Dragon Clan: Retired Death, goes to work to slay dragons

Chapter 193 Liu Miaomiao confessed by Zhao Menghua


Lu Mingfei opened his eyes, stretched out, and looked at the clock on the wall.

It's already seven o'clock.

He woke up a little later than usual today, but Lu Mingze slept like a dead pig, and his snoring was actually pretty damn sweet.

At this time, the door to the room was gently opened, and aunt's head poked in from the outside.

"Lu Mingfei!" Seeing that Lu Mingfei had already gotten up, she held the kitchen knife in her hand and said in a low voice: "Go buy a bag of Cantonese sausage and a handful of green onions, and take a look at the new "Novel Painting"! "

In such a large room, aunt's voice was very penetrating, breaking through the door and entering Lu Mingfei's ears.

Lu Mingfei complained in his heart: Auntie, you don't have to lower your voice deliberately to worry about waking up your precious son. Lu Mingze has already practiced hiding his ears and stealing the bell. You have now reached the level of transmitting sounds into your ears and filling your brain with magical sounds.

"Hurry up! Don't be lazy. Lazy people make you poor. You are the one who is lazy and poor!"

"Hi! Hi! Hi!"

Lu Mingfei agreed repeatedly, climbed up from the bed without hesitation, took off his pajamas, revealing his muscles with traces of exercise, put on thick clothes, stepped on sandals, and went out.

Although it is already seven o'clock in the morning, the days in winter are getting shorter and shorter. Now it is the transition between night and day. The sun has only peeked out of the sky, plus it rained last night. , the meager skylight was blocked by the fog, making the city look a little dark.

The high-rise buildings overlook the steel jungle that is slightly damp with dew in the heavy fog. The dark windows are like several pairs of lifeless eyes, staring quietly at the empty streets.

Compared with the usual hustle and bustle, the road at this time is much cleaner.

Only the breakfast vendor came early, lazily leaning on the car to take a nap, or preparing his own food in advance.

From time to time, taxis would park at the door waiting for customers, attracting the expectant eyes of the pancake stall owner not far away.


Lu Mingfei yawned and walked to the bookstall, ignoring the stall owner's disgusted look.

First, I bought a new issue of "Novel Painting", then picked up a new issue of "Home Computers and Games", and sat on the steps of the newsstand next to the bookstall to read through it.

"It's getting worse and worse."

After reading it for free, Lu Mingfei stood up, patted his butt, threw "Home Computers and Games" back on the bookshelf, and made a frank evaluation.

The book stall owner's face darkened, and the newsstand man couldn't help but laugh.

What a shameless scoundrel.

The aunt thinks that her precious son is smart, good at reading, eager to make progress, and loves literature. Even though Lu Mingze likes to read "Novel Paintings", the aunt said, "Our Mingze is studying."

Every time a new issue of "Novel Painting" comes out, my aunt feels that there is another movement in the Chinese youth literary world, and rushes Lu Mingfei to the bookstall to buy it back, so that Lu Mingze can keep up with the situation.

Therefore, the stall owner of this bookstall and the uncle and Lu Mingfei in the newsstand can be regarded as old acquaintances.

After all, he always bought a copy of "Novel Painting" and then read "Home Computers and Games" for free.

However, he did not leave directly today because he caught a glimpse of a pirated comic out of the corner of his eye.

Well, she is a very sentimental kind, and she is a cool big sister.

Lu Mingfei slowly retracted his stepped foot. Under the teasing gaze of the uncle, he coughed twice and lowered his head to read.

But as he was flipping through the pages with an appreciative attitude, a hand suddenly tapped his shoulder, making him jump up and turn around in shock.

"Lu Mingfei?" Xie Wan was carrying two large pots full of steaming boiling water. Wearing only a thin coat outside her pajamas, she greeted Lu Mingfei with a smile and came closer, "You are reading comics. Which one?"

As she said that, she bent down curiously. Lu Mingfei wanted to cover the tied and naked big sisters, but it was too late.

Xie Wan stared blankly for a few seconds, and a touch of red gradually crept to the base of her ears.

"Hmm... the taste is very unique." She turned around with her hands behind her back and muttered softly.

"Thank you... thank you... Xie Wan?"

Lu Mingfei hurriedly covered the pirated comic, thinking that he would never get through this fucking life. He glanced at her easily carrying the water bottle and subconsciously said, "You have such strength... uh, you wake up so early." ah?"

"Aren't you the same?" Xie Wan didn't deliberately embarrass him. She turned around and smiled at Lu Mingfei, blinked, and then picked up the kettle in her hand, "I want to give little Q a bath."

