Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1792: Strong || rapist

Su Zhiguo was dumb and speechless.

Liu Yuerong immediately opened the mouth and said: "Zhiguo, how can this be good? Acacia is only sixteen, this has a relationship with a minor girl, this can... this can..."

Gu Changming said angrily: "It's strong||rape!"

Gu Xiangsi was stunned for a moment, a little panicked, strong||rape? ?

Strong||The rapist?

How could such a crime be held on his head!

She immediately said: "No, I did it voluntarily, I seduce him!"

Upon hearing this, Su Jincheng looked up at her in shock.

She would never forget it for almost a lifetime, when he looked at her gaze.

It was shock, injury, and disappointment.

At that time, she didn't understand what the gaze meant, but she didn't understand until later that he must have thought that she and Liu Yuerong were in the same group, thinking that she was setting him up.

But at that time, her thinking was really simple.

She looked arrogant and powerful, but at that time she didn't even understand the affairs of men and women.

Seeing the dark red on the bed, she didn't even know if she had ever had any relationship with him.

But she knows that kind of situation, if you say no.

No one will believe it.

But she just feels that it's okay even if others don't believe it.

Anyway, it's already like this now, it's better to admit it and let him marry her.

She just wants to marry him, anyway, she never cares about the eyes of others, as long as she can be with him, the relationship can be cultivated slowly, and there will always be.

But she was too naive, naive and stupid.

She thought that as long as she confessed, he would not be a rape. She thought that as long as she confessed, her father would compromise as before and let him marry her.

But she was wrong.

She doesn't care about the rumors, but that's because she has a strong backing.

But he is different, he has nothing, even the situation is difficult.

And her father did not compromise as she thought.

He was really angry.

He sued him for the crime of strong||rape, and since then he has been called a rapist.

Knowing that he was going to be arrested and imprisoned, she finally succumbed.

She knelt in the yard for three whole days, neither eating nor drinking, for her stupidity and ridiculousness.

She fainted until the heavy rain poured out.

The father finally gave in a little.

She lay pale on the hospital bed and looked at him, softly weak: "If he goes to jail, I will commit suicide."

She and her father always go head-to-head like this, this sentence makes father annoyed again.

But she didn't dare to block, she didn't want to ruin the boy's life just because of her few words.

She climbed down from the bed, knelt at her father’s feet and held him tightly in tears: "Dad, please. I beg you, okay...he can't go to jail...he can't go to jail!"

"I will definitely be obedient in the future, I must be obedient. I will listen to what you say, and I will never talk back. I know I was wrong..."

Gu Changming looked at her and said after a long while: "You can't see him again."

She nodded hurriedly, clutching her father's shirt tightly as if clutching the last straw.

"He can't stay in Haicheng." Gu Changming said coldly.

She was in a daze. After a while, she lowered her eyes and said softly: "Okay."

A week later, she learned that Su Jincheng was driven out of Haicheng, and she couldn't even go to see him.

He has since disappeared in the sea of ​​people, in his world.

It's as if this person has never been here.

After he left, she never heard from him again.

The relationship between her and her father is getting worse and worse. She seldom quarrels loudly with him again and talks back, more just silent resistance and indifference.

She just waited, waiting for the boy who belonged to her to come back.

Until later, she ran into Jiang Sihan giving him medicine, and she stiffened Li Daitao.

It was also that time that she finally realized that he really hadn't touched her back then.

It was also that time, she had Zi Xi.

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