Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1178: Technology diffusion

Although they did not sign any unequal treaties with the Xingluo Empire, in this country that advocates force, defeating their emperor and possessing this power stronger than their strongest is already more effective than the constraints of any unequal treaty. .

Looking at the big power that hadn't conquered the mainland, only the Soul Beast Empire was left, but Tang San fell into hesitation. It was indeed in the Soul Beast Empire that there were two Salted Fish Councillors he didn't want to come into contact with.

His own technology is stolen from the data link layer. The Way of Nature has higher civilizations outside of this planet, and think of it, the incarnations of Chengying and Ice Emperor, they fell at will. On the kingdom’s corpse, a large battlefield with a radius of hundreds of miles was built using satellites. This kind of expression is too much like that unknown foreign language name.

Although the alien civilization does not seem to actively interfere with the situation on the mainland, if the two people really belong to that civilization. They might cause huge trouble if they move. In addition, the soul beast empire, whether it is territory or population, is the smallest of the three empires, and the gains from really conquering may not be too much.

Considering all these factors, Tang San still decided not to care about the country of considerable Buddhism, but he was frustrated because of his fear of foreign visitors. It's always going to be vented.

Tang San scanned the map of the mainland. Be prepared to find a force with no eyesight to bully and relieve the depression in your heart.

Then his sight fell on the location of Sky Crystal City, which is now the headquarters of the infected. The infected are called the city of Silva.

Even now, this city is still at war with the Tiandou Empire. But they also seem to be of a buddhist style, except for going ashore and planting grass every day, they basically do not leave their dungeons.

And what they grow is also a kind of purple, strange grass. It's hard to understand what they are doing with these grasses.

Tang San's theory of traditional Chinese medicine is very advanced, and he knows quite a lot of herbs. Even if you don’t know it, you can roughly judge from the appearance whether it is toxic and can it be used as medicine?

However, this purple grass is completely out of his scope of knowledge. What the ghost knows what this thing can do?

Such a small city that is incompatible with the entire continent is definitely a good place to vent his anger. Anyway, even if the city of this group of infected people is wiped out. No one really said anything.

He was flying very fast, and he immediately flew over when he thought of going there to find trouble. He happened to have heard about the strength of the infected. These guys are very strong because of their special infection symptoms. Only a few hundred thousand people can give birth to a demigod-level powerhouse. If you come into contact with Xiuxian, it can indeed bring him some fun.

In fact, the infected people have really come into contact with Xiuxian, after all, they are human in the outside world. Those compatriots who break out can use the game system of "Thriller Paradise" to pass information back.

This information includes the cultivation technique of immortality, but the influence of different knowledge displayed in different places is also completely different. In the huge Tiandou Empire, this knowledge makes the bottom without social resources, and some are depressed. Soul masters have gained power beyond their class. This led to the loss of national centralization.

But in Sylva, the immortal cultivation system did not destroy their unity in the slightest, not because of the superiority of the system, but because their numbers were too small. It is much less difficult to unify the mind than the Heaven Dou Empire.

In addition, they are already in a difficult situation and have a heavier mindset of holding a group for warmth. As a result, even if their strength has been improved because of their practice, they will only be promoted through the normal way, and will not try to disrupt the social order.

In terms of promotion channels, Sylva is inherently superior to the empire. In addition to the fact that the population is smaller, promotion and demotion are easier. Therefore, class contradictions are relatively difficult to accumulate. The Tang San's strategy of dividing classes and creating class contradictions is here. Did not play a role.

Instead, it drove their technological explosion. Originally, their biotechnology has reached a bottleneck, and its development is limited by the size of the cells.

The development of science and technology often needs to be carried out together with the understanding and control of the microcosm. The biggest problem with biochemical science and technology is that the basic unit of control is the cell. This is a bottleneck that is difficult to break through without the assistance of other industrial systems. It is too difficult for biochemical technology to break through this bottleneck alone.

Even if it comes later. The integration of silicon-based viruses into the scientific and technological system greatly reduces the difficulty of breaking through this bottleneck. In theory, it will take more than ten years or even decades before breakthroughs can be made.

After all, they are too lack of metal minerals here, and there are almost no other sources of metal except for extracting from magma. It can be said that the start is quite unfavorable.

And the controllable soul power just became their help to break through the technological bottleneck. For them, the realm of cultivation is not the most important, as long as they can accurately control the micro world, this is enough.

The biggest advantage of biochemical technology is their technological products. It can be easily copied in large quantities. For them, breaking through the technological bottleneck is to create a smaller basic unit that will divide itself.

Every technological breakthrough. They found smaller substances that carry genetic information, and the biological equipment they used seemed to be flesh and blood. But the internal genetic material has long since been arranged in base pairs.

The biggest bottleneck they face now is actually how to record genetic information on a single molecule instead of a long sequence of molecules.

As long as they break through this technical bottleneck, they can usher in the most violent technological explosion, shrinking the size of a single cell to the quantum limit.

At that time they would no longer need to be restricted by resources, and the controllable soul power was simply born specifically to help them break through this layer of bottleneck.

With the controllable spirit power, the thinking of the infected has also broadened. In the beginning, they tried to etch genetic information on a single molecule, and make the genetic information self-replicate, but the molecule itself is not a blocky object, it may be like writing on the surface of a leather ball, and it is difficult to record information directly on it. It is too big, and the quantum layer must be involved to achieve a similar level.

And since the quantum field must be involved, it is better to make a single molecule bigger. Refer to the prion's survival method to improve it, let the molecule jump in different states to store information, and then use the molecule itself as the basic unit that constitutes the biological device.

[To be continued]

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