"Oh." Lu Mingfei scratched his head, "Using so much water?"

"That little thing goes out and runs around every day, always getting dirty, and it doesn't bathe well." Xie Wan had a loving smile on her lips, and her tone sounded like she was talking about her own child.

Thinking of this, Lu Mingfei couldn't help but laugh, but he was afraid that he would be impolite.

"You..." He lowered his voice and asked in a low voice, "Have you felt better recently?"

"Yeah! I feel much better!" The girl nodded vigorously, put the kettle in her hand on the ground, stretched out her hand solemnly, and said with a smile, "Lu Mingfei, thank you for the advice you gave me."

"No way, you should have figured it out yourself...hiss!" Lu Mingfei smiled dryly and stretched out his hand to shake it.

But when the two hands held each other, a chill instantly poured into his body, reaching the bottom of Lu Mingfei's heart. He couldn't help but shiver, feeling as if his crotch had been ripped off in the street.

Taking a breath, I seemed to be able to smell a slightly weird smell of lemon and a faint smell of burning vegetation.

"Why are your hands so cold?" Lu Mingfei's eyes twitched and he blurted, "Your blood circulation is not very good."

"It's okay, it's a small problem." Xie Wan smiled and retracted her hand without explaining, "Come to my place to play when you have time, and I'll treat you to a small cake."

After saying polite words, Xie Wan waved to Lu Mingfei, picked up the kettle and left.

Just after her figure completely disappeared from sight, a low voice suddenly came from behind.

"Ahem, boy, do you have a good relationship with that girl?"

It turned out to be the man from the newsstand, with a mysterious expression on his face, and he glanced in the direction Xie Wan left from time to time.

"Ah?" Lu Mingfei turned to look at him in shock and explained, "We are classmates."

"Ahem, classmate." The uncle touched his beard and said with a hint of meaning, "I advise you to try not to have contact with her."

Lu Mingfei frowned and asked, "Why?"

"She has a dog, and it's very strange that she treats it like her own son. You should know that, right?"

The uncle said mysteriously, and couldn't help but complain in a low voice: "That damn dog is so annoying. He peed at the door of the newsstand several times without saying anything. One time he went in and pooped on my bed. That's so annoying." Smell..."

Lu Mingfei interrupted impatiently: "Is it because of this?"

"Of course it's not just this. How could I argue with a little girl just because of this?"

The uncle was interrupted from complaining, glanced at Lu Mingfei dissatisfied, and said: "You don't know, last night, probably in the middle of the night, I woke up from peeing, so I went to the toilet next to the first floor to drain the water."

"I was drowsily blown by the wind and shivered. As soon as I opened my eyes, my dear, I saw the light on the first floor was still on, and there was a shadow sitting upright in front of the window. Sitting there looked like a Straightforward."

"I was wondering what I was doing so late at night, and then I got closer, and guess what?"

Having said this, the uncle paused for a moment in a pretentious manner. When he saw Lu Mingfei looking at him intently, he lowered his voice with satisfaction: "I heard her mumbling something unknown."

What are you talking about?

What kind of thing is this?

Lu Mingfei couldn't help but was speechless for a while, and said casually: "Maybe he's memorizing words."

"No!" The uncle suddenly became anxious and said quickly, "When I listened carefully, she was talking to herself... No! It seemed like she was talking to someone, but there was obviously no one in front of her!"

"I was so frightened that I woke up and wondered if she was sleepwalking... so I didn't dare to call her."

"What happened next?" Lu Mingfei asked subconsciously.

"After she muttered for a while, she suddenly started pulling her hair and banging her head on the table, which was so hard that it was so scary and weird, like a ghost!"

Seemingly remembering that scene again, the uncle shuddered and whispered: "I was so frightened that I didn't dare to move. I kept standing until she turned around and went back to sleep. My old bones were frozen solid!"

As he spoke, there was still a tremor in his voice, which showed that he was still frightened when he mentioned what happened last night.

Lu Mingfei was also frightened when he heard this. He could tell that the old man was not talking nonsense, but he also had some doubts in his heart.

If what this uncle said is true, then Xie Wan talking to herself like a man possessed at night may be related to her mental disorder.

However, judging from the current state just now, it is obviously much better, and the complexion is not as bad as before. Obviously, having a pet has a very good effect.

Lu Mingfei guessed that Xie Wan should seek psychological treatment from a professional, otherwise it would be difficult to overcome this psychological barrier by just relying on himself.

However, according to what the uncle saw and heard, the other party acted abnormally again. Is there something wrong again?

