"I have gone diving in the waters near Norway before, and I have seen scenes similar to this scene there."

Caesar controlled the submarine and added: "Schools of fish are swimming, either mating, migrating, or there are tiny microorganisms in the water for them to eat."

There must be a very special reason why these fish gather in the Greenland Ice Sea.

Of course there won't be many edible microorganisms in this kind of place, that is, something is releasing pheromones that attract fish.

Generally speaking, it is to attract these fish as their own food reserves...

"In other words, the dragon is ready for dinner?" Jiang Shouyun chuckled, breaking the dull atmosphere.

This discovery undoubtedly deepened the solemnity of the atmosphere and verified the guess that he was least willing to admit.

There is actually a first-generation species or even a first-generation species in the ice sea, choosing such a cold and desolate place as its incubation place.

"Is this good luck?" Caesar also smiled and asked, "If we can really find an unawakened first-generation species, maybe our names will be written in the history books of dragon slaying."

"That big guy will also feel very lucky. A big meal will be delivered to his mouth before he wakes up."

Fingel interjected and complained: "Compared to these small fish and shrimps, one S and two A's are obviously a big meal. As for me..."

"My meat is too old and my teeth will be clogged if I eat it. I just hope he can let me go, this smelly fish and rotten shrimp."

Hearing this, Chu Zihang glanced at him and suddenly had an idea.

He suddenly felt that Jiang Shouyun made a very wise choice by asking Fingel to come with him.

When you encounter a pure-blooded dragon, push Fingel out first.

If that pure-blooded dragon really ate Fingel, who hadn't bathed for a week, he would be so disgusted that he would vomit it out and lose his appetite to eat the three of them again.

This is what Chu Zihang thought in his heart, and he finally said this.

This was not in line with his previous reserved temperament, but Fingel was actually the same.

They had only walked a short distance, but they already felt lonely in their hearts and couldn't help but want to say something to warm themselves.

In a short time, their depth had reached 500 meters, and it was no longer a shallow water layer with dense organisms.

There was only darkness outside at this moment, as if the universe had just begun, and they were suspended in the middle of the empty world.

The three of them realized the profound meaning of Jiang Shouyun's "Haenyeo" story more deeply.

This is like the "dematerialization effect" mentioned in "The Three-Body Problem", a concept in outer space navigation in astronautical psychology.

When people are in the earthly world, they are surrounded by material entities, and the images of the world in their subconscious are material and physical.

But in outer space far away from the solar system, the stars are just distant points of light, and the Milky Way is just a glowing mist. From a sensory and psychological perspective, the world has lost its quality and sense of entity, and space dominates everything.

As a result, the image of the world in the "Voyager's" subconscious mind changed from material to void. On a psychological level, the spacecraft became the only material entity in the universe.

At sub-light speeds, the movement of the spacecraft is imperceptible, and the universe becomes an empty exhibition hall without boundaries. The stars are like illusions, and the spacecraft is the only exhibit.

This can bring about a huge sense of loneliness, passivity and insecurity for them.

This is how Chu Zihang and the three of them felt at this time.

The brightness of the submarine's strong light will attenuate when it exceeds the range, and the darkness as thick as ink is always eroding the light.

They looked at the endless dark sea, and the only feeling left was deathly silence and loneliness.

Once you fall into silence, loneliness will continue to accumulate.

Until the invisible dam in their hearts breaks completely, and the gathering loneliness falls from the sky like a black madness, which will instantly exceed the limit they can bear.

However, when Chu Zihang looked at the figure beside him, his tense body suddenly relaxed.

Jiang Shouyun sat there with his legs crossed, forming a stable inverted T shape, like a hard anchor.

He didn't react at all to the conversation between the three people, and just quietly admired the fish, with soft light reflecting in his eyes.

In this dark seabed, it looks so small and dim.

But the light in Jiang Shouyun's eyes was deeper and farther away than the bright light of the submarine.

Looking at those eyes, a short poem he read in middle school suddenly appeared in Chu Zihang's mind.

