I did.

Bo tingshen: "what do you want to send?"

"I want to send... Expensive! Zhu's group has called me the endorsement fee for "breaking through the line of fire". Although only one fifth of it has passed through the company, it is already a huge sum of money for me. I can buy anything you want, president! "

When ye Xian shows his generosity, he doesn't forget to slander the company.

"Buy it?" Thin court deep handsome eyebrow tiny Cu, see to the bracelet on her hand, "is this your sincerity?"

"Isn't it sincerity to buy expensive ones?" Ye Xian muttered, "I haven't bought anything good for myself until now."

"What do you want?"

"I don't care..."

Bo tingshen: "say."

"If I have to, I want to buy a top sports car! It's very windy to run, which makes the whole street dumbfounded! "

Ye Xian is immersed in his beautiful fantasy, and his forehead is deeply knocked by Bo ting.

"Oh, President, why did you hit me?"

"Don't even think about it. Get your driver's license first."

Ye Xian: "I didn't expect that she, the champion of cik-fia championship, with A-class racing license, fell on the road of buying a car without a driver's license.

"I see. By the way, President, don't you like expensive gifts? If you don't like it, the cheaper one is better

Save money!

Bo tingshen picked up her right wrist, revealing the chain of jasmine bracelets, "no matter how expensive it is, is it expensive?"

Ye Xian looks at the bracelet, and it's true that... No, it's more than all her endorsement fees.

But this is a gift he gave her to renew her contract. If she doesn't renew her contract at that time, she will return it to him. There is no way to compare it.

"By the way, President, I always wanted to ask you, isn't this bracelet a BHS product? Why didn't I find its name on the official website? "

She still wondered what SX meant.

"Limited edition, just one."

So precious!

Ye Xian was surprised, "who is his designer?"

"Why do you ask this?"

"Because this bracelet is very beautiful. It's totally on my aesthetic point."

Bo tingshen raised his eyelids and was pleased by her words, "a genius."

"No wonder it's so powerful!"

As a student majoring in jewelry design, ye Xian wanted to ask this talented designer for some knowledge about design.

Bo tingshen rolled down her sleeve. "So, I want a unique gift, too."

Ye Xian: "OK."

A unique gift?

Ye Xian has been taking a bath in the bathroom, still thinking about what is unique, thinking about, and thinking about Bo tingshen.

Come out with a bath towel, and your cell phone has been knocked out.

It's all Zhu Shanshan's phone.

"Hello?" She went back. At that end, Zhu Shanshan said excitedly, "Ye Xian, I love you so much. I've just finished watching the plot of the world and the battle of the top stream. You are so wonderful! What peerless fairy man, I miss you so much, Wuwuwuwu! Why aren't you a man? If you are a man, I'll stick to you and get you too... "

Ye Xian listened to her talk and said, "don't you like my brother? What's your recent development with him? "

As soon as ye Shaowen was mentioned, Zhu Shanshan immediately withered, "Oh, don't mention it."

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