"Danxi, you help them summon Polenga out. "After collecting the Dragon Balls, Neru took Reg and Suba to a place far away from the Namek tribe.

It seems that he doesn't want to affect the life of the Namek, and Reg doesn't mind, he already gets what he wants anyway.

And what he paid was nothing more than a promise.

A promise that he can address at any time.

Now what Frieza and the like are no longer in his eyes.

Danxi nodded: "Okay, don't worry." "

Neru shifted his gaze to Regg, and Suba Raccoon skipped directly, he hadn't even minded with the female streamers, not to mention the two of them, mainly Regg.

"I hope you don't bother the Great Elder again after you make your wish, he is very old. "

Reg nodded, "Don't worry, we will leave Namek after we make a wish." "

Neru was not as cold as before, nodded and immediately exploded and flew away.

Reg looked at Neru, who was a very competent guard: "Danxi, let's start." "

"Yes. Danxi immediately put the last dragon ball at the six dragon balls.

When the seven dragon balls converged together, they made a humming sound.

Danxi took three steps back, spread his hands, and shouted in the language of the Nameks, "Come out!

As soon as Danxi's words fell, the resonance of the seven dragon balls suddenly stopped, and suddenly the golden light suddenly burst out of thin air, shining all around.

At the same time, the sky was covered with black clouds, which quickly obscured

The sun turned from noon to night in an instant.

The Great Elder also saw it here, this is the Dragon Ball used, and the Polenga is about to be summoned.

"Great Elder, just help him like this, will it... After all, the Saiyans are—" Neru asked, as soon as he returned.

The Great Elder shook his head: "Don't worry, this Prince Reg is different from other Saiyans, not to mention that the Saiyans have been wiped out three years ago, and the remnants are only a few." "

"What he promised will definitely come true, our clan will encounter calamity in the future, and we must get his help, otherwise our Nameks will be wiped out in the near future. "

Neru didn't speak anymore when he heard this, he knew that the Great Elder would prophesy, so he didn't doubt the Great Elder's words.

On Rege's side, suddenly thunder rumbled in the sky, and suddenly a golden lightning suddenly appeared and directly penetrated the heavens and the earth, and the huge vibration resounded in all directions, and the momentum was majestic and magnificent.

Reg and Suba Beacion and Danxi were all amazed when they saw this, and their faces changed drastically, and this magnificent and magical scene was extremely shocking, as if the end had come.

Especially Regg, it's still the same sentence, what has been seen in the TV series, but with the experience of his own life, it is simply two feelings.

Even Danxi is the same, although he is a Namek, he is also the first time to summon the Divine Dragon.


At this time, a huge explosion sounded out, and the golden light on the surface of the seven dragon balls suddenly erupted, scattering out, and a long electric light as thick as a wall blocked the air, bursting out of the slender and tortuous golden electric sparks, meandering and dancing, and the majestic momentum sensationally shocked the entire Namek Star.

In this momentum, Reg did not feel any earth-destroying power and suffocating power.

But he felt that this momentum contained supreme nobility and sacredness, which made people look up inexplicably, and had a feeling of reverence, maybe this is the feeling that Shenlong gives people, right?


Suddenly, a dragon roar shook the heavens and the earth.

A huge green figure hung in the air, the body of a dragon thousands of meters long was coiled, the two arms were thick and strong, the claws were sharp, but the eyes were scarlet.

Polenga, in the language of the Nameks, means 'god of dreams'.

The shape of this Pollenga that Reg saw was a bit like the lamp god in Aladdin's magic lamp.

However, Polenga's ability is not bad, it is stronger than the Dragon Ball of the earth, it can grant three wishes, and it can resurrect people who have died many times again and again.

In contrast, the divine dragon of the earth is different in that it can only resurrect one person at a time.

In the original book, after the death of the Great Elder, the Great Elder of New America said that he had successfully enhanced the power of the Polenga, so that the Polenga could resurrect all the earthlings at once.

After using polanga, you only need to wait 130 days before you can use it again.

And the function is also the same as the dragon of the earth, the life of Polenga is also closely connected with the life of his maker, the maker lives, he exists, the maker dies, it disappears.

"Come, whoever summons me, say your desires, whatever you want, but only three. The loud voice of Polengana echoed through the wilderness.

"Say what you want. Danxi turned to look at Reg, and this time the user was him.

Hearing this, Reg nodded: "Little fox, do you want to make a wish?"

On the good side, Reg naturally won't forget about Supali, who is his future wife.

"Well, Brother Regg, I want a planet where we can live, after all, we're still wandering the universe. Subacion's clothes were embarrassed, this sentence can be understood as a double meaning, although they are still young, but their physical development and age are almost incompatible.

Although it is an exaggeration, Saiyans are like this, when they are four years old, their physical height is not much different from that of their teens.

I'm almost twelve years old now, but I'm about the same size as eighteen, only a little bit close.

And he repaired his hair very well, short hair, not as long as in the original book, almost as long as Super Saiyan Three and Raditz.

Getting back to the point, when Reg heard this, he almost patted his forehead, he really hadn't thought about it.

Indeed, they can be said to be wandering now, without a fixed home, and it is not possible to go on like this, but they still need to have a home that belongs to him.

"I'm sorry, I was negligent. Leg said and looked at Danxi: "Tell Shenlong, the first wish, we need a creation planet, here in the North Galaxy, not close to the earth, but it must be suitable for survival, beautiful, all the environment is beautiful, there are wild animals and so on, the most important thing is to be strong." "

Danxi nodded, and told Polenga in Namek's language, and at this time, Bolengana's scarlet eyes flashed a red light, and the great power had already worked.

Far away in the North Milky Way, there is somehow an extra planet, about the same size as the Earth, but it is blue-green.

"That wish has come true. "

Polenga responded, and then a coordinate appeared in Reg's mind, and this was the coordinate of the planet.

"So fast!" Supa was also startled, if it weren't for the fact that she also had a coordinate in her head, she couldn't believe it, it was incredible!!!

"Say your second wish!".

When Reg saw what Supa was about to say, Supa was the first to speak: "Brother Reg, you can do the rest." "

She had already gotten what she wanted, and there were two left, and she knew that Reg needed it, so she spoke first, so that Reg would not be embarrassed.

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