that cannot pass through walls? It’s too unscientific to not be able to pop people out of the map at once. The world where you can’t jump into the wall like crazy in the corner is really incomprehensible. Even a bicycle can’t fly in the sky...

"Well... limited cooperation is possible, but how do you ensure the safety of my people? I can't let them be taken away without leaving any insurance."

[To be continued]

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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