Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1151: The battle begins

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! These people who came to work in a geothermal power plant had been clearly informed of the dangers of working here before they came. It may be attacked by underground intelligent creatures at any time.

So before starting work, the first training they conducted was how to quickly evacuate to a safe area after hearing the alarm.

These people are all clear about where there is safety for evacuation and how to keep order for evacuation. Compared with underground intelligent creatures, they are close to the organization ability of the Middle Ages. They are too strong in this regard.

I saw that everyone was evacuating late in an orderly manner. If it was a marching trot in the corridor, there was no blockage.

At the same time, several heat-absorbing ports for magma at the base were closed in an emergency during this process. A layer of shield slowly rises, covering the hemispherical geothermal power generation field. The power plant will be built into this shape. The biggest purpose is to prevent sudden attacks.

This shape allows the size of the external shield to be reduced to a minimum. After all, the spherical shield is by far the strongest type. The shield is almost attached to the outer armor of the power plant, and its defense power is extraordinary after full power operation.

"Please pay attention to the personnel of all units! Severe vibrations may occur next! Please hold on to the handrails and fasten your seat belts! Prepare to accept the impact!"

While the personnel were evacuated into a defensive state, a large number of small ships with powerful shields were also sent to investigate the situation in the surrounding magma military base.

Mere defense is absolutely infeasible in war. They not only need to annihilate the enemy, but also know where the enemy came from.

Except for the power mechanism, all of them are small ships with shield generators. Has a frenzied defense. Can swim in a nuclear explosion. It is the best choice to explore the situation.

The volume of the high-energy target is not large, and the number of enemy units in visual observation should not be much, but the energy contained is quite large. It is expected that the power will not be less than the impact of a nuclear explosion of 50,000 tons. This order of magnitude is not too large for a nuclear bomb. Big. But for other types of explosives, it is frantic enough.

The most troublesome thing is that this thing is not like a nuclear bomb, as long as it is intercepted and destroyed midway, it can be prevented from exploding. After all, nuclear bombs require complex detonation facilities. As long as a little damage is done, the nuclear material cannot be detonated.

The high-energy object in front of you is on the contrary, you must be careful when transporting it, because even a small amount of interference may cause an early explosion.

The high magma can make the effective range of the energy detector very short. When the abnormality was discovered, the opponent had come within the effective attack range. Can only do as much defense as possible to resist this explosion.

However, the command level of the power plant did not panic because of this. The explosion of this level was completely within their expectations, and the power plant was at most slightly damaged. This damage can even be avoided after the entrance to **** the magma is closed. Not to mention casualties.

The death squad of the Ironwood Kingdom was shocked by what they saw after approaching the base. Although they can only use Sheng Na for detection. But the frequency of their occurrence is very high, so they can receive information similar to dynamic pictures.

When they saw the existence of that huge mountain range, they moved on their own. Like a huge beast crawling on the earth's crust, slowly retracting his vulnerable limbs. Curl yourself into the most suitable defense state. It is followed by a film that envelops it.

This is an existence that has never been seen before. Similar to the effect after their masters use spirit power. But it seems that the resulting defense is tougher. This once again gave some of them the illusion that their attacks would be useless.

"Are we going to attack? This thing seems to be alive, if you provoke it..."

"Go ahead. Even if this is a living monster, we will definitely be able to blow it to death. Don't forget how many explosives we have on our bodies. These things are enough to make our kings think that the ground is flat. Even if it is a living one. Monster, we can blow him to pieces!"

With that said, the captain has completed the final acceleration in the charge. Driving his own big octopus, carrying explosives all over his body rushed towards that layer of shield.

Although the other members of the death squad hesitated for a while, they were all determined to die, so they all followed suit and launched a charge.

Compared to the difficulty of keeping them, the explosives on their bodies are too simple to detonate. A violent explosion can occur with a slight collision, and the explosives on a person will cause a chain reaction after they explode.

After a violent explosion occurs in magma, the effect is very different from that in the atmosphere. The thick and dense magma can better transmit the shock wave. Although it cannot be caught with the naked eye in magma. But the tangible shock wave spread out in a spherical shape. All the surrounding rocks were thrown out to be more broken.

If there is not enough strong material to isolate. Such a shock wave is enough to crush everything within the explosion range, there is no mushroom cloud, but the destructive power is even more terrifying.

The sirens in the power plant sounded more and more rapidly. The shield made an overwhelming clicking sound during its overload operation. The emergency red light comes on. Let the corridor be like an underground refuge in the apocalyptic wasteland, giving people a feeling of depression.

The employees who fastened themselves to their chairs with safety belts only felt as if they had experienced a severe earthquake. If it is not for the seat belt, restrain yourself. I am afraid that he has fallen off the chair at this time.

The only good news is that their material science is quite good, and the materials used in the construction of underground power plants are extremely strong, even with such a strong impact. It did not destroy the structure of the building. It caused their building to collapse, and then they were buried alive in magma and died.

Although the shield is madly calling the police. But after the shield generator was overloaded, it still carried all the power of the explosion abruptly. Although it was nearly broken, there was still a spare shield generator that was not turned on.

In other words, even if the explosion was even stronger, it destroyed the first layer of shield. The base also has a follow-up protection guarantee, and it is by no means that easy to be destroyed.

At the same time, the huge sound of the explosion, along with the shock wave, traveled an unknown distance in the magma, and was finally sensed by the Kingdom of Mor.

Anyone with a little brain can realize what the explosion was just for.

For a while, the army of the Kingdom of Mor was angry, and the site they had finally grabbed was blown up. All of them took up weapons for a while and prepared to fight desperately.

[To be continued]

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