Dragon King I Am Supreme

Chapter 1082: Assassin's Spirit

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The sword gas collided with the wooden door, and a muffled sound erupted.

Without any accident, the wooden door was chopped into two sections by the sword strength of Lin Tianyou's blessing, and fell to the ground, turning into a mass of Yin.

"Che, is this still your ultimate ghost art? Too disappointing Ben."

Lin Tianyou didn't even cast half of his power, the opponent's ghost door was chopped.

Seems to be a futile garbage ghost.

Anyway, Lin Tianyou was disappointed.

Neither saw Luban's new treasures nor the highlights of Luban's ghost art.

"Disappointed you?"

Luban said with a strange smile:

"Relax, you won't be disappointed."

The words fell, and his mischief was performed again.

A giant salamander with a height of three meters appeared.

It had a saber in his hand.

The sword lingers on, and the quality is just as good as his dragon-patterned sword.

"It really is a local hero and hero, this time it made a lot of money!"

Lin Tianyou licked his lips, all eyes were proud.

"Bad sword guard, beat me!"

Luban ordered.

His order was to defeat, not to kill, but there was still a trace of kindness in his heart.

After all, he is just a craftsman, making tools is his job.

Killing things, that's what the Mighty Generals, or the Sword Spirits do.

He didn't want to go against his original intention.

Jian Dawei held the saber-knife with a length of two meters in both hands and rushed towards Lin Tianyou.

The bloated and bulky body suddenly accelerated when running.

The blade flashed a cold light, with a boundless cold mang, violently chopped to Lin Tianyou.

Lin Tianyou smiled without looking at the knife.

His dragon-shaped sword greeted him at will, and smashed together with the huge slashing sword.

boom! !!

The sword collided with the sword, and the ground around seemed to be shaking.

The strong wind also centered on them, spreading in all directions.

Lin Tianyou determined that his opponent's knife would be shaken by his sword.

But after playing, it was unexpected.

Not only did the opponent's slashing sword not fall, but instead the blade of his dragon-shaped sword, he was hit by a force that made a gap!

Lin Tianyou was very surprised. This awkward feeling was extremely strange.

"What's happening? The soul power of this puppet has not increased, and there is no blessing on the sword that can smash my sword.

But why did my dragon sword break a gap? "

Lin Tianyou has never encountered such a weird scene since practicing sword at the age of three.

"Li Bai, what's the matter with him? He turned against the sword and lost half a stroke?"

The Yue woman looked worried, pulled Li Bai and asked loudly.

"I can't see that the sword of the protagonist, who has been replaced by anyone, has already been defeated.

But the sword guard had nothing at all, but prevailed, strange, too strange! "

Li Bai shook his head, and he was bothered by the scene.

"Gai Nie, you are known as the Sword Master. Can you see any famous churches?"

The Yue Nu turned to Gainie again, hoping that he could give an answer.

"The sword sword guard's power is only slightly stronger than that of Lu Ban's sword sword guard before.

The reason why the principal loses is because his strength is reduced. "

With many years of understanding of Kendo, Gai Nie said such an incomprehensible sentence.

"Where was it lowered? I didn't feel it at all!"

The goddess of Yue turned, and felt that Lin Tianyou's soul power on the sword was obviously stronger than when he did not exert his soul power.

Where does it look like it has weakened?

"Don't worry, if the Dragon King is in danger, I will rush over the first time, use my drums to beat the golden hammer, and blast that Luban into meat dregs!"

Li Yuanba comforted when all the spirits showed concern.

But he felt he didn't have to go out at all.

Because once the Ghost Dragon King got serious, even if Luban was more powerful, he would be killed by the Ghost Dragon King with one sword.

However, he has experienced the sword trick of Ghost Dragon King, which is not a sword power that ordinary ghosts and heroes can easily follow.

"That's the effect of the axe of the ghost class.

It is rumored that the strength of a person who has been in trouble will be forcibly lowered. For a certain period of time, no matter how strong that person is, as long as he is against the caster, he will not be able to compete, and the strength will be forcibly weakened! "

At this time, Zhuge Liang came over and explained to everyone:

"It is also because of this ghost technique that Luban, who was originally not strong, has suddenly become a strong person who cannot be underestimated in the spirits and spirits."

"So, isn't the protagonist dangerous?

Zhuge, you are a military division, what can you do to crack it? "

Xue Rengui stepped forward and asked loudly.

"There are two ways.

The first method is to kill Luban by the third party.

After he died, ghost art disappeared automatically.

The second way is to escape.

Flee until the effect of Banmen's axe disappears.

Apart from these two solutions, there is no third solution. "

Zhu Geliang told everyone what he knew without reservation.

"I went to kill Luban ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ I am an assassin. I can appear behind him without knowing it. If you appear, you will be shocked to him!"

The assassin, who hasn't had any sense of existence, is a spiritual master, and speaks.

At this time, it was the opportunity for him to show his skills.

"Well, it's okay, you can assassinate him. As long as the demolishing technique of Banmen is awkward, Luban becomes a fish that can be slaughtered by others, and can no longer afford any big waves.

Zhuge Liang nodded in agreement.

Nodding his head, his body flashed, and the whole person disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"Dream King, you give up, now you can't beat me at all!"

Luban's ultimate ghost art was exhibited, which made his self-confidence even more abundant.

As long as he was cruel, Jian Dawei could immediately kill Lin Tianyou.

Lin Tianyou ignored him, but showed a sarcasm smile to Lu Ban.

"Okay, you are stubborn, so don't blame me for being cruel and ruthless, stab the sword guard and chop Ghost Dragon King into a half-dead state!"

Lu Ban was furious. He had repeatedly and persuaded Lin Tianyou to admit defeat, but he did not admit defeat.

In this case, Lin Tianyou had to suffer.

Gao Dawei held up his sword, and filled his strength, aimed at Lin Tianyou's head, and suddenly cut off.

The blade wind whistled out, with the terrible cold swordman.

This was the first time that Lu Ban had let the attacker re-attack. The purpose was to give Lin Tianyou a miserable lesson so that he could know that Lu Ban was not so provocative.

Just in Lu Ban thought that Lin Tianyou would be severely injured by this knife.

"噗嗤", there was a sharp pain in his back.

Then a dagger the size of a fish intestine pierced the chest, and blood ran down the sharp dagger.

This made Lu Ban's eyes shrink, and his face was full of incredible expression.

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