Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1804: Who told you what?

After opening the door, seeing Gu Xiangsi sitting on the sofa watching TV, he raised his eyes and glanced at her lightly, and saw that the food on the table hadn't moved.

Wen said: "Did not eat?"

During this time, although the relationship between the two has not eased, at least he will cook and she will eat.

He went to pick her up from get off work, and she would not refuse.

Gu Xiangsi just stared at the TV, as if he hadn't heard him at all, and drank the wine on his own.

Upon seeing this, Su Jincheng didn't say anything again.

Only the few wine bottles on the coffee table frowned slightly.

She should have taken the wine indiscriminately, including foreign wine and red wine.

Some have a low degree, but only a bottle of foreign wine is not low, and at this moment it has already fallen for more than half.

Su Jincheng walked up to her and reached out for her wine glass: "Don't drink it, burn your stomach."

Gu Xiangsi clutched the wine glass tightly, glanced at him indifferently, and snatched the wine glass back.

Immediately, she ignored him.

The line of sight fell on the TV, as if watching the show seriously.

Su Jincheng glanced at her lightly, ignored her, turned around and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

Gu Xiangsi's eyes were cold, and he kept filling himself.

She didn't dare to think about Zheng Lingyu's words.

Even more afraid to tell Ma Ma the news.

She didn't even know where to find her father.

It seemed that at this moment, besides sitting here, she didn't know what else she could do.

The sound of water in the bathroom quickly sounded, and Gu Xiangsi still watched the TV seriously and lost consciousness.

Until Su Jincheng came out of the shower and saw that she was still drinking on the sofa, he frowned and picked up the remote control to turn off the TV. Standing in front of her, he looked at her directly and said: "Go to bed and send you to your unit tomorrow morning."

Gu Xiangsi chuckled and looked at him sarcastically, "Who are you? What are you!"

Su Jincheng was silent, with a cold gaze, just looking at her like that.

Gu Xiangsi got up from the sofa, stood firmly on the armrest, poured the wine in his hand from the top of his head, his eyes were cold and smiled.

The bright red liquid slid down his wet hair, and soon wetted his dark blue pajamas.

Su Jincheng did not hide, her eyes getting colder and colder, as cold as the ice of a deep well.

Gu Xiangsi threw the cup on the ground, smiled sarcastically, turned around and left.

Su Jincheng slammed her back and pulled her back: "Speak clearly."

Gu Xiangsi slapped her hand when she raised her hand.

With a ‘pop’, his crisp slap was **** his jade-white face.

Su Jincheng looked at her directly, his eyes getting colder and colder, and slowly said: "Who said something to you?"

Gu Xiangsi sneered at him and said sarcastically: "Say it clearly? Say what? When are you going to lie to me? You behave like this every day, don't you feel sick!"

Gu Xiangsi pushed him away, tears streaming down his face, and the more he talked, the more excited he was, and he said hysterically: "What do you say? Who else do you want to say? You killed my dad, and you are satisfied now! Are you satisfied now?"

Before Su Jincheng could say anything, Gu Xiangsi walked to the dining table and raised his hand and overturned the entire table.

The delicate bowls and chopsticks crackled all over the floor, and the untouched food was spilled all over the floor. It seemed that it was not enough to relieve his breath, and he smashed the vase and jadeware on the ground.

"Who do you show these meals every day? While plotting to murder my father, while making these things, do you treat me as a fool! What do you think of me? Do you treat me as a fool?" Gu Xiangsi red eyes. Angrily spoke.

She felt like a lunatic at the moment, but she couldn't hold it anymore.

Gu Changming's death was like the last straw to crush her.

She couldn't find any reason to persist.

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