Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1165: Reaping the benefits of Don 3

During the live broadcast, some people started to try to practice. What makes them most satisfied with this kind of cultivation is that they require very few resources.

Only a small amount of resources need to be found in the early stage to help them unlock the spiritual roots in their bodies. In fact, this step is to unlock the soul power. If there is no restriction of the construction method, after this step is completed. Their soul power will slowly unlock. So as to master the power after practicing this exercise to the apex.

However, their exercises are also like layers of seals, sealing their power, so that they have to unblock them through practice again and again.

After Tang San finished the design and released it, he was actually a little scared. It's not that I'm afraid of something I designed. But think of the seal of soul power.

Obviously soul power is such a thing. It is a terrifying existence that can directly control the onlookers. As long as you master it, you can have a strong outrageous power. But why is the soul power sealed?

I thought about his own practice, and it also sealed the user's power from the beginning of the practice. Such a similar approach really made him think more. Could it be said that those who impose a seal on soul power also have different plans?

He really has no way of judging this, and there is no clue at all.

And even if he really doesn't have a plan, he probably has nothing to do now. And as more and more people began to try to cultivate, Tang San also gradually felt the benefits brought by his back door.

The so-called state of harmony between man and nature is actually emptying one's brain, and it is also the easiest state to borrow computing power.

In this case, most of his computing power can be borrowed. Tang San only felt that his thinking speed had begun to skyrocket, and everything around him seemed to have entered a slow motion-like stillness, thinking about a problem, only for an instant that could not be blinked.

This is really helpful for him to design a strategy for breaking through the next seal.

Audiences who began to practice, thinking that Xiuxian had a smooth journey quickly realized the problem. Xiuxian has to face catastrophes. Every time he breaks through a realm, he must accept catastrophes. The most common ones are thunder catastrophe, earth, fire, water and wind. Yes, even the most troublesome demon, it makes people smelly.

As long as those who want the power of white prostitution are extremely disappointed. But everyone was relieved soon. Because everyone is accustomed to what they have to give to gain strength. If they don't need to pay anything, they won't be at ease.

In their view, disaster is the price they need to pay. In this case, they feel at ease in gaining strength.

And these catastrophes don't necessarily need to be carried on hard, as long as they create something called a magic weapon, they can prevent disasters for them. As long as the catastrophe did not completely damage their magic weapons. Their own lives can be saved and a breakthrough in the realm can be obtained.

The most important thing is that magic weapons can be refined into many pieces, which can be used in stacks when crossing the catastrophe, that is, the more magic weapons there are, the greater the chance of life-saving.

This article is different from most Xiuxian novels. After all, what is needed in the novel is to facilitate the plot. It is impossible for you to prepare a lot of magic weapons to overcome the catastrophe 100%. And what Tang San needed was more magic weapons for them to be destroyed. In this case, the more the better is naturally, and the number of micro robots he collects will also increase greatly.

If he accumulates for a period of time, the day when he breaks through the next seal is just around the corner.

After he is promoted again, he can publish the second-order seal technique and tell other people on the mainland that this is the cultivation method of the next great realm. So continue to let people from all over the continent work for him. And the power he possesses is always superior to other people.

This is the perfect situation he imagined. There is no need to control the country, and no need to work for busy government affairs. As long as you have absolute power. He is the existence of the supreme emperor on this continent.

Even the emperor had to bow to him. And he can see any of his secular legal rules. This is the so-called great freedom, which means you can do whatever you want.

In order to cut leeks more conveniently, Tang San selected a group of people as geniuses in the cultivation world. These people practiced very fast and could easily understand the breakthrough of realm, thus playing a leading role in other people and allowing people to see. To the huge benefits of increasing this power.

Most people with unusual talents are those who have a low IQ and can't provide him with much computing power. These people are easy to control and difficult to pose a threat to him. At the same time, there is not much benefit from squeezing. Just to compete for them.

In the future, the power of the muscles will overwhelm the brain, so even if there are smart people, under Tang San's suppression, there will be no way to break through the realm. It is still only possible to live at the bottom of the society. Since then, the high-levels are not very smart and it is more convenient to control.

Except for these people who are not very high in IQ, there is no way to provide computing power. There are still a few people who have been promoted, those who have a good relationship with him.

For example, Ma Hongjun, such as Oscar, these friends who play games together. The family background is very average, and you can only spend time in the ordinary team, and you have to plan carefully if you want to obtain the spirit ring.

The days of stumbling like this will soon come to an end. After someone realizes that they are geniuses for cultivating immortals, their status is bound to rise, and wealth, fame, and power will all be at their fingertips.

And Tang San himself enjoyed this feeling very much. One thought can change the fate of other people, which is really cool.

Lyon is also lucky to have a very good talent for cultivation It is not that his IQ is relatively low, in fact, he is relatively witty. He had thought of several dangers several times, although most of these methods required Tang San's cooperation to succeed.

But this was a big favor to Tang San, and a little thought gave him a good talent, as long as he stepped into the path of cultivating immortals. It's definitely a smooth journey, and even crossing the catastrophe is much easier than others.

After the practice frenzy started. Someone soon discovered a problem. That is to improve strength, although no resources are required. But when breaking through the realm, it is needed, and quite a lot is needed.

They need a lot of resources to make magic weapons and resist catastrophes. There is no doubt that they will be so serious because some unlucky ones who don't believe in evil have been hacked to death.

After the poor got the news, they scolded their mothers wildly, and the capitalists were relieved. If their huge wealth is not helpful for cultivation, they might be hung on the street light poles soon.

[To be continued]

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