Dream Realizer

Chapter 1108 Conquer

Are you ready to fight?

Moreover, Li Mu's plan is not round, and there is an Adam of the Temple Palace secretly stamped.

So, I want to play a little.

The chaotic pun is killed.

When all people didn't respond, the situation was in the control of the dream teacher, this is the consistent method of Li Muyuanmun.

When everyone is ready, then leave the crowd, one ride, waiting for them, waiting for them, achieving their own purpose is enough, and the results are not a result.


Speaking of raids.

Li Mu took the public immortal, turned to the West, and Wu Wang Zhihui, with the 20,000 elite troops outside the city of Xiyu, the immortal uses a quarter, wrapped hundreds of thousands of soldiers, Rading rushed to the song.

Original plot.

Wu Wang is ruined, following the rules of war, and passing five times all the way.

After all, the West is replacing the Shang Dynasty, and it needs all the way to grab the land, turning the people into their own, teaching, supplementing the soldiers, etc.

The military mobilization, the supply of logistics, etc. is all problems.

A battle, a few years, it is easy to play, so they will never dare to be like Li Mu, and they have nothing to do with the song.

In-depth hinterland, not only in the surrounding, not only, the West will become easily attacked, and if you don't leave God, you will lose.

It's so playing with Li Xiaobai.

Now, the mode of war is completely overlooked by Li Xiaobai.

Li Xiaobai went to Zhong Million Army, plus the latter bureau, but also used five or six days.

According to his play, the soldiers took a few days to deal with it.

Come in ancient times, which general has the skills of Li Xiaobai, maybe the saints are, but there is no special situation, the sacred gold fairy will not intervene the war, and it is not good for death.

This time, the battle of the gods in the Dynasty, nor is it to help the gods to kill robbery and resolve causations.

Unable to have a uniqueness, the culprit from the root changed the situation of the war.

Li Mu did not play away all the disciples of Xiqi, took away the people of the prisoners and others, and left to Ji Haimen is still the Southern Palace, and the old ministers such as the scent.

When they left, Xiji resumed quiet, there was no colorful celebration cloud in the top of the godhead, all kinds of magic weapons, and the sky of Xiqi returned to blue, everything was like a dream.

Simply opened a meeting, Ji Diazhi decided to point the soldiers, and the king of the king.

During my life, the soup will be destroyed, and the big week is the protagonist.

As a result, under Li Xiaobai's settlement, the Ji family spent hundreds of years, so as good as the dragon case!

Ji is not willing!

The most critical point, even if Li Xiaobai eats meat, he is drinking soup behind him, he also has to follow.


Li Xiaobai didn't care about his father.

When he won the Jiangshan, Jiang Mountain, the emperor did not know to sit.

As for Li Xiaobai, it will be defeated, and Ji Vinci has never considered this ...


A rainbow did not enter a song.

After entering the city.

After returning to the human form, he has a face of iron, and his hands stands with a gourd.

Sancha is really surrounded by him, protecting his body, walking into the position of suction.

On the ground, I have to set up my mind, no matter who it is, let him die under the fairy knife, and can consider the evilness in his heart.

He doesn't believe who can control the magic weapon after death.

On the land, I have been surprised to surprise the disciples, and I have driving in the upper half of the air.

"It's really awesome." Zhao Gongming rode the black tiger, overlooking the wolf of the wolf, "I used to use the Haizhu, kill him, export for Duobao" "

"The brother is waiting for." Yunxiao's mother stopped Zhao Gongming, said, "and see the skills of the alien. Since they have to act as the coach of Western, leading my discipline, don't take some real skills how to serve the public ? "

"The simple people who hit the mountains, all the words, all the world, the mana is also ignorant. But this thousands of miles will call the turtle, with this hand, I want to be over, I am afraid that I am idiotic." Macao Tongara Laughing on the side, "Luzhang three, the real fire, the nail, the seven arrows, the book is far less than the peak, not a general manager. We may wish to see what is used to take the land pressure, in the future It is also a good prevention. "

Qian Changjun and others also saw the landing of gourd flying over.

Adam left the team, became invisible, they didn't want to stay in the circle of the Academy of Sciences, and opened the battle in the square in front of the palace.

Zhu Ziyou's transposition is not worried that the painted land is sleepy, but the random transmission is too easy to surprise, it can still be good.

The close.

Several people have seen the white milliners in the red gourd.

The legendary, the head of the head is a flying knife, floating over the hoist, and may start at any time.

Zhu Zi looked at the hands of the long sword trembled, with English: "Old money, Xian Xian fly knife, the sharing can not hold?"

