Dragon Clan: Retired Death, goes to work to slay dragons

Chapter 179 War is just the beginning (it’s the end of the month, please beg for a monthly vote)


Frost couldn't bear it anymore. He rang the bell and said coldly: "Jiang Shouyun, clarify your identity, pay attention to your words, and correct your attitude!"

Feeling offended and provoked, his expression was gloomy and terrifying, and the aura of a superior finally took on some form.

"Aren't you going to give an explanation for the abilities shown in the video?" Frost's old voice was a little more majestic.

He pressed the play button again and the video on the screen started playing again.

It was a video recorded from a certain angle on the ship. Although it was a little blurry due to the weather, the impact of the picture was still chilling.

"Explanation?" Jiang Shouyun showed a smile, but the smile was a bit contemptuous, and asked, "You don't think the glacier broke just because of my slight swing of the knife, do you?"

Looking at him as if he was mentally retarded, Frost's face couldn't help but turn darker.

"I split a glacier at random with my knife. Do you think I'm a humanoid Gundam?"

Jiang Shouyun stretched out a finger and knocked on the table casually, "If you have studied the most basic knowledge of geology, you should know what an ice crevice is and how I created that ice crevice. "

After that, he looked at Angers across the table and said politely: "Would Principal Angers be willing to explain the relevant knowledge to this elderly man whose memory has deteriorated?"

"Ahem, respect is worse than obeying orders."

Angers stood up, bowed slightly like an old gentleman, coughed twice and said: "Ice crevasses are generally hundreds of meters long, one meter wide and ten meters deep. The width gradually decreases with depth. So it’s wedge-shaped.”

"The ground of the moving glacier has ups and downs or different slopes. The speed of each part is different. Some places are faster and some places are slower. The compression and tensile strength of each part are also different."

"These factors will generate stress in the glacier, causing the fragile ice body to break on the surface, and finally form vertical, horizontal, deep, or intersecting ice crevasses."

After saying that, Ange looked at Jiang Shouyun with a smile on his face, indicating that he had finished explaining.

Bang bang bang!

"Let us thank Principal Angers for his explanation."

Jiang Shouyun applauded, and then added: "I recommend that you read "Analysis of Dynamic Mechanical Behavior and Damage Effects of Ice under Different Strain Rates". This paper can help you understand the related concepts in depth."

The youngest female school director shook the bell in cooperation, but when Ange and Jiang Shouyun looked over with kind smiles, they subconsciously felt like they were facing their own teachers.

So she raised her hand and asked obediently: "In other words, it was not your power that actually caused that scene, but the stress that existed in the glacier itself, right?"

"Yes, this classmate has a very good understanding. The knife I swung was just the straw that broke the camel's back."

Jiang Shouyun praised without hesitation, causing the girl to raise her head proudly.

It wasn't until the housekeeper behind her coughed that she reacted and blushed.

The main reason was that Jiang Shouyun and Ange's singing directly turned the conference room into a classroom. The tone and posture reminded her subconsciously of the teacher assigned to her at home.

"Thank you to Director Frost for providing us with the project case, which vividly told us what knowledge is power." Angers nodded slightly to the silent Frost beside him and expressed his gratitude.

The tone of Ange's and Jiang Shouyun's expressions were exactly the same, lazy and joking.

The two of them didn't take the so-called "evidence" in the video to heart at all, they almost pointed at someone's nose and scolded him for being weird and making a big deal out of a molehill.

Now Frost felt that the way the old man and the young man looked at him was like looking at a "husband-in-law" suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

But Frost didn't scold Jiang Shouyun immediately.

Because he...really didn't fully understand it yet.

You can't expect a person who came from the mafia and studied economics halfway to have the time and energy to study geology.

Isn't this embarrassing for others?

Finally, Patsy stood behind him and respectfully leaned over to explain.

Frost once again felt that knowledge had penetrated into his mind in a very vicious way.

The expressions on the faces of several other school directors also became a little strange, thinking of Frost asking Jiang Shouyun to "clarify his identity."

you do not say.

In addition to his "S-level" status, Jiang Shouyun is also a professor.

He is also a good professor with a high level of lectures and a good teacher.

The person really made his identity clear with his words, which made Frost speechless for a moment.