——The sun has gone down, and the mountains, trees, rocks, rivers, and all the great buildings are buried in the shadows. Human beings light up their little lamps very interestingly, delighting in what they see, and hoping to find what they want.

"According to a certain calculation, the total amount of life on land accounts for less than 1% of the total amount of life on earth, and the remaining 99% of life is in the sea."

Jiang Shouyun looked at the sea and Leng Buding said: "This is the hometown of all living things on the earth. In the hundreds of millions of years after the earth solidified, the sea was warm and rich in organic matter. Biologists call it the primordial soup."

"This pot of soup has been boiling for hundreds of millions of years. The organic molecules in the seawater collided hundreds of millions of times. After countless failures, a successful reaction finally occurred. Microorganisms were born. That is the origin of all things."

"The sea is the home of all living things." As he said this, he looked at Chu Zihang and the other three and said with a smile, "Do you think that the dragon chose the seabed as its hatchery because it was too homesick?"

"...Teacher Jiang, your words are like talking about a naughty kid who ran away from home." Fingel was silent for a moment and then said.

Hearing this, Caesar couldn't help but smile.

Only this man would describe a monster suspected to be a second-generation species or even a first-generation species as a "little naughty child".

It's strange to say that the load in my heart was originally very heavy, but after hearing Jiang Shouyun's calm voice, I gradually relaxed.

At the same time, Schneider was sitting in the middle of the library, also listening to the chat of the dive team on the communication channel.

Different images were presented in the form of holographic projections in front, behind, and left of him.

Norma brought all the information to Schneider, the results of the sonar scan, the underwater video taken by the Nautilus, the weather conditions in the Greenland waters...

After finishing processing the things on one screen, he just flicked to the right, and the holographic projection screen disappeared instantly, but a new screen was projected, and new things were added to the list of "waiting to be processed".

Schneider stared closely at the progress of the task, as if he and Jiang Shouyun were at the scene in person.

There was always some uneasiness in his heart.

Based on Schneider's knowledge of Frost Gattuso's group of guys, the old guy should have sent out an investigation team to forcefully intervene as he did before.

However, besides Principal Angers, there is a very special person who supports this mission.

——Pompeii Gattuso, Caesar’s stallion father and the real head of the Gattuso family.

According to school regulations, the Executive Department has the right to send students to perform tasks. Caesar himself has no doubts about this arrangement. The school board cannot directly manage the Executive Department, so he can let Caesar join the dive team.

The only person who can stop this matter is Caesar's father. It must be Pompey himself, not Frost, who represents him on the school board.

But as Caesar's biological father, Pompeii did not stop his son from taking risks, and even donated a submarine from his collection to the Executive Department.

That incredible stallion old man showed unusual enthusiasm and seemed to really not care about his son's life or death.

Schneider had an inexplicable feeling.

Pompeii seemed to know something.

He knew exactly what they were looking for.

So he didn't mind letting his own son take risks.

"What an old bastard." Schneider sneered in his heart, "You'd better protect yourself from cheating, or in other words, you'd better have an illegitimate son who can replace Caesar's position."

Fortunately, everything is going well so far.

Schneider glanced at the information on the big screen.

The depth has reached 1,000 meters, and the Nautilus is operating normally.

But at this moment, Fingel's slightly trembling voice came from the communication channel.


Schneider's expression became condensed, he grabbed the microphone and asked in a low voice: "Fingel, what did you see? What did you see?"

"...Professor Schneider." There was a brief silence, and then Caesar said bitterly, "What is the largest sea creature you have ever seen?"

"Overlord squid, 15 meters long."

Schneider breathed deeply and whispered, "Some people have inferred from the sucker scars on the sperm whales that there may be giant squid with a body length of more than 80 meters in the deep sea, but no one has ever seen it."

The weight of land animals is limited by the load-bearing capacity of their bones, but marine animals have buoyancy to support their bodies and can, in principle, grow indefinitely.

"That's so lucky." Chu Zihang said softly, "You can see it today."

In the huge pitch-black water at a depth of a thousand meters, the Nautilus floated silently in the water, and the "Gas Ray" spotlight had been turned off.

Jiang Shouyun looked outside through the 10 cm thick Plexiglas.