"Reassured, he can't say a spell." Qian Changjun looked at the land of the sky and said, "" From the spirit, land pressure is our first battle, can you see this in front of the cut disciple One time. "

It's late, it's fast.

On the landing, I also saw Zhu Zi, who was in front of the palace.

The closer it.

The stronger the suction from the sword.

It is like a special magic in the sword, so that his hands are ready to move, can't help but want to kneel in front of the person, reach out to the sword.

This thought is angry and horrible.

Especially in the sky, I saw the temporary interception in the sky. I thought that I had to take a sword in front of the cut disciple in him, he was a burst of shame.

Never take that things happen.

"Agrons!" Luzhang drunk, raised the red gourd, "Please treasure ..."


The manneps suddenly have been imprisoned, and the three real fires that are wrapped around him disappeared.

The landing rack couldn't stand the cloud, fiercely dropped from the air, and sat on the ground.

It's good to enter the song, the height of his flight is not low, it can't be reduced to fall, and it will not fall.

The arms legs have some scratches, but in his way, it is inexplicably healed.

However, there is a fullness of Zhu Ziyu, and it is not intended to be these small details at all.

The Xianxian flying knife is controlled with the heart, not because the mana disappears.

Moreover, the fairy knife is his most useful means, even if it falls from the air, there is no gourd to leave.

"Thief!" After climbing from the ground, continue to open the two thighs, and he will rush to Zhu Zi, and the distance between the two is getting closer and closer. He also cares so much, double Diab red, shout again: "Please a gourd ..."


A spring-shining picture suddenly broke into his mind.

Zhu Zi is still in the line of sight, but he can't think about it, it is concentrated in the spirit.

Lu Yu has already got a way in the ancient demon, and the mana is not a deeper. It is not necessary to be unspeakable. On the occasion of practice, travel to the people, and have seen the husband and wife.

But suddenly broke into his brain, and he is still the first experience.

Immediately lost god.

Immersed in the ultimate visual feast, even if the land is turned to live, I don't know how to tens of thousands of years, I don't know if there is such a gameplay ...

The heart is coming, it is fast.


The land was restored to the Qingming, and the eyes were getting closer and closer, he also saw the heroine in the mind, I don't know if it's dark, my face rose red, steel teeth "Demon, please baby ..."


Another wave of dynamic map has poured into his mind.

The spell was interrupted again.

The wings of the wings of the floating white mighthorn on the red gourd seems to be, what is the situation?

"Please Bao ..."

The third command landed again was interrupted again.

At this time.

Everything is late.

When he woke up, it was already holding hands in his hands, holding the sword of the pendulum sword, and the red gourd to the demon flying knife was thrown over.

The scene of the shame is still happening.

The land is frightened, and after he clamping the Jianfeng, the only weak force in the body was also imprisoned, and even the three trifle is not doing.

He is the crepe in the fire, the essence of the land, the spirit of the Sancha, and the birth control of the control.

He wanted to kneel down the sword, give him the opportunity, and use the three real fires to burn the other party. After that, after it is holding the Jianfeng, even his talent magic is also pressed.

Is this a styling of a sword?

too frightening!

Qian Changjun bent down and picked up the flying knife, smiled slightly: "Luzhang brother, don't be innocent."

"Hey!" With this humiliating posture, the sword was heard, and he had already anger, heard his head, a saliva, taking it on the face of Zhuzi.

Zhu Zi is a lightweight migraine missed.

There is still another reapoleum.

Zhu Ziyu glanced at him, said: "Lu, you can still hold it again, you can't save me, I am sure, I am a spit."

Land pressure togethers, and quickly shut his mouth.



Gongming puzzled look kneeling in front of Zhu Xi, especially of land pressure, asked: "? Three sister, you see how clear the matter yet."

Sky bewildered shook his head: "I only saw him suddenly fall from the sky, saying a few times after another half have been interrupted, but no feel any magic fluctuations, different people did not see any extra action if. they shot me, I have come to fear the same fate and land pressure, no way to prepare. "

Ma Sui Immortality: "To deal with them, for fear that really want to take them by pre-emptive a go, we will go on will land pressure, conveniently slide down and discuss our new commander illustrates teach how to play with. their supernatural powers, illustrates teach a fairy gold can not escape. "

"Ma brothers, Xiqi there are also different people." Choi Wan Road Fairy, "following several exclusive previews talent supernatural powers, but with different people Xiqi day defeat one million military record, but also the clothing explosion hobbies, If the next few different people means that we can not cope, I'm afraid the same can not cope with Xiaobai. "

The furniture, the sky a few people surprised a moment, looking carefully a lot, but now is not the time to discuss this, a cloud came to a head.