What's more, Patsy said it too.

What Jiang Shouyun said is theoretically feasible. The most difficult thing is to find the point where the stress breaks out.

As Angers said, "knowledge creates power."

Frost couldn't help but feel a little ridiculous, and suddenly wondered if he was really old, or had even been swept to death by the waves of the times.

When did it start that fighting dragons relied not on swords and guns, but on scientific knowledge?

While Frost was still in a daze, the bell rang from the end of the long table.

"Now that I have answered all the school directors' doubts, is it now your turn to answer my doubts?"

Everyone looked over, and Jiang Shouyun put down the bell and said calmly: "As an S-level and distinguished professor of Kassel College, I not only trained a group of outstanding students for the secret party, but also made a Completed several tasks assigned by the execution department.”

"Not only did the school directors fail to commend me, they even failed to receive the bonus for the task into my card."

"Now when we meet, you start to treat me as a sinner and judge me. Without any evidence, you suspect that I am a dragon that has sneaked into the academy. Your behavior really chills me, a hero."

Jiang Shouyun's words were solemn and solemn, and even his tone was very sad, as if he really felt chilled.

"..." The conference room fell into the longest silence so far.

Finally it was Angers who broke the calm.

He had a cigar in his mouth, and the corners of his mouth curled up, and finally the grin got wider and wider.

"Pfft, hahaha, sorry, sorry, I thought of something happy."

Seeing Frost's dark face and unable to refute, he, who had always had a high point of laughter, couldn't hold back his laughter this time.

"Allow me to ask one last time."

The old man with the red sandalwood beads in his hand rang the bell, squinted his eyes and looked at Jiang Shouyun and asked, "Are you sure that your power will not lose control? How can you prove that you can master this power?"

"My bloodline rating was judged by Norma, and finally approved by the school directors. As for whether I can master this power..."

Jiang Shouyun said indifferently, and then shrugged: "I don't want to use the term 'sitting in a well and looking at the sky' to answer this question repeatedly, because I believe that School Director Elizabeth Laurent and Principal Angers have understood it."

"Oh, I can indeed prove this." Elizabeth rang the bell and looked at everyone with a smile, "Maybe you don't know that when he first entered the door, the bloodline pressure bypassed me."

Angers nodded with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, several other school directors couldn't help but twitch their eyes, and their eyes flickered back and forth between Jiang Shouyun and Elizabeth.

What the three wanted to express was that Jiang Shouyun could perfectly control the pressure of his bloodline, and his control of power was so precise that he could bypass Elizabeth and Angers.

But that's not what matters most to them. What they value is Elizabeth's performance.

What Elizabeth meant now was to blatantly support Jiang Shouyun, telling them that this S-class had a close relationship with her and even her family.

The old man twisting his beads secretly cursed Laurent in his heart for being so quick. He probably even used a honey trap on the way here.

"I am fully aware of your concerns."

Jiang Shouyun did not ring the bell, but said directly: "What you are worried about is not whether I can control my power, but whether I will use this power to 'betray' you, right?"

"But in my opinion, your concerns are completely meaningless."

"Why?" the man in sportswear asked as he rang the bell.

"Don't you think the word 'betrayal' is a bit arrogant? After all, I signed the Abraham blood contract instead of the betrayal contract. What's more, if I really want to kill you..."

Jiang Shouyun gently clasped his hands together, intertwining his knuckled fingers, and said with a very humble expression: "Then from the moment I first entered the door, your heads have already moved away from your neck."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the entire conference room suddenly became extremely depressing, making people feel like they were gasping for air in a quagmire. All that filled their lungs was thick mud. Everyone except Angers became nervous. Tighten up.

This is...a threat.

Words bordering on threatening.

"Are you threatening us?"

Frost stopped ringing the bell, but slammed the table and said angrily, "Do you know who you are threatening? Do you know the consequences of doing this?!"

"Professor Jiang, please pay attention to your words." Elizabeth rang the bell helplessly, "Also, Director Frost, please calm down."

"Young man, what you just said is enough for us to execute you."

The old man looked at Jiang Shouyun, rang the bell and said with narrowed eyes: "Don't think that everything will be fine if you have some power. You are too young and don't understand what real power is!"

