Strong people usually only solve problems by themselves. Siyal has always endured huge pressure alone. In his mind, he remembered what Klin said that day when he held his baby, "I will bear your pressure with you!"

Siyal felt much more at ease now that he had someone to rely on.

Immediately afterwards, Siyal's face suddenly turned pale. Shaweza was a subordinate of the Frozen Demon. The Frozen Demon was notorious and its evil forces spread throughout the Eastern Galaxy. How could he involve Krillin?

"The Evening Star has reappeared. I'm afraid that if I go looking for traces this time, I'll really have a narrow escape from death." Siyal thought pessimistically.

Thinking of Klin, Siyal showed a sweet smile, and then his face became solemn: "Klin must not be involved. Klin is not a citizen of the Immortal Star. Klin should be allowed to leave the Zishan Star immediately!"

"Yes, when the final power is exposed, I'm afraid even Zi Shanxing will be exposed, and Klin must be allowed to leave quickly." Siyaer's mind is now filled with Klin's safety, but his people cannot escape, and the mission requires him to leave. The clansmen must go.

Siyal slowly walked towards the tree where Klin lived. His face looked very downcast, and he wandered around, not knowing how to speak.

Klin noticed Si Yaer's arrival, he looked happy and thought to himself: "We have only been separated for a short time, do you miss me so soon?"

Klin's movements were not slow. He quickly jumped behind Si Yaer and hugged Xi Yaer while he was unaware.

"Did you miss me?" Klin smiled mischievously.

Siyal seemed to have gotten used to Klin's sneak attacks, and said rather naughtily: "I just miss you, please put me down quickly."

"Hey, I actually admitted it." After hearing this, Klin slowly put Si Yaer on the ground.

Siyal turned around and threw himself into Klin's arms. Before Klin could react, he only felt his lips being blocked by a piece of fire and softness.

Siyal held Klin in his arms, his movements seemed very unfamiliar.

Klin looked at Si Yaer's lips that were as shiny as cherry blossoms, and felt a little hot for a moment. Xi Yaer had already taken the initiative to this point. If Klin didn't take any action, he would really be worse than a beast.

Klin gently pushed aside the hair from Si Yaer's forehead, held Xi Yaer's delicate little face in his hands and took the initiative to attack.

Seiyar is just a rookie, he doesn't know what a real kiss is like, he just thinks that it's all done with just a kiss, but Klin is an experienced person.

Siyal felt Klin's attack and couldn't help but open his eyes wide, looking at Klin in disbelief.

Klin's eyes widened when he saw Siyal in his arms. His glass-like pupils looked watery. He was struggling a little in the arms, but Klin was unwilling to let go even to death.

Under Klin's step-by-step guidance, Siyal gradually gave up his struggle, closed his eyes, and loosened his clenched teeth. Klin took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack.

Siyal's sweet tongue was hooked by Klin...

This kiss is forever...

After a long time, Klin felt a faint salty taste in his mouth, and there was a tear stain on Si Yaer's cheek, and the tears slowly slid down to the corners of their mouths.

Seeing this, Klin became a little panicked, and slowly let go of Siyar, and said anxiously: "Siyar, don't cry." After saying this, Klin wiped Siyar's tears with his hands.

Siyal was a little out of breath, and felt a little sweet in his heart.

Seeing that Si Yaer didn't speak, Klin felt even more anxious.

"Leave Zi Shanxing!" Xi Yaer said calmly, and the tears that had just stopped started to well up in his eyes again.

"What?" Klin thought he heard wrongly.

"Leave Zishanxing!" Xiyal repeated again, and after saying that, his tears could no longer be controlled.

Klin casually tapped Siyal's little head a few times: "What nonsense are you talking about? It's still daytime!"

Siyal saw Klin's actions, and immediately threw himself into Klin's arms again and cried bitterly: "If I let you go, just go, there is so much nonsense!"

Klin hugged Si Yaer tightly in his arms, slowly soothed Si Yaer's back with his other hand and said softly: "Didn't I tell you, I will bear your pressure with you!"

"Besides, I'm already half an Immortal." Klin said deliberately.

When Siyal heard that Klin said that he was half an immortal, he couldn't help but feel a little strange in his heart. He raised his head and looked at Klin with his watery eyes, which were full of question marks.

Seeing this, Klin smiled evilly and pointed his finger at his lips: "No, it's already stamped. I'm already half an Immortal, and you're half an Earthling."

When Siyal heard what Klin said, he suddenly thought of the two of them just now... Klin still stretched out...

Siyal's face turned red, and he was afraid to look directly into Klin's eyes.

Klin helped Siyal sit aside and asked, "Did something happen?"

Xiyal's face seemed a little hesitant when he heard Klin's words. Xiyal still didn't want to tell Klin, and he became more determined to protect Klin.

Klin looked at Siyal who just shook his head. Klin pretended to be angry and said: "If you don't tell me now, I will go find Scar now, and then..."

"Don't!" Si Yaer grabbed Klin who was about to leave.

"The Evening Star has reappeared." These words Siyal said were very weak.

"It's Evening Star again, is this still false news?" Klin asked reflexively, after all, he had been fooled last time.

Siyal smiled bitterly, but still shook his head: "I have already felt that the Evening Star has indeed reappeared."

"When did it happen?" Klin asked again.

"It should have been ten days ago. At that time, I only had a slight feeling in my heart. I thought it was an illusion, but today Ska came. This time I really felt that the Evening Star had reappeared." Siya Er said a little lonely.

"We are about to set off. This time you can follow us out of the wormhole and leave." Siyal said in a low voice, not daring to look at Klin's eyes.

"Look into my eyes!" Klin said coldly.

Siyal's body trembled, but he did not raise his head.

"Look into my eyes!" Klin's voice was stronger and more unquestionable than before.

Siyal felt extremely wronged in his heart, so he raised his head and stared directly at Klin.

Klin's eyes were flashing brightly, but Siyal understood the message conveyed in Klin's eyes: "Don't be afraid, I'm here, it's no big deal! I'm with you."

When Siyal looked into Klin's eyes, the immense grievance he felt just now disappeared immediately.

He threw himself into Klin's arms, hugging Klin tightly and not intending to let go no matter what.

"We are going to the main star of Perseus, as well as the Immortal King and the heroic companion star. The enemy is the mecha army, and the enemy is very powerful." Siyal whispered in Klin's arms.

Klin licked Siyal's hair and said with a smile: "Silly girl, even if you don't tell me, I still plan to go find Shaweiza. The main purpose of my coming to the Immortal System is to find energy, and then... Kill Shawiza!"

"Mecha troops, hehe, they are nothing more than chickens and dogs in front of me." Klin said coquettishly.

"Saviza has a combat strength of nearly 200,000, and with his team..." Siyal said worriedly.

After hearing this, Klin rubbed Siyal's crying face and laughed: "I now have 470,000 combat power!"

Siyal's eyes were wide open and a little dull: "..."

Second update.

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