"Lu pressure, is that you in the plot against the old lady?" Treasure Taoist waltz out from the palace, especially in front of Zhu Xi nodded his head, looked at the knees with one hand take the sword of land pressure, mocking laugh.

"How was I?" Lu pressure pale gray defeat, "this time I was affected by this Zheru not fine art, but do not forget Haier, Xiqi there are different people, you have to like me indispensable, they were tortured some of."

"Daoxiong fear is no chance to see." Treasure Taoist shook his head and smiled, suddenly a hand shot to land pressure Tianling Gai, "causal loop, retribution unhappy, and set off around the corner, they cut the head to teach his fellow flag ceremony with it! "


In the land pressure panic in the eyes of his head like a watermelon, it crashed and broken, but death, still holding a sword pick position.

"Zhu Daoyou of amazing supernatural powers, many treasures in this thanked grace to help in it." Kill the land pressure, Dubbo turned to Zhu Xi Youhang Li, said, "dead land pressure, Pindao thought, illustrates teach can use it both up and down this method concocted ...... "

Saying half, land pressure cold voice suddenly sounded from behind Treasure Taoist: "Treasure, occasion, you kill me, I will fight you in life after life."

Dubbo suddenly turned, looked stunned as ever head do not know when the recovery of land pressure, a bit of shock, immortal?

"Treasure Daoxiong, in accordance with the previous agreement, to capture land pressure, I would be justifiably crusade Xiqi commander. Terrestrial life and death should pressure for me to decide." Qian Jun Long smiling at Dubbo, he said, "Do not consult me, you will be beheaded without land pressure. Daoxiong, you are breaking the rules of."


Our Lady of Hope, Our Lady, who no when the furniture around with him, looking bad looking at money long monarch.

Miyano Yuko Park and Ann really moving money around long Jun Cou Cou.

Park Ann really looked around, some do not understand why a low profile for so many years, long the king insisted, and money to teach a group of truncated bit what the commander in chief of chiefs fight?

What is the use that stuff, who serves as commander in chief does not like it?

Jun Qian Long and Treasure Taoist on the TV, forced a calm, he did not want to fight the commander in chief ah, can Xiaobai to instruct him that when the commander in chief, he dare not listen to orders ah!

Kneeling under the sword of land pressure looked at all tense, sneer again and again.

Zhaogong handcuffs in the top Jinbian.

Treasure Taoist heard the king because money grows tense and accelerated heartbeat, then glanced still with the sword of Zhu Xi, especially pressure to contain the landing, he suddenly smiled, take the initiative to step back: "Money fellow, indeed beyond Pindao a. Young gentlemen, withdraw it, we are nowhere military matters, should be a different person over the overall situation, and illustrates teach overwhelmed by war, different people also need to co-ordinate arrangements for everything. "

"Thank you Daoxiong." Treasure Taoist initiative to give way, the money is not too much to force the king long, dark sigh of relief, cut red Baoquan taught his disciples smiled and nodded his head and said, "military orders is not clear is the war taboo. Xiqi ferocious different people from my brother and sister a few people over the overall situation, in order to win a war, hope you for understanding. "

"Understanding." Truncated teach everyone in unison in response.

I did not fight?

Land pressure fundus of disappointment swept away.

Cut money to teach human impressed long-jun, the more he's anxious, really I want this time fear is losing our lives here.

Before, he had a glimpse into the different people of means, not the mountains of ......

Born in prehistoric land pressure, live longer, the more Ximing, to have a chance of survival, not want to die, it has been Dubbo broken skull, early let him regret the intestines are blue.

Who would have thought, but somehow alive.

This allows more he want to die.

The key is, dead into the Gods, it means life for heaven services.

Happy he used to, how could stand that kind of restraint, not to mention, Haotian God or his younger ......

Land pressure from positive thinking, money grows king's voice suddenly came: "Lu pressure Daoxiong, you would like to surrender to me, and I said you were cutting up Xiqi, catastrophe befell fellow, and Xiqi of different people? fear is inescapable relationship it! ...... "

Jun did not wait long to finish the money, land pressure is already very quickly: "The fellow was right, I was the downhill, gets all Xiqi different people confuse being captured fellow, Appreciating someone outside the party, Cheng Tang. but orthodox emperor, Lumou willing to help fellow, were discussed Xiqi ...... "

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