Reg didn't care about that, all he was thinking about was how to get the money.

Robbery? Like Lan Qi? Be a robbery king? How is this possible?

He is also the great prince of Saiyan, how could he be reduced to such a state.

I really can't rob a bank!

What kind of hunting and selling things for money, Reg doesn't do this kind of thing, he has such a strong strength, and he still does this, it's useless.

"Okay, that's it!".

Eventually, Reg decided to borrow money from the banks of Earth.

Yes, borrow money.

As for how to borrow, it is naturally borrowed quietly, the kind that is borrowed but not returned!

And the other party didn't notice it at all.

Earth Reg has been designated as a place he wants to come to often, so naturally he can't make a bad image here.

He is him, not Vegeta, so if he can avoid destroying the image, he still has to avoid it as much as possible, if he really can't help it, then he has no choice.

In the end, Reg took 100 million from a bank on a street in the Western Capital, and they didn't know it.

How is it possible to be aware?

They're just ordinary people, and at Reg's speed, even if they have a camera, it's useless.

Regg's one is fast, and that's not something their camera can capture at all.

"What's going on? The 100 million cash that someone just came to deposit, why is it gone?" a clerk looked at the place where the box containing the money was placed.

"What's the matter with you? The money is just gone? Are you making up a TV series for me?" The manager here also came to inspect, and when he heard the words of the clerk, he naturally didn't believe it.

So he checked the surveillance, and was stunned, and indeed the box containing the money disappeared like this.

The surveillance video only saw that the box was placed there, and suddenly it disappeared, and no one took it, and it was !! that it disappeared like this

Suddenly, the bank exploded here, 100 million is not a small amount, but Reg doesn't care about this, the money he has already taken has passed to the universal capsule company.

It didn't take long for Reg to arrive at the Universal Capsule Company, which was also the largest in the Western Capital.

Other houses, high-rise buildings, etc. are not as big as it, no way, who calls this the place where the richest man in the world is, naturally different.

Dr. Brive is the father of sisters Tais and Bulma, the founder of Magnum Inc., and a brilliant and eccentric scientist.

He is a comedic character and loves to collect a lot of adult books.

He also has a lot of pets, and the couple lives with many of their favorite animals.

Even when Majin Buu was about to wipe out all the earthlings, they refused to abandon these animals and take refuge in the temple.

Moreover, Dr. Brive was a genius who invented the "universal capsule" and greatly promoted the development and progress of human civilization.

In the original book, many of the convenient devices and various electronic devices used by Bulma during his adventures were also made by him.

In order to go to Namek to find a new Dragon Ball, the Doctor built a large spaceship for the three of them in imitation of the small spaceship that Goku rode in when he was a child, and later the Doctor built one for Goku.

In addition, Vegeta's training hypergravity chamber was also made by him.

Reg thought about such a thing all the way, and unknowingly entered the universal capsule company.

It's very spacious here, there are a lot of staff, this is the business hall of the universal capsule company, and what Sun Wukong found in the original book is just the back door.

"Hello, welcome, I don't know how I can help you?" A black-haired beauty came over and asked, and when she saw that it was a handsome guy, she naturally spoke kindly.

Reg ignored her expression and got straight to the point: "Well, I'm going to buy an all-purpose capsule, what is the price?".

"Wait a minute, look. The beauty handed the price list to Regg, the price of the universal capsule is not cheap, but it is not too expensive, as long as it is not too poor, you can afford to buy one or two like this.

"Well, yes, then 500 sets each for large, small, and medium-sized ones. Reg nodded and said how much he wanted, but startled the beautiful woman !!

500 sets each! Are you sure you can afford it?

"Well, this handsome guy, are you sure?" the waiter cautiously confirmed, after all, if it was true, she would have sent it.

Ten sets of all-purpose capsules, five hundred sets, that's five thousand!

And the medium-sized, large, and small-sized ones are five hundred, which is fifteen thousand, Nima!!'s!

Reg also saw what she meant, so he looked at her seriously: "Do you think I'm joking?".

"I'm sorry, I'm presumptuous, please take a seat, I'll invite the boss here, after all, there is not enough stock here!"

Because of what, because there has never been a customer as strong as Reg, so naturally there won't be so many spare goods.

"Well, it's okay, you can go, it just so happens that I have something to do with your boss, so I'll do this thing by the way." "Naturally, Reg is very supportive.

In the office on the third floor, Briv was so frightened that he fell out of his seat when he heard the news.

"Are you sure?".

Now Brive is still middle-aged and elderly, not as old as in the original book.

After all, Dragon Ball is still almost a few years away from the beginning of the plot, at least seven. Eight years or so.

Seven or eight years is not a short time for earthlings.

"Yes, boss, go and take a look, we don't have enough spare goods. "

"Yes, yes, let's go, let's take a look. "

Here on the first floor below, Reg sat in the VIP room and waited, and not long after, Briv and the beautiful waitress arrived.

"Hello handsome guy, what do you call it. "Brive said hello like this, so that Regg's skin trembled all of a sudden, you said that it's okay for a beautiful woman to say hello like this, you are almost an old man, such a greeting, the flesh is not numb, don't you feel weird?

Thinking about it, but there was still business to do, Reg shifted his gaze and looked at the table: "Hello, Dr. Brive, my name is Regg, do you have the quantity I want to buy?".

"It's naturally fine. Brive was also embarrassed, just now he greeted the way it was.

But Reg spoke, and gave him a staircase, so he took out a red capsule and placed it on the table and handed it over.

"You want, 500 small, large, and medium-sized sets, which I made not long ago, and it took me years to complete. "

Reg saw this spiritual power and checked, it is true, the universal capsule is a small space, and the red one is a large capsule, which is very large, and it has not been used in the original book.

Gold is a medium-sized capsule that can store this car, small house and much more.

The yellow ones are small, and they are usually just used to load a sidearm.

"Well, yes, Dr. Brive, you're a genius!" said Regg, and then opened the suitcase in his hand, which was larger than a suitcase, and there were ten rows of bills in it, and Reg took three rows of bills and put them in another small suitcase, and then handed the remaining nine rows to Brive.

"It's eighty million, give. "

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