"Speed is the point in this Rule. Destroy your enemies as quickly as you can on my signal!

In Tateyama Fort, the defense of the retreat continues. I don't think humans can afford to send rescue here... but let's be careful.

I wait quietly for each executive to arrive at the placement.

--Chloe, Leila, Iron, Red, Flora, ready!

Follow my voice and the men shake their heads vertically.

--Yatarou, Isayoyi, Saburou, get ready!

They then shook their heads vertically, usually in charge of defense.

--Start invading Fort Minami! Destroy all enemies!!

On my signal, my men began an invasion of Fort Minami.

I meditated and held my right hand against the ground.

― Governance

The ground swayed, and a black vortex about 30 cm in diameter swallowed up the surrounding space at the tip of the folded right hand.

The screen of the smartphone displays familiar sentences.

Rule has begun.

"We have declared our rule to the hostile forces within our reach."

"Eliminate all hostile forces in effective range within 180 minutes."

"Alert, I am detecting the presence of hostile forces within effective range. Please eliminate it immediately."

'Show map in valid range? Yes no

Message that flows to the smartphone screen continuously.

I took out the "loudspeaker" without checking the screen on my smartphone.

I tell the humans of Fort Nam! I am Theon of the Aster Empire. Did you hear the "Rule" alarm? Unfortunately this time... let's apologize for not being able to give advice at all. I will bet you on my name, which mankind calls "Thirteen Ferocious Stars"! We will destroy all those who show hostility within three hours! Drop your weapon and crawl on your stomach! This is the final recommendation. Let me pray that my life will not be wasted. "

I've finished my advice. I'll check the map on my smartphone.

The number of humans in the "Rule" area is about 30,000.

Is the number of red dots indicating hostility about 30% of the total?

Is it because the main forces of Fort Minami are heading for Tateyama? The enemy had less combat power than expected.

Or was the heart of the enemy broken by more than 100,000 troops in the history of the Aster Empire?

Currently, the power to defend the dominant territory is equal to zero. Now you can invade at the bottom with a free pass.

However, it will not be possible to reach the lowest level of my dominance within three hours.

Level and number of violence.

The Aster Empire, which grew up to be said to be one of the largest forces in the country, showed its true intentions.

"Fufufufu! This is invasion!

Yatarou, who is experiencing an invasion for the first time, laughs and sends a magical rain to mankind.

"It's a good moon tonight... come on! Thank you for being my Lord Zion's bread!

Isaac shook his spear on the front line and took many human lives.

"Hmm... Isaac's Dialogue... Not bad!? First disaster, tonight's moon is beautiful! Looks like you're celebrating us!

"Commander, when we show the power of Team J, Dessne,"

"Ha-ha-ha! That's right, Team J. Demonstrate our power!

A group of ex-democratic kings led by Saburou overwhelms mankind with their own power.

"You guys! Meet Theon's expectations!

"The farce is over! Show us what you can do!

Chloe, Leila and the others are furious as if they were clearing the blues of the farce.

The armies of the Aster Empire, outnumbered by forces, defeated mankind at an overwhelming speed, and the hearts of mankind that saw its appearance broke one after another.

Sixty minutes from the start of the reign.

The number of red dots already showing hostility is well below 1,000.

Ninety minutes from the start of the reign.


An auger group led by Red destroyed the door blocking the entrance to Fort Minami.

"Ha ha ha! Team J! You're the first!

"Ah! Fuck! Don't fuck with me!"

From the destroyed door, Team J, led by Saburo, descends into Fort Minami.

Tell all Aster Emperors! I forbid attacks on those who crawl! Humans who demonstrate hostility - destroy them immediately!

I will again inform mankind, through my orders to my men, that the surrender is valid.

The number of red dots... 100?

Is it time to go into fine tuning?

Chloe! There are thirteen hostile humans around here! Destroy it!

I use "loudspeakers," as humans can hear, to give instructions to my men.

"Who is the fool who defies Theon!

When Chloe takes care of and gradually defeats the surrounding humans, the 13 red dots that showed hostile intentions disappear.

After that, I kept giving instructions for fine tuning....

120 minutes after the start of the reign.

All the red dots in the "Rule" area disappeared.

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