Dragon Clan: Retired Death, goes to work to slay dragons

Chapter 152 It doesn’t matter if you don’t go to this bad class (begging for monthly votes QAQ)

"Too bad luck."

As soon as he sat down, Chen Motong sighed quietly.

If there weren't any other seats, she really didn't want to sit at the front.

She has been in school for a while, and most of the teachers know her and know that she likes to be distracted in class, so they usually don't ask her questions.

After all, this "red-haired miko" didn't know anything when she stood up, and the teachers didn't want to make the classroom atmosphere awkward.

However, Jiang Shouyun's class is different. He doesn't care if you are a royal princess, a Disney princess on the run, or even a fugitive lord, he still asks questions.

If you can't answer the question, you'll just wait for points to be deducted. If you get too many points, you'll fail the exam.

Especially this kind of position that is very close to the podium is usually the hardest hit area for students to avoid. It is easy to be suddenly called up to ask questions. It is not fun if you are asked a question but can't answer anything.

Of course, there are exceptions, such as two die-hard fans of Teacher Jiang.

"How was your homework?" Caesar smiled, held up his cheeks, and looked sideways at Chen Motong.

Chen Motong, who was in a bad mood, rolled her eyes at him and was too lazy to pay attention to the tamed golden retriever.

What happened in Greenland has been strictly kept secret, and we don’t know what happened to them in Greenland. After they came back, they became like this good baby.

"Good morning." Su Qian sat next to Chu Zihang and greeted him casually.

"Well, good morning." The young man raised his head and replied expressionlessly, then lowered his head again.

There was a pile of books piled on his desk, all of which were recommended readings written by Jiang Shouyun, which made Su Qian, a relatively good student, unable to complain.

The German philosopher Kant mentioned two relative concepts in "Critique of Judgment".

One means that things evolve inward, becoming more and more sophisticated and complex internally, but without having a major impact on the outside world.

One refers to a change process in which things constantly pursue coordination with the surrounding environment or even regulate the environment.

The two concepts are called "involution" and "evolution", which respectively refer to the different directions of evolution of two things.

Susie felt that her president was becoming involuntarily involved. Didn't she see the slightly weird looks from the students behind her?

Just when Su Qian looked at Chu Zihang, a figure in a suit also appeared at the door.

Judging from the mixed-race average of handsome men and beautiful women, his face could still be called somewhat pretty, but there was always a stern and cold expression on his face.

But Chen Motong looked at him with a slightly strange look.

The young man of the same age as herself in front of her gave her a feeling of tearing apart everywhere.

Two completely different images suddenly appeared in her mind.

One is a hard-working office worker who is tired, poor and resentful.

It seems that he has been complaining that "Kassel College is bullshit", "Principal Angers is bullshit", "Working is bullshit", "It doesn't matter if I don't go to class".

One is a super hybrid who hides secrets and has a deep mind.

It seemed like the sun was shining brightly and hot, but he was sitting in the shadows, looking deeply at the traffic on the street.

That was a thought that she couldn't even understand. It was buried under the appearance of a worker and she couldn't even do the most basic analysis.

This was the first time this had happened since she learned to use "profile".

If she wasn't so convinced of her abilities, she would have doubted whether she had been profiled wrong.

"Profiling", in today's rigorous popular parlance, is a commonly used method in criminal psychology.

By collecting evidence, thinking about the criminal's psychology, and copying the criminal's information.

She doesn't know why, but she's very good at profiling, and no one taught her.

When she was little, she could walk into a house and sit there for a few hours and guess what kind of people lived there.

By feeling all the details in the environment, digging out all the tiny and even tiny traces, you can think about yourself as the owner here.

You can feel that you can understand what he is thinking, and restore a person's psychological state, personality, characteristics, and growth background.

And she was born with this top-level profiling ability, so she realized the darkness and dirtiness of her family from an early age.

The Chen family, hidden under the water, is a native mixed-race clan in China.

Her brothers and sisters are all mixed breeds with excellent bloodlines.

This is also a matter of course, inferior products will not be recognized from the beginning.

And her father, Chen Motong, was a middle-aged man who was as stern as a warrior figurine. His words were like an emperor's decree in the ears of his brothers and sisters.

As a child and a minister, you must listen respectfully. There is no other way.

From the perspective of those who are unaware, the atmosphere within their family may not be very harmonious and happy, but it also has a unique atmosphere of warmth.

A father is kind, a son is filial, brothers, friends and brothers are respectful.

But in Chen Motong's eyes, all this was disgusting.

The entire Chen family is like a towering tree that is decaying from the top, crumbling but desperately sucking blood to preserve its vitality and dignity.

To a certain extent, it was precisely because she was unable to shake her family and her father that she rebelliously chose to escape to Kassel College.

Thinking about it now, it always feels too relaxed, and I don't know whether her choice was right or wrong.


Just when Chen Motong was distracted and thinking, Jiang Shouyun lightly knocked on the podium, making a dull sound, which attracted the attention of the students.

"Attend class."

This is his opening statement for every class. Although it is very simple, it is extremely effective.

The classmate who was dozing in the back row immediately sat up straight and picked up the notebook and pen in his hand.

"Huh!" Jiang Shouyun hung his suit on the coat rack, loosened his tie and let out a sigh of relief.

He only had a list of students and notes in his hand, and didn't see anything similar to a lesson plan.

After he called his name, the school bell rang on time.

Jiang Shouyun straightened his sleeves and took out a piece of chalk from the podium.

"We talked about some contents of "Jade Record" in the last class. Although it is a reference book for "Alchemy and Chemistry Level 3", it is also very important for the study of souls and words and spirits. I hope you can take it seriously."

He didn't write anything, and his eyes swept across all the students below. Although his words were obviously smooth, they gave all the students a complete sense of oppression.

"The old professor in the alchemy class will definitely thank you." The fearless red-haired witch complained in her heart.

"Jade Record" is an ancient book from 1900 BC, carved on an emerald slab, and found in a secret chamber under a pyramid.

It is regarded as the origin book of alchemy. The author claims to be the trinity god Hermes in Egyptian mythology. It has only thirteen sentences in total, but it contains all the truths of alchemy.

Of course, this was a scripted statement, and Chen Motong could tell from Jiang Shouyun's nonchalant tone at the time. He clearly scorned the statement that "Jade Jade Record" "contains all the truths of alchemy."

"Chen Motong." As if in response to her slander, Jiang Shouyun called her name softly.

"Here!" Chen Motong suddenly stood up in excitement. Under the gaze of those blue eyes, he felt a rare and inexplicable guilty conscience.

Realizing this, Caesar raised his eyebrows, feeling a little funny.

Is this what is called one thing reducing one thing?

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