Dragon Ball Guilty

Chapter 64 Torturing Tao Baibai (Part 2)

Tao Baibai climbed up from the ground with difficulty, wiped the blood that spilled from the corner of his mouth, coughed a few times, and said coldly: I was just careless for a moment, boy, I, Tao Baibai, am not that easy to defeat! After saying that, his expression turned gloomy, and he was immersed in the duel with all his heart, not caring about the pain on his body.

Go to hell! Tao Baibai shouted violently, and his figure turned into a gust of wind, passing over the ground and appearing behind Feng Zi in an instant. An iron fist surrounded by violent wind appeared above Feng Zi's head, and then struck down with thunderous force. The strong wind howled and the power was astonishing.

Feng Zi's eyes flashed with enthusiasm and excitement, and he stepped forward without fear. In an instant, energy was exchanged, and the sound of fists colliding with each other sounded like firecrackers, and the two agile figures turned into Two black gusts of wind flashed, jumped, moved, and moved on the street, chasing, fighting, and intersecting with each other. The speed was extremely fast and violent. The power of the fist wind surging everywhere spread wildly, and the screams were loud and captivating. .

Hey! Hello, is this the police station? There are two very powerful guys fighting on 6th Street in Block B! At this time, the streets and alleys were gradually crowded with people, and almost all passers-by kept a certain distance. Watch the exciting fight between Feng Zi and Tao Baibai.

It's so powerful. What are the backgrounds of these two people! Oh my God! Is it because I'm dazzled? Why do I appear there and here now? They are so powerful! The purple-haired one actually punched me. The iron railing was bent! ... Discussions continued one after another, and passers-by on both sides of the road who stopped to watch pointed at Feng Zi and Tao Baibai who were fighting, expressing their surprise and shock.

Now the only one who could barely see the two punching and shaking their legs was Sun Wukong, and the passers-by could only vaguely hear the two extremely fast whirlwinds scurrying around on the ground, and their ears were filled with screams. Even so, they were still looking at the violent sound of fists and feet colliding with each other with excitement.

Feng Zi and Tao Baibai suddenly jumped up, and kept fighting each other in mid-air. Boom-- they fell to the ground at the same time. The cracks in the floor under their feet stretched like a spider web and shattered, but they were fierce and fierce. The strong wind seemed to have suddenly grown wings, and they rose up from the ground and joined the turbulent flow of gravel dancing in the wind. This made the strong wind within a few meters around the two people full of unimaginable lethality.

The two swift shadows in the field dodged and dodged, intersecting head to tail, touching each other, and then touching each other. The invisible strong wind of the Swift Wind and Rocks had an visible form, and the rocks penetrated the air, surging and wandering everywhere. Occasionally, the gravel that escaped the range of the strong wind screamed and hit the building a few meters away. Amidst the clear and loud impact, the walls of the building were hit with shallow pits and shattered into pieces. The stone exploded into powder and fell into a thick layer of white ash on the ground. The scene was so fiery and tragic that no one present had ever seen it before.

His fists are like meteors from the sky, and he can tear open monuments and crack rocks with great force; his legs are like thunderbolts, and his moves can open up heaven and earth and sweep across all wastes in a thrilling way. The battle between the two masters was brutal and shocking. The power of every punch and kick would cause the air to stir up turbulence. The ground would break into pieces and then turn into powder. The originally flat road would dent amidst the loud noise. When it sank further, it was so miserable that it was ravaged by the terrifying power of the two people, leaving passers-by stunned and trembling in their hearts.

Tao Baibai looked red-faced because of her anger. With a sweep of his arms, Feng Zi lowered his body to avoid it, and at the same time, he hit Tao Baibai's lower abdomen with a punch that could turn steel into powder.

Ahem! Tao Baibai groaned and flew backwards. Feng Zi kicked the ground hard, and followed Tao Baibai's figure as he flew backwards. When Tao Baibai's back hit a collapsed house, he bounced back to the ground. At that moment, Feng Zi had already jumped high, turned his body sideways, raised one leg straight up, bent his knees and arrogantly hit Tao Baibai's head from the mid-air flames. Once he was hit, I'm afraid that even with Tao Baibai's tyrannical strength, he would end up with a broken skull and die.

At the moment when the knee was about to fall straight down from the sky, Tao Baibai rolled outward at a speed close to the ground. Feng Zi's knee hit the ground with such force that the floor fell apart and gravel flew. After Tao Baibai rolled outward, He then pushed hard in the opposite direction on the floor. He endured the stinging pain from the flying rocks splashing onto his face and body. He turned around, his legs flickered, and a strong and fierce kick hit Feng Zi's half-kneeling body. of the right shoulder.

Weng Long! Weng Long! Weng Long... There were blasts of whistles in the distance, but it was the police force that had heard the news and was heading towards Feng Zi's position. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

Feng Zi's figure appeared on the ground a few meters away, with one foot carrying a strong wind and crashing towards his face. It was as fast as lightning and as fast as thunder. If he was hit, his face would probably be disfigured. of.

Feng Zi's legs kicked off the ground, exerting force suddenly, and her upper body also hurriedly rotated outwards. Her head missed Tao Baibai's kick by a hair's breadth, and the strong wind carried by the foot that passed by her ear rubbed her. It passed by his cheek. Although it looked very dangerous, it did not cause any real damage.

At this time, Feng Zi used his right foot as the fulcrum, and used the strength of the kick he just kicked on the ground to turn his body upside down on the ground. He kicked Tao Baibai's calf on the ground with a kick like wind and shadow.

Tao Baibai's body was unbalanced. He pushed the mountain of gold and the pillar of silver and threw himself towards Feng Zi, who was on the ground. However, Feng Zi, whose legs were quickly recovered in front of his chest, bent his knees and bounced to the chest. Tao Baibai's strong body was thrown three hundred and sixty-six times in mid-air. After turning backwards for more than ten times like a wheel, Tao Baibai was about to fall to the ground. At this time, Tao Baibai fully demonstrated his practical experience as a killer. He straightened his back and steadied his body in the air. Finally, he landed feet first, but his steps were still a bit unsteady.

Feng Zi also jumped up from the ground as quickly as a cheetah, and the two men resumed their confrontation. This fierce fight made the surrounding passers-by tremble with fear. They couldn't help themselves. They were already shocked and speechless in their hearts.

Damn, this is the first time I've met such a troublesome guy! Damn it, it looks like I'm going to use that trick! Tao Baibai cursed in his heart while throwing punches and kicks.

A police car driving in the distance appeared in the sight of passers-by. In addition, a reporter, who was described as being more sensitive than a dog's nose, also rushed over after smelling the fishy smell.

What exactly happens next? The next chapter is worth looking forward to!

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