Lu Mingfei thought about it over and over, but couldn't figure it out.

I could only make a decision secretly in my heart. I would find an opportunity to have a heart-to-heart talk with Xie Wan today.


The countdown to the college entrance examination on the blackboard was once again shortened by one day by the teacher, and the learning atmosphere in the classroom was as tight as a sealed urn.

Lu Mingfei was sitting in the back seat, with the window slightly opened half way through the few cracks in the urn. Only by getting closer could the cool air outside blow in.

Occasionally sporadic mist drifted in outside the window, and a strange smell could be smelled. Something had grown moss and turned green.

He just sat on the stool, turning his head and staring at an empty table, chair and bench at the back of the classroom in a daze. His eyes had not moved since class until now.

Even if occasionally the teacher angrily whips him up to answer a question, he whimpers and mumbles, then sits down and continues to be in a daze, staring blankly at the empty seat like a stone.

Those are Xie Wan's tables and chairs.

She didn't come to school today.

This made Lu Mingfei feel some inexplicable uneasiness.

Jingle Bell! !

The bell rang for the last class. The teacher on the podium put away his books, gave a few instructions about the college entrance examination and review, and then turned around and left.

The classroom became noisy again, and the students gathered their books and stood up.

The boys left the classroom and loudly discussed going to the Internet cafe to relax, while the girls chatted happily about the latest lipstick colors and bags.

Liu Miaomiao was surrounded by the group of girls, looking like the center of the girls.

But if Su Xiaoqiang is still there, she will naturally be the one wrapped up.

Liu Miaomiao may also be familiar with luxury goods such as luxury bags, but she can never replace Su Xiaoqiang's status among girls.

Because no matter which latest women's product they talk about, they can always find new models in stock at Su Xiaoqiang's home.

From time to time, it would be lent to others for a few days. If Jiang Shouyun chatted with her for a few words today, it would be normal for Jiang Shouyun to be in a good mood and give it to them directly.

"Oh, things are really different."

When Chen Wenwen finally left, Lu Mingfei stretched out his joints, which were stiff from sitting for a long time, and sighed secretly with emotion.

Then he picked up his schoolbag, walked out of the classroom, and walked slowly around the campus.

When passing by the gymnasium, Lu Mingfei glanced at it accidentally and suddenly stopped.

Night gradually fell, the temperature became colder, and the fog became thicker. The building was washed white by the fog, and loomed like it was sticky and melted in the fog.

Only the white light swaying behind the glass looked like a square cup filled with sake in the fog, with a few crystal clear ice cubes melting into the wine.

"Huh?" Lu Mingfei frowned and looked down at his watch, "At this time... the gymnasium should have been cleared long ago. Why is there still anyone there?"

After hesitating for a moment, thinking that he didn't have to go to the Children's Palace to practice swordsmanship today, and not in a hurry to go home, he finally walked to the gymnasium.


At the same time, inside the dimly lit gymnasium.

Liu Miaomiao was arranging her long hair while looking at her mobile phone in a daze.

"I'm waiting for you in the gym."

On the phone was a text message from Zhao Menghua.

He asked her to come to the gym to find him alone after school.

To be honest, I have a little fondness for Zhao Menghua and Liu Miaomiao. I don't know if it's because of liking or... jealousy.

Many people think that Chen Wenwen and Zhao Menghua are a couple, but Zhao Menghua made an appointment to meet here alone...

If a boy asks a girl to meet at the gym, what will happen?

Which girl is not vain, which girl doesn't want her boyfriend to be handsome, tall, and rich, and which girl can resist the offensive of romantic confession?

Liu Miaomiao suddenly felt a little nervous, but also a little expectant, and looked around.

The gymnasium was already empty. The huge venue seemed extremely empty, and there was no sign of Zhao Menghua.

"Really, where is it?"

Liu Miaomiao muttered in her heart while walking towards the center of the gymnasium.

Suddenly, there was a "pop" in the entire gymnasium, and the only remaining lights were turned off, plunging into darkness.

Instantly falling into darkness, Liu Miaomiao stood there helplessly and shouted tremblingly: "Zhao Menghua..."

The sound echoed in the empty stadium, the silence was terrifying, but there was no response from any sound.

"Don't scare me, I'm angry!" Liu Miaomiao felt like she was about to cry.

Suddenly, a rhythmic "bang bang" sound rang out in the empty gymnasium. She was startled and looked for a way out, only to see a ball-shaped object jumping and rolling down from the stands.

At the same time, she also felt someone coming down from the stands.

You can hear the footsteps slowly walking down the steps, with a sense of lightness and joy coming from the heart.

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