Namek is a world of hundreds of islands, isolated hills and continents covered by strange marble trees, and entire planets interesting and rich.

Moreover, Namek's buildings are low, with round or blister-shaped windows, and the overall shape is somewhat like abalone or snail shells.

There is no central government, and some of the regional problems of the Nameks are resolved by the village elders who come together to negotiate and solve them.

Everyone born in Namek can enjoy the best life.

Again, there is no army on this planet, and each village is defended by a warrior to their homeland and Dragon Balls.

The Nameks are characterized by a low birth rate and a long lifespan, and live scattered in natural villages of about 100 people.

As for the dragon balls, they were made by the Great Elder of Namek, and there were seven of them, which were kept by the seven elders respectively.

If you want to get these dragon balls, you must test your wisdom and strength with the elders or simply say your wishes, and only warriors who have the approval of the elders can get the dragon balls.

On this day, Namek welcomed two guests, these two guests were naturally Reg and Supacion, but they had not landed on Namek yet.

In the center of Namek, there is a house, very large, and on the second floor of the house, a Namek, much taller than the others, sits here.

He is the Great Elder of the Nameks.

In the early stage of Namek's evolution, the primordial climate change caused almost all the Nameks to die, but the Great Elder stubbornly survived the ancient Nameks.

This has been hundreds of years and his body has been full of vicissitudes, and now he is already dying.

"Well, the future of my clan !!


The moment Reg approached Namek, the Great Elder had a premonition of their clan's future.

It's the same as in the original book, Frieza slaughtered the Nameks, and the entire Namek suffered.

"I didn't expect the Saiyan Lord to be alive, come here, I'm afraid it's also..."

The Great Elder had vaguely guessed something, although he didn't have the powerful prophecy skills of the Adraths, but it would be a little, limited to the range of Namek.

The reason why he knew about Reg was precisely because Reg had reached the range of Namek, but he had not yet landed on Namek.

"Neru. "

Suddenly, a young Namek walked in and knelt down on one knee with the right Great Elder: "Great Elder." "

He is Neru, the personal guard of the Great Elder of Namek, and the strongest of the Namek.

In the original book, when Frieza came to Namek to massacre his compatriots, he was unable to come to the rescue because he had to protect the Great Elder.

He is a combative Namek, and is the strongest of the Nameks other than Piccolo.

"Neru, there are two guests coming from outside, and you go and pick them up for me. "


"Yes, you'll know when you go, remember to say hello with good words, and go for it. "

Somewhere on Namek, a spaceship rushed out of the stars and landed here, and then on a flat ground.

Reg and Supa Fox stepped out of the spaceship and set foot on this land, Namek is more beautiful than Adrat, after all, the Nameks who live here belong to life lovers.

"Is this the Namek?"

"Yes, this is Namek, well! it's coming so soon!" Reg had just replied when he felt a breath of anger coming towards them.

According to the feeling of this qi, it should be the Great Elder's personal escort Neru!

Only he has tens of thousands of combat power, and it seems that the Great Elder already knows about his own here!

"Brother Regg, it looks like someone is coming!" Suba also noticed that she was not as proficient in qi sensing as Regg, so she would not be able to sense it until later.

"Yes, but don't worry, he's not here to be our enemy. "

Neru took the initiative to rush over, explaining that this was what the Great Elder of the Namek Star Man meant, and he didn't have to worry about how to find the Great Elder.

"It's coming!".

Sure enough, at this time, Naru arrived, and when he saw the person who came, his eyes narrowed, this is a Saiyan?

"You two are Saiyans?".

Despite the Great Elder's orders, Neru still spoke indifferently, but Reg had a problem, that is, he didn't like this kind of character of being weak and arrogant and looking down on people.

But he's here to beg someone, so he has to endure it.

"Yes, we are here to find your Great Elder, and your appearance here means that the Great Elder already knows that I am coming. Reg took a breath, swallowed the anger that came to his mouth, and said in a mild tone.

"You're right, come with me. "Neru didn't want to embarrass them, after all, it was the Great Elder's orders.

In this way, Reg and Neru arrived at the Great Elder, a huge two-story building with a very strange appearance and keletal remains.

From afar, it looks like a huge dragon head lying prone on the ground with its huge mouth open.

This may be due to the Namek's worship of dragons, after all, the Nameks have such a name, dragons.

Then Reg followed to the second floor and saw the Great Elder, although he had watched the TV series in his previous life, but when he met the real person, he was still surprised.

The one who will develop his potential is the Great Elder of Namek!

In the entire Dragon Ball, there are only two people who have the safest and most effective way to develop potential and improve combat effectiveness, one is the Great Elder of Namek.

The potential he exploits is not increased at the expense of the developer himself, nor is it simply overdrawn by the future potential of the developer.

It was developed as an exchange-like approach, developed and secure.

In other words, the Great Elder can see the potential of the developer and use his own ability to save him cultivation time, helping him release this potential.

Moreover, this method of potential development will not bring any harm and discomfort to the developers themselves, which is one of the safest.

Second, it is the king god of the old world, and I don't know if the potential he has developed is really time-consuming, in short, in short.

In the original book, Sun Gohan waited for a long time before he finished speaking, so what kind of mysterious state did it come about.

Getting back to the point, when Reg was in a trance, the Great Elder of Namek opened his mouth and pulled him back.

"Saiyan Prince, don't you know what you're doing here?".

As soon as the Great Elder spoke, Neiru on the side was slightly surprised, this person was actually a Saiyan Prince?

"Huh. After Reg came back to his senses, he coughed and coughed to cover up his distraction: "I have been to Adrath Star, where I heard that the Great Elder of Namek Star has the ability to develop potential, and this is the purpose of my visit this time, and I also ask the Great Elder to fulfill it." "

Reg said very politely, the Great Elder looked at Reg and found that he did not have an evil aura on his body, and the reason why Reg did not have an evil aura was because he had never killed anyone.

Neither he nor Suba had ever killed him before, so naturally there would be no evil, and of course there would be no merit.

And Supa Beavon understood very well, so when Reg spoke, she didn't ask a word.

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