The fish schools in the surrounding sea were still swimming, but suddenly they all left, and as far as the eye could see, there was only dark blue water.

The water is endless, and there seems to be infinite terror in the dark depths that cannot be seen.

In the sea water, a slender black shadow swam, its long tail swaying slowly, and it moved leisurely.

But everyone can see that it can burst out at astonishing speed at any time and rush towards the target like a torpedo.

It was an incredibly large squid, still lingering on top of the submarine.

"Such a big overlord squid?" Caesar said with lip language.

"The body length is more than 100 meters." Chu Zihang also read on his lips.

Click! Click!

The king squid has its own biological sonar, which can detect the vibration of sound waves.

In order to avoid being discovered, they could only cut off the power supply and close all the valves.

"It's a bit like... a giant monster from the North Sea?" Jiang Shouyun's eyes flickered and he whispered, "I didn't expect such a thing to exist in the world."

"In the unfathomable depths of the sea, the Kraken is sleeping. It has been sleeping for centuries, and will continue to rest on the giant sea worm, until one day the fire of the sea worm will warm the sea bottom, and both men and angels will witness it. Rising from the bottom of the sea with a roar, everything on the sea will be destroyed."

——Alfred the Great, King of the Kingdom of Wessex during the Anglo-Saxon England period

Legend has it that due to the huge size of the Kraken, when it surfaced, some sailors would mistakenly regard its body as a "island", and even board the island and set up camp on it. As a result, Buried at the bottom of the sea as it sank.

The Kraken has multiple huge tentacles that can drag giant ships or ships into the seabed. Therefore, some people believe that its prototype is actually the giant squid near the Norwegian Sea.

Now it seems that it really has its own shape.

At this moment, the squid suddenly disappeared, and then there was a muffled sound from the submarine.

"..." Caesar, Fingel and Chu Zihang all froze and slowly turned their heads in unison.

Outside the window is a huge, sun-like golden eye, and in the sea water next to it, arms and legs as thick as buckets dance lightly, covered with suckers half a meter in diameter.

It seemed to be very interested in this strange thing, and moved one eye to the center of the observation window to look inside.


"Holy crap! What does this guy want to do here?"

Fingel swallowed hard and said tremblingly: "My cholesterol and fat content are very high, which is not good for your health and not to your taste. You can't eat junk food!" "

He didn't think he could read the fish's eyes.

But at this moment, no matter how you think about it, this squid is admiring the main course of dinner.

After all, he just saw with his own eyes that this big guy swallowed a thirty-meter-long shark alive.

It has more than a dozen tentacles, and there are many suckers on the tentacles, which look as powerful as a python.

The shark didn't even have time to resist. He could only watch the ring-shaped mouth roll a few times before swallowing the prey alive. The bulge sliding from the throat to the stomach was still rising and falling.

"Don't be afraid, the submarine has no temperature or smell. It doesn't know what we are, and it doesn't regard us as a hunting target."

Jiang Shouyun shook his head gently and reassured: "If we don't want to confront this big guy, what we have to do now is to stay calm and don't move."

With the terrifying size of that giant squid, even a tentative bump would be troublesome.

In terms of weight alone, the metal submarine may not be inferior, but if it cracks a crack in the shell of the Nautilus, the entire Nautilus may completely collapse.

Even Jiang Shouyun was unwilling to face it in such a deep sea environment.

So they can only do what Siberian hunters say, once they encounter a horse and bear, they must not move rashly. A shotgun cannot kill it, and you cannot run as fast as it. If you want to survive, just lie down and remain motionless.

"How long will it last?" Fingel couldn't help but ask.

"It can take as little as a few minutes, or as long as a whole day," Caesar said with his lips.

As soon as Caesar's words fell, as if he had planted a flag, the submarine suddenly began to shake, and the safety rope tied to it made a tooth-grinding sound.

They saw the black shadow rising slowly, wrapping its arms and legs like a giant snake around the submarine, its eyes radiating red-gold light.

Obviously, it is also a dragon blood subspecies, its IQ is obviously much higher than ordinary squids, and it has regarded them as prey.

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