After that, he took off his suit, revealing the clothes underneath.

——It was a combat uniform that was somewhat similar to the uniform of the Executive Department, with a black belt tied around the waist. It was neat and clean, exuding a touch of majesty.

"Did you know?" The old man smiled and said, "Like you, I was once on the front line against the Dragon Clan, and I went on a mission earlier than you, at the age of fifteen."

"At that time, I was just as frivolous and arrogant as you. I thought I could do anything with my power and was omnipotent. I didn't know how high the sky was."

"Until I faced a pure-blood ancient dragon that suddenly woke up, everyone died in that accident. Even though my father sacrificed himself to save me, in the end I was seriously injured and on the verge of death. I barely managed to save my life by relying on luck."

"Since then, my body has been disabled and I have been in a state of depression for several years. On the day I inherited my family, I began to re-examine myself and the world."

"I discovered that a person's power is limited after all. So what if I have talent and strength? Living in this world, true strength is not personal bravery!"

The old man's tone was full of emotion. He looked at Jiang Shouyun and said with a smile: "You are too young and just starting out. Just like me back then, you thought you could make your own decisions and do anything."

"But when you have more life experience, you will understand that people are members of society after all, not lone beasts. Sometimes they need to bow their heads and make concessions."

"Being blindly extreme and unruly, unruly and public will only lead to your own destruction in the end!"

Jiang Shouyun looked at the impassioned old man calmly, with only calmness in his blue eyes.

He just thought it was ridiculous.

Is the old man right?

Maybe that's right.

He was once an outstanding mixed race, with his own talents, ideals, and pride.

He couldn't go on the original road, so he took another path and walked out of the sky.

But he is also a loser.

He is just a coward who bows his head because of frustration, but is complacent about his weakness and evasion.

In this world, there will always be a group of "old" people who sell their experiences everywhere, regard other people's ideals as illusions, regard other people's enthusiasm as frivolity, and regard other people's persistence as unruliness.

They always like to find their own sense of existence and superiority in teaching younger generations.

There is no doubt that the old man in front of him is such a person.

Finally, when the old man was talking and his mouth was dry, Jiang Shouyun smiled lightly and said, "You don't wear clothes like this often, right?"

The old man was stunned for a moment, not expecting that he would suddenly ask this question.

But Jiang Shouyun was indeed right. He had retired from the front line for a long time, and this outfit had been kept at the bottom of the box.

I came to see Jiang Shouyun today, so I wore this outfit specially to add a sense of intimacy and intimidation to myself, and also to win over this new S-class.

Jiang Shouyun sighed, looked at the old man's clothes, and said slowly: "None of the clothes of the executive department's commissioners are so clean and tidy. They have to be stained with sweat, mud and blood, and they have to be in tatters. That's it." The clothes of a dragon slayer, instead of smelling like decay now."

"You are already old. Your ambition and pride have disappeared long ago when you were young. The comfortable life has corroded your heart. You have already fallen from a warrior to a politician."

As he spoke, Jiang Shouyun placed the copper bell in front of his eyes and smiled jokingly: "Now you can only sit here ringing the bell, relying on the sense of mystery and ritual created deliberately to maintain your remaining rights and status. .”

"And I've never needed anything like this to prove my strength."

Bang! !

Jiang Shouyun's hand holding the bell suddenly tightened, and a sharp and harsh sound resounded throughout the venue.

"You can't fight against the Dragon Clan at all. Principal Ange knows it, and I know it too. Only you, the arrogant ones, don't know."

"You actually don't understand how cruel the war between humans and dragons is, but you are full of confidence and arrogance, thinking that after the dragons are completely buried, you will control the power of the new world."

"So you are thinking about carving up the new world before the war is over, just like the United States and the former Soviet Union are thinking about how to divide their spheres of influence in Europe before they capture Berlin."

Looking at the tensed people, Jiang Shouyun shook his head with a sneer, and slowly loosened his clenched palms.

The copper bell that symbolized power and status was crushed to pieces, and fell out of the palm of his hand and scattered on the ground.

"But you don't know that the war between us and the Dragon Clan has not really begun yet."

"In other words, the war is just the beginning."

It’s the end of the month, please give me a monthly pass QAQ

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