Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1990: Never mentioned to him

Was it that if she hadn't let her go, she wouldn't have this disease.

Is it true that if he cares more about her, he will find that her is wrong.

He grew up with her little by little, went to school with her, and played games with her.

He taught her to read, and he bought her beautiful dresses.

He once wanted to put his beloved sister on the cusp of his heart. He had been tortured by illness for so long, but he didn't know it until now.

Jun sighed and hugged him: "You can't cry, otherwise I will laugh at you."

"That's it." Jun Chengen choked up and said.

"I'm here, I'm here." Jun Liao comforted him softly.

Even she herself was a little surprised, but the calmest person so far seems to be her.

The two were silent for a long time, until Jun Chengen gradually calmed down, and then he told him: "Brother, if I'm not here anymore, you should take good care of yourself, and don't just take care of your life if you are busy with work. Mumu's mother..."

"Okay, don't say it!" Jun Chengen interrupted in a deep voice, feeling a little excited.

Jun looked at him and fell silent.

Jun Chengen's eyes were red, and he looked at her directly and said: "You will be fine, and I don't want to listen to this. My sister of Jun Chengen will definitely live a long life!"

Jun looked at him and smiled softly, and said warmly: "Okay, then live a long life."

The two did not mention this topic again, but Jun Chengen asked: "It is because Xu Yuankai knows this that he is not good to you?"

"Xu Yuankai?" Jun was stunned for a moment, a little dazed.

"Don't he know your illness?" Jun Chengen asked.

Jun thought for a while, and slowly shook his head: "I never mentioned to him..."

During the time she and Xu Yuankai were together, although there were countless times she wanted to go to the hospital for review.

But I was really struggling, even if I had some spare money in my hand, I was afraid that it would be used at any time, so I didn't dare to spend it randomly.

And at that time, she was tired and uncomfortable every day, although she also often had stomach pains, but to be honest, there was nothing in her body that was uncomfortable.

So she didn't care too much, and she was more confident that there was no evidence left.

Can listen to my brother, Xu Yuankai told them about her illness?

But how would he know...

Jun was still thinking about it, Jun Chengen also frowned, his eyes gloomy.

"Eat first, you have to take good care of your stomach now." Jun Chengen said again.

But when he talked about this, his eyes darkened again.

Indeed, nourish the stomach?

However, I neither drink nor smoke. Although I don't eat a lot, three meals a day at school can be considered regular.

His family has no history of gastric cancer. How can he get gastric cancer at this age?

Looking at the girl who bowed his head to eat in front of him, Jun Chengen's thoughts were a little complicated.

Because his parents died early, he had to get involved in the business after he took over the business of Jun's family. Alcohol and meat were indispensable.

Even his stomach is fine. Why did he get stomach cancer?

Because he was afraid that Jun Chengen was worried, Jun worked hard to eat more.

But in Jun Chengen's opinion, she still ate too little.

But he didn't understand the disease, so he didn't dare to persuade her, but kept asking her if she was full and if she was uncomfortable.

The siblings were chatting, but Rong Chen did not come back.

Jun Chengen frowned and looked at the time. At ten o'clock in the night, he didn't know if they had discussed a plan.

It took another half an hour before Rong Chen finally pushed the door in.

After seeing Jun Chengen, I nodded with him, then walked to the bedside to take a look at Jun, and said warmly, "Are there any discomforts?"

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